Genies and Accusations

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After everyone giving their parts of what happened, the story came together but then a different problem surfaced.

After the wishing well job, the guys stumbled on a djinn family. During the hunt, they were all separated while chasing two alfas. Castiel was captured, beaten, tied up, poisoned, and the blood drained.

"Ange, I dropped the ball again. I'm so sorry." Dean apologized for the hundredth time during the conversation.

"It wasn't just you, Dean. I lost him, too." Sam stepped in.

"Guys," Castiel started. "You didn't lose me. I ran off chasing them. You're not there to babysit me, don't look at this like that. We were working a job and I was captured by the monsters."

Sam and Dean both look between Castiel and I with guilt-filled eyes.

"Maybe you guys should take a break." I broke into their conversation.

Sam and Dean turned to look at me at the same time.

"We can't." Sam sighed.


Castiel shifted in his chair next to me drawing my attention to him.

"They're going to help me with something." He spoke so quietly that I had to have him repeat it.

"I was contacted by Hanna."

Watching him with furrowed brows as he shifted uncomfortably, I waited for him to continue.

"Heaven's corrupted and she asked for my help in finding the corrupted angels."

Crossing my arms, sitting back in my chair, I waited for more of an explanation.

Sam and Dean quietly rose to their feet and left the room, followed by Gabriel.

Castiel sighed and looked up at me, noticing the unhappy expression on my face, he continued.

"She contacted me during the vamp hunt."

Leaning forward narrowing my eyes at him,

"That was weeks ago."

"I know." Avoiding my eyes, picking at his fingers, he looked everywhere but me.

"Is this the first time she's contacted you?"


Raising an eyebrow at the obvious answer, I answered for him.

"So, no. Ok. Why am I just hearing about this?"

"Because I know you don't like her."

"Of course, I don't like her, she came on to you! She kissed you! You kissed her!"

"That was before you and I were together, this still bothers you?"

"You know it does, otherwise you'd have told me right after your conversation, the first time."

"She knows we're married; we're bonded."

"Are we though? Yeah, marriage means a great deal to me because I know what the human meaning of it is. But her? She's not going to give a crap, especially now that our bond has been broken."

I could feel the anxiety rising in my chest. My heart was racing, my breathing was quickening. Thoughts of her back in the picture messed with my mind.

"Bond or not, I'm still yours, Angel. I love you; no one will ever be able to change that."

"Please don't go. I just got you back."

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