Chapter 9

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Very Mature content ahead, read at your own risk.

Dream removed his own shirt before removing George's, noticing the stain on it. George's face turned red while Dream adjusted himself, pushing George gently so that he was on his back. He placed his large hands at George's waistband, eyeing him. George nodded, quickly gasping as Dream practically ripped his shorts off; as well as his boxers.

"Safe word is blue," Dream whispered into George's ear, before moving back and admiring George. George's dick was leaking precum again, almost fully hard. Dream placed his hand on his length, slowly stroking it; causing George to moan quietly.

"C'mon baby, let me hear those noises," Dream said seductively, still holding George's member. George bit his lip, trying to hide his moans. Dream looked at him annoyed, before smirking and licking George's dick from the shaft to the tip, before taking it all in. George let out a loud moan, as Dream licked his slit and tip, before starting to deep throat him.

George placed his hand on top of Dream's head, wanting him to go faster. Dream pulled off, and chucked slightly.

"Beg for it, slut," George let out a soft moan as he thrusted into the air, wanting more, needing more.

"Please, I need it," George watched as Dream placed his hand on George's face, looking at him directly in the eye.

"Need what? Be specific kitten," George blushed at the name, he moved down on the bed, so that both men were on the same level. George rubbed his erect dick on Dream's boxers, causing Dream to groan at the friction. Dream removes his boxers, leaving both men completely naked.

"Fuck me, please." George practically moaned, while Dream smirked. He knew what George wanted, he knew exactly what he wanted. He placed his hand on top of George's head, while moving up on him, so he was straddling his stomach; his dick directly in front of George's mouth. He gripped his hair, before scooting up, placing the tip on top of George's lips.

"Open up for Daddy," George parted his lips, before taking most of it in. He thought he couldn't fit all 8 inches in, but surprised himself when Dream moved forwards, causing his dick to go even deeper.

George moaned around his dick, causing even more pleasure. Dream could feel the tip of his dick on George's warm, tight throat. Everything felt so fucking good. All he could feel was pleasure as he started to buck his hips. Once Dream could feel himself getting close, he quickly pulled out.

George coughed for a moment before looking at Dream, lust filling both of the boy's eyes. Dream slowly moved his fingers up George's body, reaching his chest. He moves forward, and starts leaving kisses along George's neck while squeezing and pinching his nipples; causing George to moan.

Dream moved his head up and kissed George again, letting go of his chest, slowly placing his fingers in front of George's mouth. George sucked and covered them in saliva, Dream watching him. Once Dream thought it was enough, he pulled them out. He slowly went down to George's ass, squeezing slightly, causing George to wince in pain; he was still sore from the crash.

"Sorry baby, I'll be soft; for now." He places his finger at George's hole, before pushing in. "Is this your first time?" Dream asked.

"M-Maybe," George responded, while Dream started thrusting; causing George to whimper. He noticed how fast the boy adjusted to it, so he added another one, causing George to scrunch his face at the stretch. It stung, but it felt so good; too good. George moaned loudly as Dream accidentally hit his prostate, his throbbing member leaking even more precum.

Dream noticed George was close, so he quickly pulled his fingers out, causing George to whine. Dream spat in his own hand a couple times, before starting to jerk himself off; trying to make it hurt less for George.

He placed the tip at George's hole, and moved forward to kiss George, allowing his dick to enter George. Tears threatened falling down George's face, while Dream's didn't move, waiting for George to adjust. He planted kisses along George's chest, before going to George's face, initiating another kiss. He stayed there for a while, before pulling back.

George nodded at Dream, giving him approval to move. He started slow, not wanting George to get hurt. George moaned as Dream sped up without noticing. Dream placed one of his hands on George's hip, while the other snaked up George's chest, playing with his nipples while George moaned loudly; Dream had hit his sweet spot.

George was going crazy, all he could feel was pleasure, his entire body shaking and trembling. Some tears fell down his face, but it felt so fucking good. George placed his hands on Dream's stomach, while Dream slowly moved his hand down to George's throbbing erection.

He quickly moved his hand up and down, up and down; causing George to moan loudly again. It didn't take too long before George came all over his chest and some on his leg. George tightened around Dream, Dream thrusted one last time before filling George with the white substance.

George moaned softly as he felt the liquid fill him, while Dream pulled out. Dream watched as the liquid slowly dripped from George's asshole onto the bed. George stayed in the same position, all of his body hurt; but for some reason he loved it. It felt so good, even if it hurt.

Dream got some baby wipes which were on the table next to the bed, and tried cleaning both of them. He picked up his boxers and sweatpants, and placed them into a bag while getting another pair from his suitcase. He pulled a pair out for George too, knowing it would be too big for him. He quickly changed and helped George into the clothes, noticing how the shirt was huge.

"Dream this doesn't fucking fit me," Dream giggled as he pulled George into some shorts. Dream smiled as he changed the sheets, placing George into the chair next to his bed. After he changed it he placed George onto the bed before laying down with him.

"I love you, George."

Word Count: 1039

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