Where's the Love?

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Back inside the house with me gone from sight, Dean turned to Castiel.

"What the hell was that?" He demanded.

Not looking as worried and confused as everyone else he answered Dean with a shrug.

"I don't know. She's never been like this before."

"Daddy, are Angel and Azriel coming back?" Abigail came out of her room holding a doll in her arms. She looked afraid and worried.

Kneeling in front of her, Lucifer brushed the hair from her eyes and consoled her the best he could.

"They'll be away for a little while, sweetie, but we're going to figure out a way to help them come home."

"Can I help?"

Looking back at the guys standing behind him watching his interactions, Castiel shrugged again.

"Why don't you let us figure out what he can do first and if there is anything, we can have you do, I'll ask you, ok?"

"Can I see Jody?"

"Jody?" This request caught Lucifer off guard. He stood, turned to the guys with question in his eyes.

"Jody usually stays with the kids when they know we have to leave quickly. It's really early though, I don't think," Sam was talking but abruptly stopped when Castiel vanished.

Within seconds he was back with a confused and tired looking Jody.

"Cas, you can't just show up in my bedroom at any given time of the night!" She yanked her arm out of Castiel's hand and looked around.

"What's going on?"

"Well," Dean began.

Jody's eyes finally settle on Lucifer, they widened in shock and some fear.

"You've got Nick back."

"Yes. I'm sorry to startle you."

"He's not the reason you're here." Castiel started. "Angel is."

Brows furrowed in concern, she moved towards the kitchen.

"What's going on with Angel, where is she?" She asked as she shifted things around in the cabinet to pull out the coffee and coffee filters. She shook the nearly empty can with a frown.

"I'll need to go back home to grab coffee if I'm going to be here for a while."

Annoyed, Castiel held his hand on the can and then stepped back. Jody opened it to find a full can of coffee grounds. Arching an eyebrow and straightening her lips, she bobbed her head impressed.

"Thanks. Now tell me what's going on."

Dean began explaining the entire situation as Jody faced the counter scooping out coffee grounds into a filter. Once she was done, she turned around and leaned against the counter as he continued.

"So, what you're telling me is, Castiel died," She glanced at Castiel. "Glad you're not dead anymore. But then you told her that you'd been in contact with a woman, that has clearly bothered her, for weeks and that you're leaving to go work in close proximity with her for months."

Castiel began to speak but Jody held up her hand.

"Ah, bup-bup-bup, let me finish. So, you're leaving for months just after she saw you lying dead on her couch. She begged you not to go many times, you still tell her you're going. She makes it clear that she's feeling inadequate and that she doesn't matter to you anymore, even your son, and you still don't decide to put your family first?" She crossed her arms with one narrowed eye as she chewed on the side of her lip in thought.

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