Day Twelve

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This part will focus more on Skye and Fitz.

"Goodmorning, Fitz."

He looked up from his bed and gave her a small smile.

"Skye, right?"

She nodded, and returned a smile.

He was staring down at a night night gun, unloaded, of course.

"I designed this thing?" He questioned.

"Yeah, you're very smart. You've designed everything that has saved the Avengers."

He chuckled, "that's hard to believe."

"Why?" She asked, sitting next to him.

"I've never been that smart, or I never thought I was, at the academy of course. I always felt left out because everyone else was smarter than me."

She shook her head and gave him a reassuring smile.

"You are the smartest man I know, Fitz. You are incredible, you and Simmons!"

Simmons name was not to be mentioned until later. Whoops.

"Simmons," he whispered and smiled.

Skye took noticed and could barely hold in a giggle.

"She's uh, very stunning. We're best friends right?"

"Yeah, you guys are so close. You finish each other sentences, you both love each other, you guys are practically-"

"Soulmates," he finished.

"Soulmates." She repeated, nodding.

"Are we?"

Skye widened her eyes.

"Oh, uhm, I don't know. I mean, I'm not very sure, you said something down there that startled her very much and it made her feel differently. Towards you."

He frowned.

"Oh, is that why she's acting so strange? Did I frighten her?"

She was surprised at this question.

"No, oh gosh, no! You could never frighten her."

He nodded, and gave Skye a half-smile.

"Every time I look at her, I get this tingly feeling..before the accident, did I..have feelings for her?"

"None of us ever actually knew, but we guessed quite a few times. The way you looked at her was beautiful. You did love her, a lot Fitz."

He bobbed his head up and down.

"I thought so," he said.

"But, I don't she feels the same way. She always looks uncomfortable here."

Skye understood why.

"Talk to her, make her feel more comfortable."


Simmons stepped into the hot shower and sighed.

She looked up at the shower head. Water.

Her lip quivered and a small sob escaped her lips.

Everything came into her mind.

He doesn't remember.

He never will.

He doesn't love me like I love him.

She began to weep and put her hand over her mouth.

"Please, remember Fitz."

It had been over a week since she had cried in the shower, but it was only a matter of time before she would again.

And she did.

After he crying fit, she got out of the water and dried off.

It was 5:47 and she promised Fitz she'd be there at 6:00.

She quickly got dressed and made her way down to his room.

He sat there, talking to Skye.


He sat up a little taller and smiled at her.

"Hi Simmons, I'm gonna go talk to Coulson. See you guys later, I'll be back tomorrow Fitz."

And with that she left.

"Hi, Fitz."

He waved his hand and she sat next to him. She held up a dvd and it was revealed to be Doctor Who.

"All the seasons. Wanna watch?"

He quickly nodded.

"Where's the bloody dvd player?" she asked, and he pointed up.

"Oh, thank you Fitz."

She inserted the disc and started up the first episode, sitting in the chair next to him.



He scooted over and patted the spot next to him.

"You can sit with me, if you'd like."

She nodded and stood up, entering the warm bed.

She laid down and put her head on Fitz's shoulder, falling into his embrace.

Like old times when they cuddle on the couch watching Disney movies.

Like the old Fitz.

Hmm..the old Fitz. Maybe she liked the new one.

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