Chapter 7

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George widened his eyes as his heart started pounding rapidly. He blushed slightly, since Dream rarely called him that. It was Dream, the man who he wanted to be with, the man he fell in love with in seconds. George's face was pure red, while still being shocked.

Dream wheezed at the sight, while George was trying to think of something to say. "If it makes you feel any better, you looked good when you were passed out," Dream said, trying to lighten the mood for George. George scoffed.

"Thanks, that totally makes my entire body not sore anymore," He said sarcastically. Dream was thinking of other things causing him to have a slightly pink face, George giggling when he noticed. "What are you thinking of, Dream?" George's voice was low, talking in a slow pace, bringing out more of his accent.

At this point Dream's face was very red, as George laughed loudly. Dream moved the chair directly next to George, and sat down.

"Be honest gogy, what the fuck were you thinking? Going past a red light, knowing it was raining? What the fuck man?" George stopped laughing and coughed slightly before thinking of an answer.

"I-I wanted to see you," George responded with an innocent voice. Dream scoffs before leaning back in his chair.

"I wanted to see you too, not like this though," He said before yawning loudly, filling the silence in the room. George smiled slightly before fiddling with his fingers. He didn't want to be awkward, but he just fantasized about this man. He wished Dream had feelings, but he didn't want to be weird. 'Hey Dream, do you like me?' George cringed at the thought of asking that.

Dream groaned as his toe stubbed the leg of George's bed, he got close, directly in his face. "Seriously George, what the actual fuck?" Dream wasn't angry, but annoyed this was the way they see each other in person. It was supposed to be a relaxed, fun time. Instead, George is in a hospital bed and Dream hasn't slept in two days. "Also how the fuck are we driving home? Your car is gone and I flew here soo."

George sat up slightly, his stomach still hurting. "We'll walk, my house isn't far from here."

"You're gonna walk or do you want me to carry you?" Dream asked, glancing at George's legs. He looked in no walking condition.

"Carry me, please." George fake cried into the pillow while Dream giggled. "You would like that, wouldn't you Dream."

"If my friend wasn't a fucking idiot I wouldn't have to carry you, but yea I'd enjoy taking care of you. Like a little baby," Dream got up and went to the door. "Can I get some coffee?" George nodded in response.

George looked down, and the blanket was in an awkward position, looking like a mountain; luckily Dream hadn't noticed. He adjusts himself quickly, shifting around in bed. George was tired, sore, but Dream was here. It made all his pain go away, knowing his best friend flew all the way here, just for him.

Best friend. I want more.

George had wanted to date Dream, he had thought about it twice now.  He pushed his thoughts to the back of his head as Dream entered the room again, this time with some iced coffee in a plastic cup.

Dream smiled as he sat down on the chair next to George, smirking as he looked at George's lower half. George quickly moved the blanked and Dream laughed at his failed attempt to hide it.

George quickly tried to change the subject, not wanting to get more embarrassed than he already is.

"So, how's England?"

"I've only been here a couple hours George and it looks boring." Dream responded with, sipping some of the coffee.

"You haven't seen the good parts, Dreamie," Dream giggled at the name. He hadn't been paying attention to how England looked like, because, ya know; his friend was in the fucking hospital, possibly dying. Dream adjusted himself on the chair to get more comfortable.

"So, how long are you staying here?" George asked, hoping it was forever. Dream moved his hair around before thinking of an answer. Honestly, he wasn't sure. He wanted to make sure he was with George, taking care of him.

"As long as you want, I'm all yours," Dream put his hand on George's head, moving through George's soft, brown hair. He slowly moved his hand down to George's lips, rubbing slightly above them; George's face was red. He placed his fingers on George's chin, getting closer; but keeping a slight distance. George turned his gaze directly into Dream's eyes. Dream would mention how they were green, although to George they looked like a mixture of green and yellow.

Dream moved his entire body closer, scooting the chair towards George. He was smirking, knowing how flustered he was making George. He moved his hand down to George's neck, keeping it hovering above it.

"Do ya want it, George?" Dream said in a slightly seductive voice, still smirking while looking directly into George's chocolate brown eyes. George maintained eye contact while bursting in laughter; Dream following suit.

George laughed to get rid of the awkwardness filling the room, but secretly wished it was real. He wished Dream had feelings, he thought Dream was completely joking, but he wasn't. Dream was dead serious, trying to not make George uncomfortable. It wasn't easy to register through his deep voice, but Dream wanted it. He wanted it to be real, just like George did.

Dream leaned back in his chair rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand while drinking the rest of his coffee. It was 7am, the sun finally coming out. Dream smiled as he placed a hand on top of George's, which was on his stomach. Dream giggled as his hand completely covered George's, hiding it. George turned his hand so they were locking hands; fingers intertwined. Dream blushed slightly at the bold move, while George smiled.

"So, are you gonna sleep? Or just stay up all night? You can sleep next to me, if you want." George didn't want to beg for Dream to sleep with him, but he desperately wanted it; he needed it. Dream smiled as George scooted to his side of the bed, offering room for Dream. Dream quickly took the offer, taking up the other portion of the bed.

George giggled at how fast Dream fell asleep, hearing some snoring. George laid back on his pillow, facing Dream. He closed his eyes, he wasn't that tired. But he decided to sleep anyway, he widened his eyes when Dream put a hand on his shoulder, encouraging him to get closer. He accepted; placing a hand on Dream's back; feeling Dream's heavy breath on his face. He didn't mind, he enjoyed it, being this close to Dream. A couple minutes later, both of the men were out, completely asleep.

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