Day Twenty One

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"I'm sorry, sir but there's no way I'm leaving," Jemma told Coulson.

How did he expect her to just pick up and leave? Especially at a time like this?

"Simmons, I tried talking to Fury but he says you need to go. He won't let you stay any longer, I can maybe work out a few days, but that's all I can do."

She was so confused, why did Fury want her gone so badly?

"I'm sorry, Coulson. I'm still confused, why does Fury want me there so bad?"

"We're not discussing it, Jemma. Just go pack your things."

This frustrated the young biochemist. Why was he making her leave?

"No, I'm not leaving until I find out why. Please, Coulson!"

He stomped his hands on the table and stood up.

"You and Fitz cannot work together. You will only make him worse."

She held her breath for a moment and finally opened her mouth.

"I-uhm, okay," she spat out before walking out of the office.

"Jemma, no. I didn't.." Coulson stopped speaking, it was no use.

He already broke her heart.

She ran into the lab and grabbed anything she could find to throw.

After her throwing fit stopped, the door opened.

Her eyes met her other half and he immediately saw the pain in them.

"Hey, Jemma. What's wrong beautiful?"

Her eyes were puffy and swollen, it was obvious there was something wrong.

He walked to her side and helped keep her steady.

She turned to him, and tried her best to manage a smile.

"Fitz, something has come up, I have to leave."

His face dropped, what was she talking about?

"Tony Stark has offered me a position and I cannot deny it. Fury says I have to go, best for the team."

"How is you leaving best for the team?"

She chuckled a little, "because it helps you reach your full potential."

Him? What has this got to do with him?

"Bloody hell. They think you leaving with help me recover quicker, don't they?"

She nodded and breathed a heavy sigh, "How did you know that?"

He shakes his head, "I'm not an idiot. I know it."

She frowns, "I'm so sorry, Fitz. I don't want to leave, but they're making me."

"No! I will fight this, you're not leaving me Jemma. You're the only one who can help me.

I need you."

Guys, I'm so sorry. I haven't been on in a while, but I'm back!

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