Chapter 17

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Tw: Blood, knife, gun, death

One bullet. Directly hit Dream's spine


Dream yelped in pain as he fell to the ground. Some of the people had tried to calm Fundy down, one pulling the gun out of his hand. Fundy pulled out his machete, running towards Dream who was on the floor, crying as George tried to comfort him.

A loud shot was heard throughout the area. Fundy fell directly onto the ground; blood seeping from the back of his head onto the floor. Dream, still crying, scoots over to get closer to George. George was sobbing loudly, some of the people there gave him weird looks; he didn't care.

"G-George, I d-don't f-feel my l-legs." George cries into his palms, as one of the people there called an ambulance. Dream was shaking, his mask had fallen off; his dress had torn and laid on the grass. He was wearing the same clothes he had worn when Fundy had taken him.

Dream still had the cut on his eyebrow from Fundy. He wiped the tears off George's face, as the ambulance arrived. George and Wilbur carried Dream to the car, dropping him off.

"I love you, Dream." George said quickly before they left. George sprints to his car, starts it and waited for a couple of minutes.

"I'm sorry, George. I hope he gets better." Wilbur said before George started driving. He was definitely going over the speed limit, but he eventually caught up with the vehicle. He slowed down as he wiped his tears with a tissue in his car.

He followed the car until they stopped at a nearby hospital. He swiftly parked before leaving and walking towards the large building. It was beige and white on the inside. People direct him into the room where Dream was. He looked into the window, doctors were frantically running around as Dream laid there in the bed; pretty much motionless.


It was quiet. George sat in the waiting room, his chin rested on his palms. Tears ran down his cheeks. Nobody had entered or left. The nurse at the front kept typing and reading papers, George looked down at the floor, his gaze wandered throughout the white tiles that were there. Doctors had left and joined the room countless times by now. George looked up as one of them called his name, signaling for him to enter the room.

George stood up, walking towards the doctor slowly. He glanced into the room for a second before pushing the door open. Dream laid there on the bed. He was awake, but he showed no movement. George sat down in the chair while the doctor held a clipboard in his hand.

"Good news and bad news. Good news, he's not dead! Bad news, he will be paralyzed for the remainder of his life. We recommend that you stay with us to help him recover." The doctor said while writing some things down rapidly on the piece of paper. He eyed Dream, who held his hand out to George, who quickly took it. "You can visit everyday and we expect him to be out in a month; he will still be paralyzed, most likely stuck in a wheelchair, but it's better than death." The doctor added, leaving the room.

George sighed as the doctor left the room. He glanced at Dream, who was playing with George's hand. He smiled as Dream had fun, it still hurt. It hurt, because it felt like it was George's fault.

If I hadn't objected, he wouldn't be paralyzed; it's my fault.

George watched as the doctor came back with a standard wheelchair, placing it next to Dream. The doctor, along with George carried Dream into the chair, placing him in it. Dream looked down onto the ground, his gaze; defeated. He didn't like George seeing him like this; seeing him helpless.

"Why don't you give it a try?" The doctor said with an encouraging smile. Dream slowly placed his hands on the handles. Moving them as he drove forward. He got used to it quickly, and in an hour of training, he understood most of it. "He will stay here for a week, then we decide what's next. If we think he's ready, he can leave; if not, he'll stay for another two weeks." The doctor said.

Dream rubbed his forehead as he slowly moved towards George, sitting next to him. Dream held George's hand, bringing it to his lap. The doctor had given him all the equipment necessary for now. George carried Dream onto the hospital bed. Dream laid there, glancing at George.

"I love you, George. I-I'm sorry; for saying everything I said, I didn't mean it." Dream felt himself tearing up as his voice became less and less steady as he talked. George walked up to him and kissed his forehead before sitting back down in the chair.

"I know, god I missed you so much. I love you too, Dream; I always will." George intertwined his fingers with Dream's. Dream smiled at the affectionate act; he brought George's hand to his face and delivered a soft kiss; watching as George blushed.

"I'll stay with you everyday, Dream. I'll never leave you, I promise." George sighed as he tried to calm himself. It had only been a couple hours since the wedding. They brought two cups of water to the two men, laying it out on the table next to the bed. George helped Dream sit up, glancing at his motionless legs before handing him the water. Dream quickly drank it, handing George the other glass. George smiled as he handed it back to Dream, who shrugged and continued drinking more.

"I missed you so much, Dream," George said while moving his hand to his chin, holding it up.

"I missed you too, it felt horrible. I had to say things I regret, and I always thought about you, I needed you." Dream looked into George's chocolate brown eyes before leaning in and delivering a deep kiss on George's lips. George sighed into it, he missed this feeling. Dream pulled back as George caught his breath. Dream smiled at George, before laying his head back. George left a note on Dream's nightstand.

I love you Dream, never forget that. I'll be back soon, with some extra clothes so I can stay with you. I know you, Dream. You're the strongest person I know; you'll recover, I believe in you. I will help you as much as I can."


He drew a small heart next to his name, before placing it on the table next to Dream. He left the room and drove home.

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