Chapter 8

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Some mature content ahead, read at your own risk.

George was the first to wake up, and tried to get up. Dream's arm was blocking his way out, and he was sore as fuck. They said the car crash wasn't that bad, but all of George's body hurt. He didn't mind, he liked being with Dream; in this position.

Dream was only wearing boxers, his abs and muscles being easily revealed to George. Dream's heavy breathing directly on George's face, his arms wrapped around him, one of his legs on top of George's. George was stuck completely, but he didn't care; considering he was this close to Dream.

Dream shifted in bed slightly, before stretching his hands up allowing George to escape; but he stayed there. Dream turned his body, directly facing George, looking into his eyes. George blushed as Dream placed his hand on his head, playing with his hair. Dream moved his other hand onto George's chin, making him keep the awkward eye-contact. George tried looking away, causing Dream to pull on his hair slightly; not enough to hurt him, but to get his attention. Dream giggled as George scoffed and moved back slightly. Dream let go of his arms, and let George free, George missing the warm embrace.

Dream sits up as the doctor knocks on the door. Dream puts on his sweatpants again as he opens the door. Aidan enters the room with suspicious eyes, does some tests on George, picks up some paperwork; then leaves. Dream sits down on the bed, and takes his sweatpants off again, getting comfortable.

"Like the view, George?" Dream smirked while talking in a low voice, shifting around before laying back on the bed. George turned around giving Dream his back, Dream quickly hugging him before George groaned in pain; Dream pulled back, holding in his laughter.

George sat up slightly, still in pain, and drank some water. He didn't know what to do for the day, it was 3pm; and George couldn't walk.

"I'll get you some food, if you want." George nods in response as Dream leaves the room. George moves the blanket of his lap, and tries standing up; to his surprise he was able to stand. He slowly walked to the door, locking it.

He walks back to the bed, and laid down. He didn't know what to feel about Dream, everything changed when he met him in person. Sure, they had flirted on stream, but both clarified it was a joke at the end. It didn't feel like a joke this time, it felt like Dream was being serious.

Dream wasn't straight, but George didn't know that. Dream never really looked for someone, but once he met George things changed. George was a good friend, funny, they had similar interests. But when Dream saw his facecam, his face, his eyes; his hair.

He didn't know how to react, he knew he was gay, but would George be comfortable with that? They were just friends; that's all they were. Dream accepted it, he didn't want to push George.

George pulls down the shorts they gave him, along with his boxers. He kept his shirt on, later regretting it. He saw his erect member.

God, did me cuddling with Dream do this.

George had no idea why he was aroused, it's just what friends do, right? George himself knew friends don't cuddle each other in boxers; it felt like Dream was just making fun of George, teasing him; which he was. George slowly lifted his hand and placed it on his length. Still sore, he wasn't able to move his hand that fast, slowly pumping his throbbing boner.

He groans quietly, thinking of Dream. All the things he wanted to do with him, scream his name while Dream constantly hit his prostate. Hear Dream whisper things in his ear, while tying him up. George felt so guilty, yet so good. He moved his hand faster, and faster; until it was going as fast as he could. He moans again, rubbing the precum leaking from his dick onto the tip.

He keeps going, not stopping until he felt it. He was close, he kept going, even faster now. He moans loudly while splattering cum all over his t-shirt.

Knock Knock.

Dream was outside, and George was loud, too loud. From outside the door, he was able to hear the beautiful noises George was emitting. He could feel his sweatpants rub against his half hard dick. He knocks again, hearing light cursing from George.

"Coming!" George said before noticing his shirt, he slowly takes it off and turns it inside out. Sure, the cum was very uncomfortable against his chest, but it was better than Dream noticing it.

If you looked closely, you would see the white stains, but George couldn't do anything about it. He opens the door and sees Dream, walking into the room with a tray of food from the hospital. George awkwardly smiles while Dream smirks at him, glancing down at George's shorts, noticing the tent that was being produced.

George quickly walks away and enters the bed, luckily the white, sticky substance hadn't landed on the bed. He sits up while Dream places the tray in front of George. He sits back down in the chair, looking at George's shirt; it was tinted white in the center.

George pats the bed next to him, wanting Dream to sit next to him; which Dream quickly does. Sitting down he places his hand on George's shirt, directly where it was stained. George quickly recoiled at the touch, but stayed in the same spot. Dream moves his hand around, hearing the odd noises it made. It was sticky, he smirked while George looked down into his lap, avoiding eye contact. Dream's hand glided down George's hair to his chin, moving it slowly until they were centimeters apart. Dream's green eyes looked directly into George's eyes. George's face was still a bright red, while his hand was on Dream's hip, his other on his own lap.

Dream pulled back slightly, letting go of his hand, but staying rather close. George pouts while Dream looks at him, smiling. Dream was about to say something but before he could, George quickly closed the gap in between the two, kissing him. Dream placed his hands on the sides of George's face, while George shifted slightly, so he was on Dream's lap. Dream kissed back, while fighting for dominance, which he quickly won. Dream embraced the soft moans the smaller was letting into his mouth during the now messy make out session. Dream pulled back, along with George. He looked at George, watching him as he panted, catching his breath. He eyed Dream with a look, Dream knew exactly what he wanted.

Word Count: 1131

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