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"Woah, Harry this is a hell of a Loft."

Was the first thing Louis said when he entered my home.

"You live here by yourself?" - He asked.

"Yes. My mum lives nearby, and Gemma moved a few blocks as well. So they come here often. But I live alone."

"This is amazing, I want to move in already."

I raised my eyebrow. We haven't discussed where we were going to live yet. If here in Holmes Chapel or back in Doncaster, or maybe even buy a new property.

And after yesterday's words from Louis, after he said that he thinks he loves me, I was left speechless. I don't think we were both on the same page. I mean, I really like him, I really appreciate him, and of course I care for him. But love is a strong word, and I don't know if I love him just yet.
Should I know it already? Should I marry someone if I don't know I love them?

We spent the last month together, but we were still on boyfriend bases, right?

I nodded at him, gave him a sweet smile and pecked his lips. Same I did yesterday after his words. Not replying, just a little kiss. Maybe he won't insist if he sees that I'm not there yet. Maybe he won't repeat those words, or the fact that we should get married and live together in a week.
I was counting on that.

"Louis!" - I called.


"I'm not talking to you, I'm calling my cat." - I said.

"Oh, right."


A soft 'meow' came from my room and I quickly went to grab him in my arms.

"Hello buddy. How have you been?" - I said while caressing his fur.

"He looks exactly like me." - Louis said and I smiled. - "It's like we were destined to find each other, right Louis?" - He said and caressed the cat in my arms.

"He likes you." - I said when the cat allowed Louis to touch him.

"Told you, everyone likes me."


"When is your family coming?"

"They must be on their way. Mum is bringing her food, so we are covered."

"Cool, so we just wait?"


"I'll go look around your amazing place."

"Go ahead." - I smiled softly and sat with Louis the cat on the couch.


My family arrived no more than twenty minutes later. The first thing Gemma did was to hug Louis and go straight to sit at the table with him.

My mum and Robin said hello to Louis and came with me to the kitchen to prepare the food.

"Well… He seems nice." - Robin said.

"He is." - I smiled.

"And how are you, darling?" - My mum asked as I was putting the food my mom brought in the oven.

"I'm fine." - I said.

"You sure?"

"Yes, just nervous." - I smiled.

"Don't be, Harry. If you chose him, he must be a good person." - Robin added. - "And that's all we want for you."


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