Chapter 6

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Aidan, the doctor immediately called Clay. He dialed the number and Dream walked to the kitchen to get his phone again.

"Hello, you were in George Davidson's emergency contacts. He is in London Bridge Hospital currently in stable condition, we hope to see you here soon. We wish you safe travels." Dream dropped his phone on the carpet while Aidan hung up. He didn't know what to do, or what happened to George. Either way, he knew what he had to do.

He booked a ticket and flight, it was 4pm and the nearest flight was 6:35pm. Perfect Dream thought, he started his car, packed some clothes; and swiftly entered his car. The roads were mostly empty, Dream only having to stop once or twice. He held in his tears while driving, trying to stay calm. This wasn't the first time George could have died, but to Dream this was different.

Why did George put me in his emergency contacts? I don't even live in the same country as him.

He remembered George's father was a fucking dumbass, so that explains it. When he arrived at the airport, it was very full, however he was able to get on the plane on time. He knew it would take a couple of hours to even get there, then he had to call a cab to drive him there.

I didn't fucking think this through.

How was he going to drive back? Probably George's car or a cab. Except George's car was currently on a hill, splattered with blood on the inside, Dream didn't know that, yet. He closed his eyes on the plane.

What the fuck happened George? What the fuck?

He could feel tears accumulating at his eyes, slowly falling. He didn't care about the other people staring at him. He cried, and cried, and cried. He was on the window seat, so not everybody noticed.

As the plane landed, Dream quickly took his suitcase and ran. England looked so weird. He had never been there, but it looked so different. He tried to find a cab, but to no avail. He goes on google maps and finds London Bridge Hospital.

37 minutes, fuck.

He starts walking there, the traffic around him being the only noise he could hear. It wasn't raining, but there were clouds out. He really didn't want to have to walk in the rain. He started pacing up, going faster and faster. A speed walk turned into a jog, a jog into running, running into a sprint. He was rushing, he was so close, yet so far.

He slowed down a bit to rest, being only a couple minutes away. He drinks some water from a water fountain nearby before entering the building. It was very tall, had large letters on the front, and was crowded by other buildings. A slight drizzle was coming on, so Dream quickly entered. He looked at the white tiling on the floor and at the bland room, before walking up to the person at the front desk.

"H-Hey I need to see my friend h-his name is G-George Davidson," He stutters slightly before the woman at the front directed him through the hospital, which was huge; it felt like a maze. The woman dropped him off at room 32, and allowed Clay to enter. Clay looked at the pale boy on the bed in front of him, passed out. There was visible blood underneath his clothes. He picked up a clipboard on the table nearby.

Car Crash.

He was worried about how they were gonna get home, where they were gonna go. At least he was here, with George. He pulled a chair from outside into the small, cramped, hospital room. He placed it in front George's bed, slightly to the left of it. He sighed before waiting, and waiting. He did nothing. The tear marks were faint, but noticeable. He could feel more tears, wanting to come out. He heard the door open as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Hi sir. He was involved in a car crash, fell down a hill, and passed out. He's doing fine, but we urge you to stay here. Hopefully you can drive him back to his house." Aidan quickly entered the room while talking to Dream. He did a couple of quick tests on George, before leaving the room again.

Dream stared at the boy, he stared for what felt like a day. Nearing midnight, he decided to stay with him, leaning back in the chair he was in.

George was out, gone. He wouldn't be awake for a few more hours, his mind empty. He was done, he had no way to get home, he didn't know what to do after he woke up. Dream drinks some of his water before leaning back in the chair again, trying to close his eyes. Without wanting to, he dozed off, his head leaning slightly to the side.

George shuffled in the bed, he opened his eyes and groaned at the harsh light. He used a hand to block some of it, before noticing a man in the chair in front of him. He was asleep, completely; some drool daring to drip from his lips onto his shirt. He had blond hair that covered some of his forehead. His nose was a tan, as well as his face and the visible parts of his arm. He looked interesting, someone George would consider hot. Someone George wished he was dating, someone he wished was his. He didn't look like he was from britain, but he didn't know who the hell he was.

He wanted to ask him, question him. But he decided to close his eyes, realizing everything that just happened. He crashed, he didn't get to see Dream, he'll never get that opportunity again. He sighed as he felt the door open, alerting both men.

Dream woke up from his sleep, yawning before glancing at the clock on the wall; 3:29am. He exhaled loudly and stretched his arm.

"Hi George, welcome back! We're happy you're awake, you'll have to stay here a couple days, but you're doing fine! No broken bones, just a bunch of bruises." The doctor was ecstatic, while George could barely keep his eyes open. Aidan quickly left the room leaving the two men there. George tried to sit up, but groaned loudly as he clenched his stomach, holding it in pain. The man in the chair walked up to him, moving his hand and gently pushing him back onto the pillow, evident he did not want him to sit up.

"Who the fuck are you?!" George asked, slightly yelling, but not loud enough for Aidan to hear from outside. The man giggled before walking back to his chair. George furrowed his eyebrows, still wanting an answer.

"Hey Georgie."

Word Count: 1148

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