Day Six

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Simmons lay there, Skye next to her, unconscious in her room.

She began to wake up and Skye rubbed her forehead.

"Hey, Simmons. Hey, wake up."

Her eyes fluttered open and she eventually realized what had happen before she faded out.

Did she pass out? Was she sedated? What happened to her?

"Fitz," she muttered and sat up.

"Simmons, hey."

She ignored Skye and ran out of the room.

"Fitz! Where is Fitz?!" She yelled, before Skye pulled her arm.

"Simmons, he's okay."

She looked back at Skye.

"What happened? Where is he?"

There was hesitance in Skye's voice before she said, "I don't know."

Simmons heart broke because she knew that they had taken him from her.

"What happened to him? Skye..What happened?!"

There was such a force in Jemma's voice that it scared Skye.

"I don't know, his heart stopped. But he's okay now."

She was relieved, he was okay.

She remembered what happened before she became unconscious and her and Skye went back into her room.

"I'm sorry, for freaking out and putting up a fight earlier, or yesterday, or whatever you get the point."

She truly did feel bad because she knew that wasn't her.

"It's fine, I just..I was so scared for you, Simmons. All I could do was sob with you. I wanted to help you so badly."

Jemma began to think about how much Skye truly meant to her.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

Simmons thought about what to say next.

"Not just for this, for everything. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here."

And she meant every goddamn word.


Jemma knew that this wasn't the best idea, but she did it anyways.

She found herself at Coulson's door. She stood there for what felt like forever.

Then, she knocked.

There was a small, "c-m in," she stepped inside.

"Hello, sir."

"Simmons, how are you feeling?"

She thought about it for a moment, physically? Good. Emotionally? Scared.

She settled for, "I'm well."

He smiled at this.

"I know why you're here, sit down."

She looked around and sat on the edge of the firm, but soft couch.

He, too, sat down.

"When we were all in the room and the heart monitor went flat, they thought he died."

"No, Fitz. No, no, no."

He put his hand on her arm.

"But he didn't."

She sighed a sigh of relief and put her head in her hands.

"The oxygen was decreasing and he was going through the same thing that happened underwater. He's okay."

Simmons had never been more relieved.

"Thank you, sir. May I, uhm."

He knew, "See him? Yes, I'll walk you down there."

She smiled and followed him out the door to see her best friend.


"Jemma, you are a doct- I mean biochemist. You know the side effects to cerebral hypoxia."

She nodded her head.

"Yes, of course, mild symptoms are have trouble paying attention, trouble with words, and reduced ability to move your body. But, more extreme symptoms are comas, like Fitz, difficulty breathing and short term memory loss."

She held out the last word.

"Oh my god, will he? Memory loss. He can't, he's strong."

"I know, there's no certain way to tell until he wakes up but I just wanted to warn you. He seems to be following the extreme cases right now."

She put a smile on her face, "Yes, thank you Coulson. All we need is hope."

Hope. Yeah, as if hope would change anything.


She had spent about 4 hours with Fitz before deciding to pay him a little visit.

She opened the door and walked down the dreadfully long steps.

The opaque screen wasn't up anymore, so he saw her coming wide and clear.

"Hello, Ward."


They both sat down, feeling no need to stand.

"He almost died yesterday."

He sat up a little at this and she took notice.

"Don't act like you care, you made our lives worse by sending us down there."

There was silence for a while.

"I do care, and I did then. That was a weakness."

She instantly knew she heard that somewhere, but wasn't absolutely sure.

"Oh my god," she said, "that's what you said before you dropped us out."

He looked up at her and she saw this guilt in his eyes.

Don't crack, Jemma. That's what he wants.

"You can't guilt trip me, Ward. You took away half of my heart."

She, of course, was talking about Fitz.

"I never wanted any of this to happen, I was loyal to Garrett. Whatever he said to do was what I done, but I couldn't put a bullet in your head."

Maybe he did care a little bit, he did spend an entire 4 or 5 months with them.

"He may not remember me when he wakes up."

She didn't want to talk to Ward, but she felt like she could.


She repeated it again.

"Major symptom to cerebral hypoxia. He's in a coma which is a major symptom. Yesterday, he was deprived of oxygen making his condition worse."

Ward finished for her.

"Which means, he'll continue showing the major symptoms when he wakes up. I really hope he doesn't forget you."

"Me too."

She said, and walked towards the stairs, making her way up them.

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