Patience, Lucifer

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"So, he really told you to thank me?"

Lucifer was rightfully shocked and confused that Castiel would thank him for doing what he did. He understood that in bonding with me he was saving my life but also giving up the chance to bond with any other angel.

After leaving Sam and Dean in Sam's room Lucifer and I went for a long walk around the perimeter of the property. He had exclaimed that he didn't realize the property was as big as it is a few times.

"We can always just transport back to the house if you're done walking."

"No. No. I'm enjoying this." He smiled as he peeked at me out of the corner of his eye.

The sky was crisp and clear tonight allowing the stars to shine brighter than normal. The cloudless sky allowed for usually hidden stars to display their shining status creating a glowing dust dancing across the black backdrop. The moon, the Earth's night light, was glowing bright lighting the path we were walking. The path that leads us right to my favorite opening in the woods.

Sitting on the swing I stared up at the moon soaking in its beauty. Feeling more comfortable and myself at night, I always felt a pull towards the moon. I would sit and stare at it for hours when I was little, it always calmed me from whatever was bothering me at the time.

Lucifer, now sitting next to me, watched as I gazed at the moon. Smiling at my sudden sense of ease, he sat back and looked up at the sky with me.

"You really enjoy watching the stars, don't you?" He asked as he looked back at me.

Closing my eyes as I smiled, breathing in the cool night air, I nodded my head yes.

"It's so beautiful, everything about it. The way the stars shine and glitter, the way the night sky is nearly black but inviting, and the moon...There's nothing like its beauty."

"I'm not sure I'd agree with the last statement." He said softly.

Opening my eyes, Lucifer was staring at me, watching me bathe in the moonlight. Smiling at his innuendo, I felt my heart flutter slightly but quickly pushed the feeling down.

"You going to be ok, Angel?" He asked quietly.

Lowering my gaze to the ground I breathed in a deep breath and slowly let it out before speaking.

"It hurts a lot right now; it will always hurt." I glanced at him. "I've never loved anyone as I love him. But, with time and the support of family and friends, the pain with lessen and I'll be able to smile at the memories."

Patting my knee softly he smiled as he spoke.

"We'll all always be here for you, Angel. I'll always be here for you. You single-handedly put me back together making me whole, making me into a completely different man. I'll be here to help piece you back together, piece by piece, as long as it takes."

Feeling my heart warm at the sound of his words I smiled and leaned over to hug him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him. Realizing he wasn't planning on releasing his hold on me, I began to pull away until Castiel's words sang through my mind again.

Let him in.

Squeezing my eyes shut at the thought, I slowly relaxed against him and allowed him to hug me closer to his side. Kissing the top of my head, the both of us returned our attention back to the star-filled sky and sat in comfortable silence.


I was slowly pulled back to consciousness by hushed whispers. Not wanting to open my eyes yet I stayed laying wherever it was that I was laying down.

"You guys have been out here for hours, I just wanted to check on her." Dean whispered.

"She's ok. She fell asleep on me while gazing up at the stars."

The swing, I'm sitting at my spot in the woods with Lucifer. That's right, I leaned into him as we watched the stars in silence. I must have dozed off.

"Hey, man, uh... She's, uh..." Dean was stumbling over his words uncomfortably. "She takes after me when it comes to pain and love. She holds it all in, pushes everything and everyone away."

Lucifer rubbed his hand quickly up and down my shoulder before resting his arm back around me.

"So I've learned."

"Her and Cas... They were always close, from pretty much day one. She'll never stop loving him, he will always be in her heart. The pain of losing him will never go away but it will eventually be manageable. If you truly do love her the way Cas and Sam seem to think you do, be patient."

"Dean, are you giving me your approval to chase your sister?" Lucifer asked sarcastically.

"No. It's still weird for me. But Angel cares a great deal about you, I've seen it in the way she's glanced at you from time to time. She's pushing it away. Just... I don't know, Lucifer, be patient."

"Don't worry, Dean, I'll be here waiting for her for as long as it takes. If she never loves me the way I love her, it'll be ok just as long as she keeps me in her life."

There was silence, Dean must have left.

"You can open your eyes now." Lucifer rubbed my shoulder again.

Opening my eyes and sitting up he smiled at me.

"You knew I was awake?"

"I felt your breathing change."

Staring into his eyes for a moment, the corner of his lips pulled up into a gentle grin as he brushed the hair away from my face.

"I meant every word I said to Dean."

"Even if I never return the feelings you have for me?" I asked nervously.

His eyes faltered but he slightly nodded as he spoke.

"Yes, Angel. As long as you allow me to be a part of your life, I'll be happy." He took my chin between his thumb and index finger, slightly pulling my lips apart, staring with desire as he continued.

"But I won't lie and tell you that I'm not praying for a chance with you."

My eyes drifting from his lips to his eyes, my breath caught as heat rose to my face. The longer I looked into his eyes the more intense the feeling was becoming. Blinking, I pulled away swallowing thickly. He sat back without comments or sighs, just a smile as he pulled me back against his side and looked up at the night sky.

"It's ok, Angel. It's my turn to save you."

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