Chapter 16

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Why did this have to happen? I need George, I can't deal with this lunatic.


It was early morning; the sun slowly rose. George placed a hand in front of his eyes to shield them, when he remembered what day it was. It was the wedding day. He pulled out the suit he used to wear while going to church. He grimaced at the blood stains that covered most of it. He rummaged through the closet, he found another suit that was tighter. He decided it would work.

Dream hadn't slept at all, eyebags had started to form for not sleeping these past three days at all. He was still handcuffed, red lines starting to form at his wrists. Fundy had set the dress on a table in the basement. Fundy had set his own suit next to the dress. Dream wished he could do something, anything.

11:08 am. George had two hours left before the wedding. He had everything ready. He didn't even know why he was going to the wedding. Maybe just to see Dream again. Maybe just to see him one last time. All these thoughts, it confused him. Did Dream want to marry Fundy? Did Dream really break up with me? Did Dream mean all of this.

Fundy allowed Dream to stand up and walk around, but kept him handcuffed. His legs felt wobbly, he stretched and kept walking around, not that he could do much. Fundy still had the machete in his left hand, a cigarette in his right. Fundy had already put on his suit. Fundy kept telling him what to say and what not to say.

"You might see George there. You cannot talk to him at all. One word to him and you're dead. No matter what." Fundy said as he placed the knife in a small pouch. They were about to leave, so was George. They had everything ready. There was going to be a wedding cake with Dream and Fundy on it. It was like a normal wedding, even if it was fake. Dream was annoyed, annoyed he had to 'marry' Fundy, even if he didn't mean it. If George saw him, he didn't know what he would do.

He just wanted to be with George, all he wanted. He needed it. Only three days without him, and he could barely live. It all sucked. He watched as Fundy loaded his pistol.

"Time to put on your dress, Dream!" Fundy handed him the white dress, signaling for the bathroom. Dream quickly changed into it. Fundy had unhandcuffed him, but he couldn't do much, Fundy had the pistol in hand. The dress fit well, a little too big, but it would work.

"I love you, Dream." Fundy said immediately as Dream exited the bathroom. Dream stayed silent. Fundy cocked the gun again. "Say it back, bitch." Fundy held the gun in his hand, twirling it around.

"I love you," Dream said reluctantly. Every word, every second; it sucked. He didn't want to say it, but seeing George is all he wanted; needed. Just one last time. He didn't care what happened after. Just one moment, one second with George.

George started his car, quickly driving to the address that was on the notepad. He adjusted his tie, as he stayed in his car; waiting. Other cars arrive in the parking lot. He watched as a bunch of people he didn't recognize arrived; they were Fundy's personal friends. He recognized Wilbur, Tubbo and Tommy. Most couldn't make it since they didn't live in England.

Dream adjusted his dress slightly as he entered the car. Fundy drove, he was handcuffed again; for the remainder of the car ride. Fundy had said he would uncuff him, but he can't pull any stunts. Dream complied. It was nearing 1pm, the time of the wedding. They pulled into the parking lot. Fundy uncuffed him as Dream shook his hands in relief.

Fundy showed off his pistol one last time, before signaling for Dream to open his door. He was wearing the mask, which shortened his vision. He could still see, but the mask was a hassle. His white dress extended to the floor, some dragging along it. Fundy threw his cigarette onto the floor.

He moved to the back of the car to pull some equipment out, noticing gas was dripping from a pipe on his car. He didn't pay attention to it, as he pulled out his tie and quickly placed it. Ten minutes remained until the wedding was supposed to start.

George got out of his car, Fundy watched him while grinning ear to ear. George turned away as he walked to one of the chairs. The wedding area was nice, flowers decorated most of it. Plastic chairs had been lined up, as well as a bible on a lectern. The lectern was on a stand, which was where Dream and Fundy would stand and exchange vows. Two rings sat in a small, plastic box on one of the chairs in the front. George felt tears quickly appear at his eyes, he wiped them away before sitting down.

People were already sitting in most of the chairs. Someone stood at the lectern, holding some papers in his hands. Dream slowly walked to the stand, George watching him. Dream didn't notice, he expected George didn't care about him anymore. He stood on one side of the lectern, Fundy standing on the other side. Dream looked into Fundy's eyes, while the man started talking. Dream couldn't pay attention. He barely was listening. He had zoned out. They had started exchanging vows. After that the person kept talking, saying things that Dream couldn't understand.

The person had said something, and stopped talking; waiting. Dream hadn't paid attention, he was still distracted; a sudden voice changed that.

"I object!" The voice, it sounded familiar; too familiar. He widened his eyes as they wandered to the chairs. One person was standing, while others let out small remarks and gasps. George.

George stood up, tears still forming in his eyes. Dream had shifted his attention to the shorter. The blond ran, the dress got in the way slightly. People had stood up to the sound of a gun loading. Some ran away, some tried to get in the way.

One bullet. One bullet directly hit Dream's spine.

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