Midnight Discussions

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3:30 in the morning I heard hushed voices coming from Dean's room. Knowing he said he was going to bed I decided to check in to see if he was dreaming again.

Walking closer to his room I was sure there were two different voices. Stopping just outside the door, I stood quietly trying to figure out who would have him up at 3:30 A.M.

"Cas, you can't blame her for feeling the way she feels."

"I know. I just don't understand why she won't allow us to rebond."

"Would you want to reunite the bond if she came at you with accusations of you and Hanna the way you did with her and Lucifer?"

Castiel was silent.

"Would you be so forgiving if she had been dead just hours before you find out you took a job that will keep you away for months? Listen, man, I'm all for your relationship with my sister. I know you love her and believe me when I tell you I know how much she loves you. But what you're doing... she has every right to feel the way she is feeling. When Heaven turned you away, she was there with open arms. Now that Heaven seems interested again, you're the one turning her away."

There was silence, Dean was shuffling around his room. His shadow was closer to the door causing me to back away. The noise of me moving caught his attention, he glanced over at me but quickly looked back to Castiel.

"Look, Sammy and I will be there to back you in the hunt, we won't let you go it alone. But you need to really mull over if you should leave now or not. What is more important to you, getting back on good terms with Heaven or getting back on good terms with your wife?"

Having heard enough, I turned and quietly walked back towards my bedroom. Turning into my room, I was greeted by Gabriel sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for me.

"Did you hear anything you liked?" He asked looking at his nails.

"What do you want, Gabe?" Rolling my eyes, I walked over and plopped down on my bed.

"He loves you, Angie. This has nothing to do with Hanna, you do know that don't you?"

"I do. It was stupid of me to react to that the way I did but I didn't want him seeing what I really fear."

Turning his body towards me, lifting his knee onto the bed he asked,

"And what is that?"

"He just died, Gabe. What if he dies again and this time, he isn't brought back here in time for Azriel to help him?"

"The fact that your son can raise an angel from death is a miracle in its own. There is so much we don't know about him, we have so much to learn."

"Exactly. So, why is Cas so hell-bent on leaving after what his son did for him? Why is he all of a sudden acting so cold towards me about this?"

"I won't pretend to know why Cas is doing what he's doing. I'm sure it has something to do with proving his worth. He always worried about what the other angels thought of him. I do know that Heaven is where he's from. It's where he was created. It's woven into his entire existence and that, my girl, will never change. He will always have the urge to please them. He's a soldier."

"He wants to reunite our bond." I said picking at my nails.

"I'm sure he does. Don't you? You should, its dangerous not to."

I was quiet, I looked up at Gabriel not able to answer his question. I breathed in deeply trying to suppress the cry of pain forming in my throat.

"Come here, sister." He said holding his arms out to me.

Crawling into them, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me as I cried into his chest.

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