Day Three

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Yesterday was a struggle. She had tried so hard to be strong but there was nothing left inside to keep her that way.

But when she woke up today, there was no taking that smile off her face. She knew. Today was the day she would see her best friend.

She didn't care that he was in a coma, or that he was completely unresponsive. She just wanted to see his face and hold his hand.

Simmons arose out of bed and went straight to get herself some tea. She even used a kettle this time.

"Good morning, everyone!" She blurted out, chipper as ever. She knew that everyone was staring at her but she didn't care; she just cared about seeing Fitz.

She gulped the tea and scarfed her muffin down so she could go get ready. She hopped in the shower and, for the first time in a while, sang.

She tried to quickly finish so she could move on with getting ready. Once she finished, she hopped out of the shower and got dressed.

She picked out a blue and maroon sweater with maroon colored jeans and white Keds, Fitz's favorite outfit. She fixed her hair to his liking and applied just the bare essential makeup products.

When she exited the bathroom, she was greeted by Tripp.

"You're very chipper this morning." He noticed and all she could do was smile.

"Well, if you weren't aware I do, in fact, get to see my best friend today," she said, being polite.

"All of this stuff has got my brain all wack, and I'm not quite sure how you've been doing lately!" It felt like old times when her and Tripp talked. Of course, it wasn't with the whole Hydra takeover situation.

She tried to cut the conversation short because she wanted to go talk to Skye, the only one keeping her sane right now.

"Skye?" Simmons called and she came around the corner. "Hey, are you excited?" Well, that surely boosted Jemma's mood up by 100!

"Absolutely! I just think I may be a little in over my head though. I don't know what I'm expecting to be lying there." She really was a little bit nervous but the excitement crawled its way in before she could become more nervous.

Skye was incredibly thrilled to see her this happy.

"You're not in over your head, and it's normal to be nervous. You don't know what's lying there, but I know that truly doesn't matter to you."

And Simmons couldn't agree more. She didn't care what was laying there, as long as it was Fitz.


She had moved herself into the main lab and was running her hands over some of the broken things. It's funny how something so broken can still mean so much.

It was 1 in the afternoon and she was growing worried. Had Coulson forgotten about it? Did something happen to Fitz? But when Coulson stepped through that lab door, she couldn't think about any of those things.

"Simmons, are you ready?" She had wanted to jump up and scream but she had to to keep her sanity.

"As ready as I'll ever be, sir, I mean Coulson." All he could do was chuckle at her.

As the walked off the bus, she saw Skye. Simmons looked at her and gave her the biggest smile. All Skye could manage was two thumbs up, but she took it.

They entered the Playground and gained many stares. She heard plenty of "that's her" and "she was under with him." But she didn't pay much attention.

They stepped through grey and white doors labeled "Medical Center," and excitement arose in her.

Coulson turned around and stopped her. "Now, I just want to let you know that he does not look like our normal Fitz." "I can handle it, sir."

And all he could manage to say was, "I know."

A doctor approached them, she looked young, too young to operate on Fitz.

"Hello, Agent Simmons, Agent Coulson." They both nodded at her. "Now, when you enter, don't make any harsh movements towards him. He is still in critical condition. Please try not to do anything that will remove the tubes." She knew all this and she wished that she'd shut up so she could see him.

"Right through here."

Jemma pushed open the pale blue door and looked up.

There he was, laying peacefully. A gasp escaped her mouth.


The word sounded beautiful on her lips, almost as beautiful as him.

She couldn't hold in her tears any longer and before she knew it, they were practically falling down her face. She quickly approached him and moved some of the curls out of his face.

She knew what the doctor said but she couldn't resist. She bent down and kissed his forehead.

Coulson and Doctor Hicks watched through the glass. Becoming aware of her breaking the rule, the doctor went to stop her but Coulson grabbed her arm.

"Don't, she's been waiting 3 days for this."

"It's certainly been a while, hasn't it?" Simmons said, wiping her eyes.

She wasn't expecting him to look like normal Fitz but seeing him pale and thin wasn't so great.

She sat in the wooden padded chair next to his bed.

"Oh, Fitz. Why didn't you tell me sooner? If I would've know you felt that way, nothing would've changed. You'd still be my blue eyed, curly haired Fitz."

It broke Director Coulson's heart to hear Simmons say all of this. He had no idea the pain she was in.

She found Fitz's hand and took it in hers, interlocking their fingers.

"When I first bumped into you and made you knock over those beakers all I could think about was how adorable you were. Then when I heard your Scottish accent, my knees practically became jello."

She knew it was ridiculous saying all these things out loud because he couldn't hear a word of it.

"Why do I have a feeling that you knew this would happen?" She chuckled and used to her free hand to wipe away some falling tears.

"I just wish you were here, Fitz," she paused. "I love you."

Yes, she loved him. No one would've guessed, just because she was a bad liar doesn't mean that she couldn't contain her feelings.

She picked up his hand and kissed it. She granted herself a reassuring smile, "It'll all be okay, we'll fix this. Like we always do."


She must've fell asleep past the 2 hours because when she awoke Skye, Coulson, May, Tripp, and Koenig were all standing around the room.

She sat up and realized that they all must've been staring at her. "When did you all get here?"

"About 10 minutes ago," Skye answered, "but you looked to comfy to wake up.

Simmons snickered, "For your information, I was not comfy..but if it meant being with Fitz, then I didn't care."

They all smiled, and she decided to speak up.

"So, any news from doctors yet?" May spoke up. "He is showing no signs of waking up, but he should be soon. Maybe a few days."

That sure made her happy. In a few days, she may be able to see her best friend again.

And I don't know if anything could be better than that.


Hello guys! I told you this chapter would be more interesting!

I'm soooo happy Simmons got to see Fitz! 💕

Hope everyone is enjoying!

- emileexox

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