Chapter 2

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"Hey Louis"
"Um, who is this?"
"I'm pretty sure you know who this is" wtf no I don't
"I really don't, how did you get my number?"
"Your friend Liam gave me it" What! Liam gave this dude my number, well I guess that lowers the number of people of who it might be. It's either Niall, Zayn, or Harry's. I don't want any of their numbers, I have no use for it
"Okay that still doesn't answer my question on who this is" 

"Fine I guess I'll tell you" Ya you better
"It's Niall" Okay why the hell would Liam give Niall out of all people my phone number? Did he want me to suffer?
"Okay, and why did he give it to you?" I swear if it's a dumb answer ima beat the shit out of him. 

"Well, I guess you have to go ask Liam don't you now :)" Okay what the fuck, Liam you are going to go to hell and back when I see you next. Why through? Why would he give him my number, there is no reason for him to give out my number to someone I barely know.
"Fuck you" I mean how the hell do I respond to that, like what am I suppose to say?
"No thank you, that's not your job" What in the actual fuck, 'that's not my job,' well I mean it's not but why the fuck would he respond like that? 

"Okay, well I'm going to go now." And just like that, the conversation ended, I wasn't mad that it ended I'm mad at Liam for giving Niall out of all people my number, I mean who is he going to give it to next? Harry? I'm going to give Liam a piece of my mind next time I see him which will probably be tomorrow.


It was now late evening and I haven't done much since I got home, all I did was ask Liam if he wanted to hang out tomorrow, and of course, he said yes. Then I just went to sleep since I was really tired. And now I am here, laying in my bed thinking about what I'm going to say to Liam.

I mean he probably did all this just to make me mad, he knew that I didn't like new people yet he decided to invite 3 three people that I barely know let alone people that I don't like. He doesn't care about me, why would he, I am just a person who wouldn't affect him if I left, I mean he has his new friends now, I'm pretty sure he won't miss me.

And once again I must have been thinking for longer than I expected since it was now 6:30 pm. I decided to go get some dinner, I was pretty hungry considering I haven't eaten at all today, but that was fine, I'm used to feeling hungry. 

I walked out of my room and heading down the stairs to the kitchen when I got to the kitchen I stopped in front of the fridge and looked inside,  I saw some pasta from last nights dinner, I didn't want to cook so I decided to have that. After I warmed it up I sat down at the island in the kitchen, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and texted my mom to see when she was going to be home, I knew it was going to be late since she worked a double. She said she was going to be home around 10:00 pm, that's not as late as she usually worked.

I finished my dinner and put my dishes in the dishwasher before I went to the living room to watch some tv. 


I walked upstairs to go to bed because it was getting late and I was getting tired, as I headed up the stairs my phone rang, it was Liam, I waited to pick up for a few second, I answered after I got at the top of the staircase. 


"Hey Louis, now before you say anything I want to say I'm sorry for giving your phone number to Niall, I don't know what I was thinking and I don't have a good reason on why I did it, I just want to say I'm sorry because I know that you will be mad at me and I know that you will overthink things until you think I hate you, and I want to tell you that I don't and I get if you don't want to hang out with me tomorrow" well there goes my plan on giving him a piece of my mind tomorrow, and he knows me too well. He knows that I think he hates me, I mean I think he does but that's beside the point. 

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