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Hello beautiful people. First of all! I'm so sorry I didn't update yesterday. And sorry this is a bit short :(

Thanks for always waiting and being so supportive with me :)

I really love you all, you make me really happy with your votes, comments and messages. So thanks!
I haven't been well lately, and you always make me feel better.

Thanks again.

As for this, I'm planning on writing two more chapters.

Mag 🦋


Next morning I woke up alone.
I got up and searched for Louis, but he wasn't in the apartment. He had left.

I felt like an idiot, this was all my fault. I should have told him sooner, I should have explained myself better. I should have assured him he was the one that I want and that he makes me happy. Because now I know he left  with the feeling that he wasn't good enough for marriage. That I didn't feel the same way for him as he did for me, that we weren't on the same page, that we weren't meant to be. And neither of that was true.

I screwed it up. I know.

Yet I decided not to send him a message or call him, I thought he might need his time. And I needed my time too. I needed to think, and I also needed an exterior opinion.
So instead of talking to Louis just yet, I decided to call Gemma.
She could give me some clarity.

"What does my little brother want?"

"Your advice."

"Oh, shit. This is serious then."


"What is it?"

"I told Louis I wasn't ready to get married."

"What? Why? Why would you do that?"

"Because I felt like things were going too fast. But now I think I'm regretting it."

"And what did he say?"

"I actually Couldn't speak to him properly, he left the apartment. And I don't know what to do now."

"He left? Was he mad or something?"

"Last night he kinda was."

"Did you try calling him?"

"Not yet. I need to figure out what to say to him first."

"So you call me to help you figure that out?"


"Harry, what is it that you want to really do? How do you feel about Louis?"

"I… I don't know. I care about him, I like him,  want to be with him and I kinda miss him now that he is gone."

"You miss him." - She laughed. - "So, Harry let me say that you are way past just liking him. You are head over heels for this guy. And I'm not anyone to tell you how you feel, but I'm pretty sure you love him. Maybe you just don't want to say it yet."

"How can you tell?"

"I saw you with him. And now you're pretty much giving me the reason."


"Do I need to write it down for you to understand?"

"Gemma!" - I yelled and she giggled.

"Just go talk to your fiancé and get married with him. He is a keeper."

"That's your advice?"

"No. That's what you needed to hear."

And like most of the time, Gemma was right. I needed to hear that, I needed her to tell me what should I do, even if deep down I already knew it.

I'm stupid for not noticing that Louis is the man I love, that he is the one that I want for life.
I didn't realize how much I needed him until he was gone.

"Are you still there?" - She asked from the other side of the line.

"Gems, yes. I'm here."

"What are you going to do then?"

"I'm going to get married." - I smiled to myself.


"Bye, Gems. Thanks."

"My pleasure."

I hung up the phone and tried calling Louis' number, this time I knew what to say.
But he didn't answer.

I tried again. Still nothing.
I tried again. Same result.

So all that was left was to wait until he came back.


I was nearly falling asleep in the bed again when a noise alerted me.
I heard steps coming from the living room and the sound of the main door closing.
I felt a smile forming in my lips, I felt adrenaline, I felt all of the things I wanted to say boiling inside of me.

I stood up from the bed and rushed towards where the sound came from.

There was Louis, standing in the middle of the room, looking straight at me with an indescriptible look on his face.
He was serious but decided.
He wasn't smiling and he didn't seem happy at all.
He didn't even look like himself.

His expression made me keep silent. It made me forget every word I've been planning for the past hours.

He took a few steps and faced me. He lifted one hand and grabbed my arm.

"Ok, we need to talk." - Was the first thing he said.

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