Shattered Hearts

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Hours had gone by since the fight with Castiel. After he made it clear that he was going to go no matter what, I stormed off out of the house.

Gabe, can you keep a watchful eye on Em?

-Sure. Where you headed?


-I heard the argument. I'm sure everyone did. Are you ok?

I just need to be alone.

-Luci and I have the kiddos, you stay safe.

Walking to the garage I opened the door to where my truck has been stored. Staring at my truck, contemplating whether I should leave or not, I snatched the keys off the wall, climbed up into the cab, and slammed the door shut. Sitting there for a moment, I looked around remembering how much I loved driving it. It had been so long since I listened to music. Knowing how much anger I release with my music loud and the wind in my hair, I started the engine and rolled out of the garage. Easing my way away from the ranch, Lucifer and Gabriel looked up from where they were with kids and waved. I could see the concerned look on Lucifer's face as I drove by.

Once I was a safe distance away from the ranch, I turned my volume up to max and punched the gas. The truck fishtailed from the horsepower flooding through the engine as it jumped forward. A cloud of dust and dirt was kicked up behind me as I soared down the dirt roads.

Turning off into an open field on our land, I pushed the pedal to the floor as the adrenaline from the rock music blaring from my speakers pumped through my veins. Drumming my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music, bellowing out the lyrics along with the song, I could feel my anger and tension slowly subsiding.

Turning the wheel sharply my truck skidded further to the left before straightening up. As song after song boomed through the cab of my truck, I sped and slid around every curve and twist as I dodged things that weren't there. Bouncing around from the uneven ground, I felt myself letting myself go for the first time since I became pregnant.

I spent hours racing around in the field, tearing through the grass and the mud, feeling the music, and listening to the stories behind the lyrics. When the sky began turning orange, into pinks and purples is when I decided to head back to the ranch. Driving down the long dirt driveway to the house with my music now at a lower volume, I could see bodies sitting on the porch. Driving past the garage, I noticed Lucifer and Castiel watching as I drove by.

Rolling my eyes in annoyance as the argument of Castiel accusing Lucifer of something outrageous came to mind.

Once the truck was parked, keys hung back on the wall, and the door locked up I headed back to the house. The two angels watched quietly as I slowly approached the porch. Meeting Castiel's stare, Dean prevented me from speaking as he walked out of the house.

"Ange, you're insane, you know that?" He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

Looking at him, I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes in confusion, he elaborated.

"Gabe showed me where you were. I was kind of freaking out since you sped off without telling anyone and was gone for hours."

"I told someone."

"Yeah, well, he didn't share the information with us until I started asking questions. Anyway, girl, the way you handle that truck. Can you imagine how you'd handle a beast like Baby?" His eyes were gleaming with excitement.

"What are you getting at?"

"We need to have a day of driving, letting loose. Just you and me." He met me at the top of the steps and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"The last time we went on a drive, I ended up giving birth." I joked.

"Well, are you pregnant?" He chuckled.

"Nope. Don't plan to be either." I bit back as I eyed Castiel.

Lucifer winced at my coldness, patted Castiel on his shoulder, and walked into the house.

-Taking Abigail and heading home. I'm here if you need me. Just say the word and I'm there.

Smiling as I looked at the empty doorway, I answered.

Thanks, Luce.

"So," Dean continued. "When we get back from this job you and I are having a day to ourselves. A brother/sister day, like when we were younger."

I smiled at Dean and nodded my head in agreement. Satisfied with my reaction, he turned and disappeared back into the house.

I leaned against the support beam facing Castiel. He stared down at the ground for a moment before he spoke.

"I'd like to be rebonded before I leave." He said quietly.

"You want to be rebonded?" I scoffed.

"I'd like to, yes. Besides, you can't stay unbonded too long."

I sat next to him on the porch step and leaned my arms against my knees.

"When do you guys leave?"

He glanced at me looking annoyed.

"We weren't supposed to leave until next week."


"She wants us to leave tomorrow." He continued to stare at the ground in fear of what he'd see in my eyes.

I nodded slowly, basically to myself, as I thought about what he just told me. Sighing, I rose to my feet turning towards the front door.


Stopping in place, I didn't turn to face him but I waited for what he was going to say.

"I'm sorry, Angel. I want us back, our bond back. Can we get bonded before tomorrow?"

My shoulders slumped forward as I lowered my head. I could feel my heartbreaking as the answer left my lips.

"I'm sorry, too."

Walking into the house I left him standing there watching the door close behind me.

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