Chapter 22

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TW: Depictions of Violence, death

Clay finally finished rolling up the hill. He noticed it almost instantly.

Air. Humid air, small crackling noises, there was a fire nearby. Distant grunting noises. Yells, loud yelling. Dark, the sun had set not too long ago.

No no no no no.

Smoke appearing through the treetops, the yelling grew louder. Sweat was running down Clay's forehead, he heard the yells become closer and closer as he moved towards the noises.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

He entered the vast grass area, trees surrounding it. A fire was producing smoke that overcame the leaves of the trees. Chanting, yelling; grunting, gunshots.

Fuck no, please.

The chanting increased before it slowly died down. The gunshots stopped entirely. Dream felt tears blur his vision, he could barely see what was happening; but he could hear, everything. The yelling remained, someone yelling in agony and pain. Suddenly, the fire sparkled and crackled, increasing in size as a very loud yell was emitted from the area.

Dream watched as the figures standing there left. The chanting had stopped. The grunting had stopped; they yelling stayed. He slowly moved towards the center of the forest.

Shit, don't be real; please.

The emerald green grass that coated the ground had turned a grayish color. Ashes and smoke still rose from the bright red flame. He watched as the fire slowly died down to a small flame, before fizzling out.


George. His lifeless body laid motionless on the pile of sticks and wood. His stomach and face were covered with bruises and burns. He had stopped yelling. Dream tried holding in the tears while calling for an ambulance, anything.

"H-Help please, my f-fiance is dying, I-I don't know- I don't know what to do." Dream's voice was shaky, he stumbled across his words as he spoke to the person on the other line. They quickly asked for the location, which Dream swiftly gave. He moved towards George, using his hands to push him towards the grass, nearby the street; so that they were closer to the house.

He looked at George, who didn't move; who didn't react to anything. He placed his hand on George's cheek, looking at the burns that covered his face. An ambulance finally arrived, the noise being evident across the small town.

They quickly took George, Dream started strolling, trying to follow them before one of them placed him inside the vehicle; next to George. He cried into his palms. He cried and cried, watching the people inside the vehicle try and help George; it wasn't working.

They arrived in the hospital not long after. One of the nurses helped push Dream inside. They drop him off in the waiting room; he was confused. He started moving before a nurse quickly halted him.

"Sorry sir, we're not allowing anyone to enter at the moment. You can wait here." She said before quickly opening the door, and locking it. George was gone.



I need you to come to England.


George is in the hospital


It'll take a while to fly there, so idk how long until I'm there

But I'm headed to the airport now

Dream sighed before putting his phone in his pocket. Tear marks laid across his cheeks, he watched as doctors frantically entered and exited the room. For those next two hours; Dream was alone, completely alone.


"Hello sir," A nurse had left the room, and was talking to Dream. She gave a small smile, while walking up to him. "I'm really sorry. We tried, almost all of our doctors were there, trying. He-," The nurse cleared her throat. "He passed away."

Tears. Tears ran down his face; he cringed at the salty taste on his lips. He tried wiping them away; but it seemed every time he did a new batch would appear. His eyes were red, pure red. He banged the wall, people who were sitting across from him were startled. He hated it. He lost it. He's gone; it's over.

He tried regaining his composure, he had to go to the airport in a couple of hours; and he had to go there by foot, or by wheelchair, which would take forever. He entered the room either way. The boy's face was pale, except for the excessive markings on his entire body. He wasn't breathing. It was true, he's gone.

He left the room quickly; he didn't want to see the sight anymore. He didn't want to look at the poor boy, who was robbed of his life. Who was taken, kidnapped; and killed.

He opened the door, before quickly leaving the hospital entirely. He headed towards the airport. It was far away, which is why he left 4 hours early. He still had tears in his eyes. The memory of staring George directly in the eyes while he was dying, would haunt him. It hurt seeing George in pain, it hurts he'll never get to see George again.


It was dark, the sun was setting; it was 8pm. Dream was sitting in the airport, waiting. Sapnap said he would be there by 8pm, which he wasn't. Dream wiped most of the tears off, although his eyes were almost blood red and his cheeks were covered with stains.

Sapnap was on his way, he got lost in the vast area. He couldn't find his bag, and he was distracted most of the time. He finally found it, it was hidden and clumped with other bags. He swiftly walked away from the bags. He looked around confused. He couldn't find Dream, he had already seen Dream's face; so he knew what he looked like. But he couldn't find him. A hand raised, Sapnap saw it, he looked to where the hand was coming from. It was Dream, or at least looked like Dream. He walked towards him.

"Dream?" Sapnap looked at him bewildered. Dream nodded, Sapnap placed his bag on the floor. "What happened?"

Dream felt his anger rise. "'What happened?' now you fucking care, isn't that cute." Sapnap looked at him confused. "You son of a bitch! You abandoned us. You never texted, or called; or anything. We hadn't been streaming, we hadn't been posting, and you never gave two shits!" Dream glared at him as he talked.

"Listen Dream, calm dow-,"

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! George is dead, you should have been here. You should have checked up on us."

"I was busy, Dream." Sapnap responded.

"NO YOU FUCKING WEREN'T! You streamed every single day, you lying bitch!" Sapnap tried placing his hand on Dream's arm, who quickly pulled it away. "AND NOW GEORGE IS DEAD! You should have been here! You should have cared." Dream started moving away when Sapnap tried to grab his shoulder. He failed, Dream was leaving.

Sapnap easily caught up to him, but Dream ignored everything he was saying.

"Dream, you need to calm down; please." Sapnap stood directly in front of Dream, eyeing him.

"Calm down, I'm not going to fucking calm down," He mumbled, before turning slightly to the left and passing Sapnap.

"Dream, listen to me, please. You need to talk to someone, I know what you're going through." Sapnap said, before once again blocking Dream's path.

"I'm not talking to anyone. You don't know how I feel. You barely fucking care, do you?" Dream's voice was serious, deep. He wasn't crying anymore; all he could feel was anger. All he wanted was for George to be back; for this to all be fake. But it wasn't fake.

"Dream, I'm taking you to a therapist, or you'll talk to me. Those are your options." Sapnap said before going behind Dream and helping him out of the airport.

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