The Explosion

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It was Lucifer, I ignored him.

Sitting on the floor of my bathroom, I was crying into my hands.

What just happened? Did that really happen?

I sat in there for at least an hour trying to figure out what happened. Deciding I was going to ignore it and never think about it again to save my friendship, I climbed to my feet, moved to my sink, and splashed water on my face.

When I opened the door Castiel was sitting on the end of the bed waiting for me.

Narrowing my eyes as I looked at him, I asked,

"How long have you been sitting there?"

He shrugged. "Not too long."

"If you needed me you could have knocked."

"I figure you needed some space with the way you flew past everyone without saying a word to us." He stood, walking closer to me. His eyes looked so cold.

When he was close enough to touch me, he reached out for me. Stepping back, I stepped out of his reach and moved to the side and around him.


"What did you guys figure out?" I asked ignoring the glare he was giving me.

"Well, Lucifer says he knows someone that can help give us information, so he's getting ready to meet her now. Since we know the faces of the corrupt, it should be easy to round them up and get them back to Heaven for a trial."

"You're still leaving?"

"I promised I would help."

"You have faces to give to them, you are helping." I glared.

"You know what I mean, Angel." He reached for me again but this time I turned and walked away from him.

When I was at the doorway, I looked back at him and said,

"Nothing has changed, Cas. You're leaving, you chose Heaven over your family. You have made it clear where you'd rather be. What I don't understand is what changed from the time you kissed me goodbye for the first hunt to now." Walking away before he argued back, I reached the end of the hall and the living room full of everyone else.

I held my breath as I fought back the tears while I passed by everyone to the front door.

"Angel?" Lucifer's voice made my steps falter. "Are you ok?" He asked rising to his feet.

Ignoring the question, I opened the door and walked out into the night allowing the door to swing closed behind me.

Everyone left me alone for a while, allowing me to sit in quiet, leaving me to my thoughts. But, it wasn't long before I heard the front door open and watched Lucifer step out of the house.

"Hey." He smiled. "Everything alright?" He asked taking a seat next to me on the porch swing.

"Fine." I said wiping a tear before it could fall.

"Says the woman crying." He scoffed.

I ignored his remark and stared straight ahead.

"About earlier..." He started.

"No. It's too much. It's just too much for me to handle right now." The pain was coming back even more intense than it was before Gabriel took it away. I sucked in a deep breath as I held back a sob. The tears were flowing freely now, too many to be able to wipe away.

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