Recap and Catch Up

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A year has gone by since losing my grace, becoming human, and getting my grace back. The weeks after my release from the hospital proved to be eventful. Sam and Dean are full-blown back into the hunting game. I should have realized it would happen. I haven't gone on any hunts since the last family hunt to save Lucifer.

Castiel joins the hunts every once in a while when the boys could really use his help. Gabriel has gone off playing tricks and pranks on practically everyone he knows. He decided to start staying with Balthazar, another angel he and Castiel had gotten close to over the years.

Chuck is still stuck in his own little Heaven not able to leave. He continues to ask for me and I continue to act as if he doesn't exist. Castiel went up to visit him once, he tells me there's nothing left for me to talk to Chuck about, so I leave it at that.

Bobby and Jody helped Alex, the girl Jody rescued from the horrid fate of becoming a vampire, enroll in nursing school. Bobby tried hanging up his hat to retire from the hunting game but finds himself pulled back in every so often. Mostly, he researches for Sam and Dean, and runs interference when they are caught up with the FBI and so on.

Lucifer and Abigail moved out into their own place a few towns over. Lucifer pretty much went into hiding, changed his appearance, and warded himself from any possible vultures looking for him or Abigail. Abigail is in preschool trying to live as normal of a life as possible. They stop by every now and then so the kids can play. Azriel misses her living here with us but understood when Lucifer explained that it was time for him to build a life of their own.

Azriel is now almost five years old. He would be starting preschool soon but I worry. I worry from a human mother's standpoint and a celestial being's standpoint. What if he loses control of his powers and they slip out? What if he reacts out of habit and reveals himself? What if he accidentally hurts another child? All of those worries and more float around in my mind more frequently as the time approaches but Castiel says he deserves to at least have the opportunity to try it. If he finds that it's not for him, he doesn't have to go back. I'm still fighting that battle.

Castiel and I were finally able to have the quality time we fought so long for. After coming home from the hospital, he made sure he stayed with Azriel and I and told everyone else that he was unavailable for the time being. I felt our bond strengthen with every day we spent together. The more time we were together, the closer we were becoming. It wasn't until he accidentally pulled me into a dream sequence with him and Dean that I found out he was becoming restless.

When I arrived within the dream, I was standing at the base of metal stairs. The room I was in looked as if it were a library, an old library. Hearing voices, I followed them through the library, down and around a few halls, and stopped at what seemed like a family room of some sort with a big screen TV, recliners, and a foosball table placed behind the chairs. To the left of the doorway were shelves that consisted of CDs, records, and a record player. Dean and Castiel were sitting in the chairs talking, completely oblivious to the sister standing in the doorway.

"Have you talked to her about it? She's pretty laid back, I don't see her telling you no." Dean picked at the label on the beer bottle he was holding.

Castiel leaned forward in the chair, resting his elbows on his knees.

"No. We were apart for so long; I don't want her to think I just don't want to be there. I never thought I would, but Dean, I miss the hunts with you and Sam."

"So, tell her. My sister has always been more understanding than either me or Sammy. Sam may be the logical one but Angel is the compassionate and understanding one. Tell her you want back in on more hunts and I'm sure she'll find a way for you two to work around things."

Sighing, Castiel leaned back in his seat and rested his arms on the armrests of the chair. His body stiffened for a moment before he slowly looked towards the doorway to find me leaned against the frame.

Surprised, he asked, "How long have you been standing there?"

Confused, Dean looked over to see who he was talking about.

"Ange?" Dean sat up confused.

"Hey, guys." I smiled as I walked into the room.

"How are you here?" Dean asked.

Shrugging, I slid my hands in my pockets as I leaned against the TV stand in front of them.

"I'm not sure. I dozed off with Azriel on the couch and was pulled into a room with a metal staircase. I followed voices and ended up here. Where are we?" I asked looking around.

"Sam and I call it the bunker. It's a Men of Letters bunker." Dean explained.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Dean proceeded to explain to me what the Men of Letters were and how they came across their bunker.

Crossing my arms in irritation, I narrowed my eyes as I spoke.

"So, you two have been living here on and off and didn't think it would be information your sister might need to know?"

"Honestly, Cas is the only other one who knows about it right now. We only just stumbled upon this a short time ago. It's safer to stay here than to go back to the ranch and risk being followed."

Knowing he was right I lowered my glare just as Castiel was rising to his feet.

"Why don't we get out of his dream and let him sleep?"

Arching an eyebrow at him, I looked from him to Dean.

"You two are the ones who pulled me here."

"No, Angel, I'm pretty sure it was just me. I was talking about you and most likely pulled you here without realizing it."

"Cas is right. I want to sleep. Sammy and I will come visit the ranch soon, Ange. Until then, Cas taught Sam and I how to do this dream walking thing. We can chill here when we aren't fighting things that go bump in the night."

Rolling my eyes, I stood up straight.

"Yeah, because spending time with someone in dreamland is what I want to go back to doing. Whatever, Dean, just call me soon so we can actually talk. And give Sammy a hug for me." I said leaning down and hugging my brother.

Walking to the door with Castiel, the both of us walked into the hallway as the dream was dissolving around us.

Waking up on the couch with Azriel still in my arms, I shifted so he was laying against the back of the cushions and I sat on the floor in front of him. Castiel appeared a short time later.

"Angel," he began as he walked over to me.

"I heard most of it, the important part anyway." I cut him off.

"Oh." He sat on the loveseat across from the couch and patted the space next to him. Crawling onto the loveseat, I curled into his side with my arms around his middle.

"You miss hunting?" I asked quietly as we watched Azriel sleeping across from us. I was pretty sure he was visiting Abigail.

"Yeah. I'm shocked but I miss it."

Not responding, I laid my head against him and listened to the rhythm of his heart beat.

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