Chapter 8

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I keep my arms around his neck and he leaves his hands on my waist.

I stare into his eyes, I love the way they look as they look back at me. The green in his eyes has darkened but they look non the less amazing. I smile at him and he smiles back at me. 

I hear the door to the bathroom open and we both pull away from each other and look at the door. A guy stares right at me, I look at him and he gives me a dirty look and smirks, I quickly leave Harry's side and walk past the guy with Harry right behind me. When we walk out of the bathroom I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I feel Harry's hand on my back, I turn around and Harry is right behind me. 

"Are you okay?"  

"I'm okay, why wouldn't I be okay?" I look away from him and look at all the people that are in the mall. "I want to leave" I look back at Harry who has a concerned look on his face.

"Okay, let's go" He gives me a small smile and wraps his arm around my shoulders and we walk out of the mall. We made our way out to the parking lot, I stop before we can walk any further.

"I can walk home" I turn to Harry

"Don't be silly, let me drive you home." He puts his hands on my shoulders

"No, it's okay. I don't want to be a burden" Harry breathes out a laugh.

"You are not a burden, you will never be a burden" I back away from him,

"I'll be okay with walking"  

"Lou, that would take you an hour to walk back, let me drive you" He takes a step towards me.

"It's fine, I can walk" I look at the ground, he takes one step closer and places his hands back on my shoulders. 

"You don't have a choice, I am not letting you walk an hour when I can just drive." I look back at him and sigh.

"Okay fine" Harry smiles at me. He wraps one of his arms around my shoulder and we walk to his car. 

Once we get to his car I get into the passenger's seat, "You know you don't have to drive me home" I look over at Harry.

"I know, but I want to" He looks over at me and smiles.


Monday morning my alarm went off at 7:00 am, I roll over on my side and turn off my alarm, I rub my eyes with the back of my hand before getting up and walking to my wardrobe, I pick out black jeans and the hoodie that Harry had let me use, I get changed and head downstairs to the kitchen. I'm not very hungry this morning so I only eat a granola bar. Just as I was going to go back upstairs to grab my backpack I hear knocking at the door. 

I walk over to the front door and open it, to my surprise I see Harry standing there. "Hey, what are you doing here?" 

"I thought you might like a ride to school instead of taking the bus" He smiles, god I love his smile so much. 

"Thanks, it does sound better than riding the bus" I give a small laugh and Harry's smile grows bigger. "Want to come in, we don't need to leave for another ten minutes."

 "Sure" I open the door up wider letting him know he can walk in. "I see you're wearing my sweater" He walks in and stops when he is beside me. "I like it on you" He smiles and walks towards the kitchen. I close the door and walk in the same direction.

"Yes, I am wearing your sweater, I like it." I walk into the kitchen and see him leaning against the counter. "Just so you know, you aren't getting this back" I walk closer to him until I am right in front of him.

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