Let's Catch Up

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Weeks after the conversation with Castiel he finally decided he is going out on a hunt with the boys. He decided to wait until after the kids' birthdays and after I won the argument about Azriel going to preschool.

"If you two need anything, just call out."

We're standing on the porch, the three of us. Castiel kneels to Azriel and allows him to climb into his lap.

"I'll take care of mommy, Daddy. You go beat up the bad guys so everyone out there is safe."

Smiling as my heart swelled with pride, I watched the interaction between father and son.

"I know you will. And the same goes for you, if you need anything, I'm just a thought away." Castiel hugs Azriel before he climbs down.

Standing by my side once more he pulls me into his arms.

"Are you sure you're ok with this? I won't go if you want me here."

Kissing him gingerly, I smile and run my fingers through his already messy hair.

"Of course, I want you to stay, I hate being apart. But I know it's important for both of us to have the things we enjoy doing. Just... be careful."

Pulling me in for one more kiss, he holds me a little tighter than normal. Breaking away, his eyes stare into mine lovingly as he brushes a strand of hair out of my face from the wind.

"I love you, Angel."

"I love you, too, Cas."

Then he was gone.

Sitting down on the porch next to Azriel, I scoop him up and cuddle him close.

"Looks like it's just me and you for a bit, little man. What would you like to do?"

"I'll protect you, momma." He looks back at me.

"I know, baby, I know." I smile into our hug.

"Can we dream to Abbie?" He asks.

"If that's what you would like to do. I'll contact Luce and see if she's busy, you head in and clean up those cars."

Excited, he hurries off of my lap and into the house to clean up his toys from earlier.

Luce? You around?

-Angel, what a nice surprise. How have you been? It's been a while.

I know, I'm sorry. Just figured you two needed some adjusting time. How is Abbie doing?

-She's adjusted amazingly. Me on the other hand, people are so rude and the fact that I can't tell anyone who I am irritates me even more.

Laughing at his response, I sit and imagine someone giving him an attitude and his face turning red with anger from not being able to flash those red eyes of his.

-Stop laughing at me. I can feel it. He chuckles.

Well, I'm reaching out to see if Abbie is busy. Em wants to dream visit so they can play.

A few minutes pass by, him asking Abigal if she was up for a nap, I'm sure.

-We'll be there.

We? Ok, I guess I'm napping, too?

-Well, yeah. I'm not passing up the chance to catch up with you.

Smiling, I nod, knowing he can't see me.

Alright, Luce, I'll be there. Give us a few minutes and I'll pull you in.

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