Dinner Plans

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An uneventful chapter but it adds to character and plot building.

Waking up just seconds before Azriel, he sits up quickly and turns towards me.

"Why did we wake up?"

"Because Luce is going to bring Abbie over so you two can actually play together. Would you like that?" I smile.

He squeals with glee as he scrambles to crawl down off of the bed. Laughing, I follow him to the door and unlock it so he can scurry down the hall into Abbie's room.

Heading to the kitchen I catch a glimpse of two figures walking up onto the porch. One tall, one child-sized. Opening the door I am greeted with Abigail throwing her arms around my waist in a tight hug.

"Thank you for letting me come play with Azzy." Her eyes sparkle with happiness.

"You're welcome here any time you'd like, Abbie." I smile hugging her back just before she runs off towards her room.

Looking up at Lucifer, his eyes glisten, reflecting the sunlight. The shadows of the porch made his already sharp jawline look even sharper. He look intimidating.

"Come on in." I stepped aside allowing him room to enter. "I wasn't expecting you to show up right away."

"Yeah, well, the second I asked Abigail if she wanted to come over, she was insistent on leaving right then."

"You get to help me in the kitchen then." I chuckle as I turn his body towards the kitchen and nudge him forward.

"Wait, you want me to cook?" He twisted his body around to look at me. I continued nudging him into the kitchen. "You do realize I have never cooked a thing in my life, right?"

"Yep, and yep. You'll learn today." I smile.

"Do you have a fire extinguisher handy?" He joked.

Gathering the items needed, I set pans on the stove and grabbed casserole dishes from the cabinet below the oven.

"Can't I just watch?"

Standing, setting everything on the counter, I washed my hands and I say,

"Nope. Now come here."

Moving so he's standing next to me he sets his palms on the counter waiting for directions.

"Wash your hands."

"Angel, we're always clean."

"Wash your hands, Lucifer." I demand in the Mom voice.

"The full name? Ok. Ok. I'm washing my hands." He says as he turns the water on and grabs the soap pump.

I begin opening noodles, packs of meat, cans, seasonings, sauces, and preparing the ingredients.

"Alright, what do I do now?"

"The meat, take that and put it in the frying pan. Add just a little of each of these seasonings. Cook it until it's browned."

I filled a pot with water and set it on the stove to boil.

Throughout the cooking process, I taught him various things. He caught on quickly. Grabbing the pot of boiling noodles, he turns towards the sink as I turn back towards the stove. Running directly into one another, the boiling water splashes out and all over my arms. Screaming out in pain, I drop everything in my hands as he quickly sets the pot down on the counter.

Leaning over the sink feeling my skin burn and quickly blister, I reach for the cold water to run over the burns. Lucifer stops me, grabbing my arms and turning me towards him.

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