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I actually fucking hate myself so much for doing this. I seriously hate it, I hate it all.
Like a lot of the time, I make dumb mistakes. Sometimes big oopsies. This was one of those times. I'll be finishing off this story, I did rewrite some things so it would be a smoother ending.
Heres some important things:
Chapter 25 is the last chapter; it's the ending
You can call me a dumbass, I mean I'm calling myself that too
Chapters I had posted after 25 were deleted, not because I thought they were bad; mainly because, again, I'm a dumbass
I remember when I thought this story would be my "masterpiece" now I don't give a fuck whether a story does good or bad. I simply enjoy writing them, and when I don't I don't write it.
Again, and I hate repeating this, but Originally chapter 25 was supposed to be the last chapter, but that's when I made the oopsie. Now it actually is the last chapter, so yea.
If people stumble across this and get confused, here's what happened
There was 39 chapters, I disliked the last 15, so I edited some stuff, and bam now there's 25. Again, I'm sorry about this, but I'd rather have a story with an ending than a story I know I'm not going to continue.

I still fucking hate myself, but at least I got something done.

Hope ya enjoyed I guess. I don't know what else to say. I'll be working on other stories since I'm getting back into writing smut, as well as writing depressing stories, but yea. Hope ya enjoyed! It's been real, it's been good, but it ain't been real good.

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