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This time I did hear my alarm to wake up. I was excited, today Louis had proposed to go on a real date. I already had the wine and the food ready, I also made a little surprise for him.

"Hello Participants! How did you sleep last night?" - The woman voice came through the speakers. - "We woke up with bad news today, one of you decided to leave the experiment.
Our best wishes for Robert! We hope you can find what you are looking for soon!
Well, as for the rest of you, you still have four more days ahead. Let's go to the dating pods!"

After the announcement, one producer came to tell me that Louis had requested me first, to have our date. But after him I could date John as well. I agreed and took my things for Louis' date.
I asked him for another favour before leaving my apartment, and it was for him to give Louis my surprise once we were inside the pods. He nodded and left the room.

I was dressed up elegantly and I felt really confident as I walked towards the pod.
When I got inside, I heard that there was music playing on the back, some soothing melody, setting the mood.

"Hello my little Harold. How are you today?"

"Better now that I heard your voice."

"Nice one." - He laughed.

"Thanks."- I giggled.

"Did you bring everything?"

"Yes, and I actually made something for you too."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Just wait."

I heard the producer entering Louis' pod and talking to him.

"Oh I see." - He said.

"I baked for you."

"It looks delicious."

"I didn't know what you liked, so I made two. One is strawberry cake and the other one is a lemon pie."

"Love them both."


"Did you only made these for me? Or you have them too?"

"I made one for myself, yeah."

"You did all of this last night?"

"It's not a big deal."

"I think is quite romantic."

"If you say so."

"You are really special, you know that, right?" - He said.

"You're making me blush, Louly-pad."

"Oh, I'm dying to see that."

"Can we start eating now?"

"Sure, let me open the wine for you."

"Ha ha so funny."

"You had to pretend I did it. This is like a game. Just imagine the situation, ok?"

"Oh, okay."

"I'm pulling the chair back so you can seat, because I'm a gentleman."

"But I'm already sitting."

"Harold! Don't ruin it!"

I laughed.

"Sorry, my bad. Okey, you pulled it back and I sat. What next?"

"I pushed you so you're closer to the table."


"You're welcome, Harry. Now I'm opening the bottle of wine as I make some random joke and you laugh just to make me feel good."

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