Day Seventeen

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When Simmons awoke the next morning, she was in a fantastic mood.

The smile on her face couldn't be any bigger as she and Fitz looked at eachother.

"So, are going to get up or not?" She whispered, waiting for an answer.

"I wish we didn't have to, but I have physical with Tripp."

He slowly arose out of bed and she followed.

She went to go make them both some tea while he changed and got ready for the day.

As she was putting the sugar back, she heard a girl's voice.

"Hm..slept in Fitz's room last night?"

Damn it Skye.

"He was uncomfortable by himself so I slept in there," she lied.

"Oh, I see. So you feel nothing for him?"

"Skye, you know how I feel about him," She snapped.

"But, I don't know how he feels about me. I just want the old Fitz back. He loved me, a lot and I really want to love him the same way."

There was a small silence for a few moments and she continued making the tea.

"Well," she started, "I have to accompany Fitz to physical so I'll see you around."

She took the teas into Fitz's bunk where he was trying to tie his shoes.

He did, successfully, and Jemma handed him the tea.

"Let's go," she said, grabbing Fitz's arm and helping him up.


"Come on, Fitz. Push up, and then back down slowly."

"Ya know, it's a lot harder than it sounds, Tripp."

They both chuckled as Fitz successfully lifted the bar up and down.

"This is good for Fitz, he's been so worried," Simmons said, turning to Skye.

"Plus, you get to watch him work out," Skye poked Simmons stomach, making a funny face.

"Stop!" She giggled and Fitz watched from a distance, smiling at her adorable laughing.

"You like her, don't you?" Tripp interrupted his thoughts.

"I guess so, I have this strong feeling that before I, ya know, forgot, that I liked her."

Tripp let out a subtle laugh.

"Well, that might explain why you weren't too fond of me."

Fitz was confused, "what?"

"Before you forgot everything, you didn't like me very much. I flirted with Simmons a lot and you didn't like that."

Jemma catch Fitz watching her and smiled, before turning back to talk to Skye.

"It definitely is nice watching him work out," she said, biting her lip.

"Simmons!" Skye smacked her arm and watched as Jemma tilted her head, watching Fitz.

"What? Huh? Oh, uhm, what's going on?"

Skye rolled her eyes and walked away from Jemma.

Jemma bit her nails and smiled, she could get used to this.


So everyone I had to put something in here about Simmons watching Fitz work out. Just bc they're cuties doesn't mean they don't have some dirtaaaay thoughts 😂😂😂

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