Chapter 24

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Present time

"Sapnap, you're not taking me to a therapist." Dream said as Sapnap kept pushing him.

"Dream," Sapnap started to say as he kept pushing him, "You gotta move on,"

"Can we go to walmart?" Dream asked.

"Wow, you really moved on. Uh- sure." Sapnap said before pulling his phone out and starting to walk towards Walmart. Dream moved Sapnap's hands from pushing him, and he started to move himself.

It was a boring time. Dream asked Sapnap to come to England, now he wants him to leave. It almost seemed like Sapnap didn't care, that he didn't care about George's death.

They both entered the large store, multiple people were already inside. Quiet music played in the background that filled the silence. Dream started moving around the vast, open store; going into every aisle. He found one with a very small, tiny knife; almost the size of a finger. It was fairly sharp, Dream looked behind him, Sapnap wasn't paying attention to him. Now's my chance. He quickly picks up the knife, Sapnap turns his head and sprints towards him.

"DREAM! You gotta stop man." Sapnap pulled the tiny knife out of Dream's hand and away from his neck. "I'm taking you to a therapist, that's final." Dream glared at him, Sapnap held the knife in the air; and placed it on a shelf he knew Dream couldn't reach. "I need to use the bathroom, STAY HERE." He walked backwards slowly, then jogged to the restroom.

Dream sighed and started rolling to the front desk. He looked to the left and right, checking for others, before talking to the man at the desk. "Hi sir. Do you have any firearms available?"

The man laughed at him before examining him. "Nope, this isn't the US, this is England." He chuckled as he walked away into the room behind the desk. He came back with a tiny pistol, and some ammunition. "We don't do this at all, so keep quiet about this." He winked before walking away. Dream heard the bathroom flush loudly, and hid the gun in his left pocket. He strolled back and returned to his original spot, awaiting his friend.

Sapnap swung the door open, and started walking towards Dream. "Okay, good. We're headed to a therapist." Dream glanced at him and placed his chin on his hand.

"Can we not, please." Dream made a puppy eyes face, and looked Sapnap in the eye.

"Where do you want to go? It can't be a store." Sapnap sighed, he placed his hands on Dream's chair and pushed him out of Walmart.

"Movie theater? I want to watch a new movie that came out, me and G-," Dream cut himself off as he felt tears reach his eyes again. "Me and George were supposed to watch it, before- before h-he died." Dream let a tear slowly roll down his face as Sapnap pushed him towards the mall. It was very dark outside, it was difficult to see. Dream was actually telling the truth, he was going to watch this movie after his visit to the hospital.

The mall was large, a vast space filled the cent. What felt like thousands of doors littered the entire area. People walked around, tons of them. It was difficult to navigate the large building, but they finally found the theater.

"Dream, I'm sorry. I deal with these types of things differently than most people, so I'm sorry if you think I don't care. I do care, and that's why I want to help you; because I can't lose both my friends." Sapnap was talking to him while they headed towards the concession stand.

"I know Sapnap," I didn't know. "I'm sorry for getting so angry at you," I'm not sorry. "And I'm sorry for," Dream imitated a knife motion against his throat with his hand.

Sapnap nodded while shifting his attention to the woman at the front. "Hi, can we get two sodas, and one popcorn." The woman nodded, typed it on her computer; and the price was displayed to both men. Sapnap took his wallet out, and took out the adequate amount and handed it to the worker. She placed it on the counter while handing Dream and Sapnap the food they ordered.

Sapnap went behind Dream and pushed him towards the countless numbered rooms. A man stood there, he looked like an employee. He stopped both Dream and Sapnap in their tracks, and he started to quickly pat down Sapnap.

"He doesn't have anything, trust me." Sapnap said while the worker moved to Dream.

"It's not my job to trust you," He examined Dream, and glanced back. He clapped his hands with a smile. "Looks all good! You may continue."

Sapnap went behind Dream again, and pushed him into the vast, empty area with rooms on each wall. Some lamps allowed vision; providing a small, dim light. The floor was made out of wood, the walls made out of wood as well. It was fairly organized and cleaned. Nothing was on the floors, it was also quiet; except for the small noises coming out of each room, presumably from the movies people were watching.

"Here, Dream?" Sapnap pointed at one of the many doors. Dream nodded. He pushed the door open, and Dream entered first; Sapnap followed him. The movie had already started, they were very late; the movie was already half way done. People watched the two men find their seats. It was a romance movie, and it wasn't that popular; which allowed Dream and Sapnap to find seats easily. Sapnap sat next to one of the seats on the edge, Dream stayed next to him; slightly blocking the aisle, not that anyone else was coming to watch the movie.

"Again, Dream; I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, you were right. I should have been here. I feel horrible that I wasn't here. I don't know what you're going through, because George was just a friend to me." Sapnap cleared his throat. "I know that it's sad, and I wish I could do something. But I can't, this isn't the type of thing where I flip a switch and it's fixed. This is complicated, and you are the one who controls what you do." Sapnap sat down and leaned back, sighing as he shifted his eyes to the movie.

"Thank you, Sapnap. I-I just miss him, a-and I wished I could have been w-with him longer." Dream stammered. He watched the movie slowly progress. He kept the gun in his pocket loaded; waiting for an opportunity.

Sapnap hummed to the song the movie was playing, it was calming. But Dream wasn't calmed. He had his fingers directly on the trigger. He eyed Sapnap, then looked left to right before focusing back on the movie.

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