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"Hello Participants! Today we have another great news to share! Yesterday Nick proposed to Lionel so today they are going to meet each other, but they weren't the only ones, because Brad proposed to Jonathan as well! So, we have two couples that are going to meet each other today! And Next week all of our engaged couples are going to spend a week on the beaches of Mexico. So hurry up to make a decision guys! Only two days left."

Why does everyone propose before me?

I rushed to pick my clothes and have a quick breakfast. I returned to my room to grab the little red box with the ring. Today was the day. I was going to do it. I can't wait any longer. By the end of the day I will be engaged.

I had planned it all through the night, I read my notes and my pros and cons list a thousand times yesterday, I had my speech in mind and the ring in my hands. There was no turning back.

I walked to the first pod and took a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hi Harry." - He said.


"How's everything going today?"

"Fine. You?"


"I actually have something to say to you."

"I have something to say too."

"Wanna go first?" - I asked politely, even if I was dying inside.

I wanted to get this out of my chest as soon as possible.

"Sure." - He took a deep breath. - "This is so weird. Ok, here I go. I know that at first I was a bit reactive to you, because of the age difference. But I realized that you are amazing Harry, and you're tender, and funny, and everything I ever wanted, and I know we have our differences, but what couple is perfect? This doesn't have to be perfect because we will have each other. And Harry, I do know that we have only known for eight days, but I would really love to spend the rest of my life with you."


"Wait, let me finish. I have rehearsed this all night. Shit, I'm trembling." - He sighed. And giggled.

"John... you don't have to..."

"Please let me finish, I can do this. I'm on one knee right now, and what I want to ask you is, Harry Styles, would you marry me? I promise it is a very beautiful ring, even if you can't see it right now." - He giggled.

My breathing stopped. I wasn't expecting him to propose this soon, I actually came here to tell him that I was going to pick Louis and that I was sorry that it took me so long to make a decision. But now he was on one knee, asking me to marry him.

And it made me doubt. Was I making the right decision?

Because I had thought this through all night, but what if my future was actually with John? What If a pros and cons list isn't the best way to get to decide between two people? John was amazing too, and he is willing to marry me. What if I'm putting all of my faith in Louis and then he rejects me and I have to leave the experiment on my own?

My mind was a mess right now, and I felt the anguish took my chest, making a knot in my throat.

"Harry, you there?"

His voice interrupted my thoughts, I bit my lower lip. Not knowing what to answer.

"I... I am so sorry." - I said as I felt tears running down my eyes. - "I... I can't."


"I can't... I mean, I don't want to... shit this is going so wrong right now."

"Is this a joke of yours?"

"No, oh my god, I'm the worst. Look, I'm so sorry, I really am. But I actually was going to tell you that..." - I stopped because I didn't want to hurt him, and I felt awful to be doing this.- "I didn't want to keep dating you. And I know I'm an awful person for not letting you know sooner, but I guess I hadn't made up my mind until last night. And you're awesome, you really are. I'm sure you are going to find someone great to spend your life with. That's just not me."

I hated myself for what I just did. I shouldn't have let him finish talking, I should have told him first.

I heard him sobbing on the other side of the tinted glass, and then the sound of a slamming door. With that I knew he had left the room.

If this went wrong, I just prayed that the next pod would be alright, because otherwise this whole experiment was a complete failure for me.


Still with the knot in my stomach I walked towards Louis' pod, holding tight the little box in my pocket and playing with it in my fingers.

I took a minute before entering the room, this was a definitive moment of my life.

"Harold." - I heard from the other side.


"I'm growing on that nickname, I must say."

"I knew you would."

"Don't brag about it."

I giggled at his response, trying to free my body from the anxiety and the nervousness.

"There's something I want to say, Lou."

"Then say it, baby."

I felt my heart beating faster in my chest. I pulled the little red box out of my pocket and opened it in front of me. I hope he likes it.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the tinted glass.

"Lou, can you stand and come closer to the glass?"

"Mmm, yeah."

I heard his steps approaching.

"Can you touch the glass in front of you and rest your hand there?"

"Okay..." - I know he did because I saw a shadow on the other side. - "is this like a movie thing or something?"

"Don't ruin it." - I giggled.

I lifted my hand as well and touched the glass, imagining his hand on the other side, aligned with mine. This was the closest we could be.

C'mon Harry you can do this.

The only thing that could go wrong is that he would reject me. And I was surely not ready for that.

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