Chapter 17

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I carefully got up from my sitting position on the comfy bed-spread. I didn't know who it was, and my mind was going crazy. Every bad and horrible thought seemed to enter my mind.

I just hoped it wasn't him.

I finally got to the door; my shaking palms slowly graced the door-knob. With every inch I got closer to opening the door, my heart would beat up a thousand miles an hour.

Slowly opening the door, I came face to face with non-other than:

My mom

It shocked me, but also scared me. I was as frightened as I've ever been in my life, thinking he would just pop up out of nowhere. But if you looked deeper, I was almost glad to see her. My heart rejoiced when I saw it wasn't him, but yet, her.

I thought maybe she had the courage to get out of there, leave him behind and move on. Maybe. Just maybe, she'd changed, grown up and moved on.

Maybe that's the thing with me, I trust so easily even when I know I'll just get hurt for the same reason, but I can't help it.

As I stared her down, no one wanting to break the silence as we both took each other's appearance in.

She had more bruises and marks then before. Her clothes were worn out and torn; she had a cut on her arm where it looked like glass tore into it, still oozing fresh blood.

"You better get your filthy ass back to Blake and me!" She yelled finally breaking the silence, now wishing for it back again.

But she hadn't changed.

"Are you even listening to me?! Get back NOW!" She screamed so loud I saw a vein in her throat pop out, her face covered with anger.

I couldn't find the words to speak, so I shook my head.

"Baby, please. I need you." She pleaded.

She did this ever time, first it'd start off with anger, then she goes soft. Making me want to come with her, even though I didn't want too.

I suddenly felt all my adrenaline just come pouring out of me, all the anger, worry, fear that I had to hold in, just came rushing out.

"BIPOLAR BITCH!" I screamed. I went to pounce on her, but before I could I felt a pair of stronger arms wrap around my waist. Pulling me back and into the room, while the rest of the boys went and talked with my mom.

"Put me down!" I squirmed in his grasp.

"Mia." Niall's Irish accent whispered.

I kept squirming, not daring to look up.

"Mia!" He said more sternly.

He slowly set me on the bed once again, as he hoped in after.

This time, I couldn't help but look up. To know how much disgust there was on his face. But surprisingly, there wasn't.

Just a look of relieved joy.

I gave a confused look as I tilted my head to the side, to see all the features on his face. I'd never really looked at him, but now, now it seemed like I couldn't stop.

His eyes were bright baby blue, they could have out shined the sun they were so bright. He had a perfectly shaped nose, to go along with his angelic and perfectly rounded face. He had almost bleached blonde hair, with splotches of brown everywhere. His lips were beautiful and full of life, as he talked to me, his lips moving with every word he said. I couldn't help but notice the braces on his teeth when he smiled, made him even more adorable.

I couldn't help the small genuine smile that grew upon my lips.

"Mia?" I heard him ask.

"Huh? What?" I finally snapped out of my weird thoughts.

"Are you okay?" His eyes staring me down.

"Yeah. My anger just got the best of me." I rambled.

"It's okay. Take your time; the boys have your mum in the other room." He explained.

"Thanks." I looked him straight in the eyes.

"For what?" He asked.

"For taking care of me, and listening. Never had someone, you know, there for me." I blushed.

"No matter what, I'll never leave." He smiled.

I grinned from ear to ear.

"Niall, it's time to go." Paul stuck his head in the door.

"Where?" I asked.

"We're on tour, and we're going to our next location." Paul explained as he left closing the door after him.

"Oh." Was all I could muster to say.

So they were going to leave me, I'd be on my own again. Just when I thought things were getting better, and that maybe, just maybe. I'd found a home. But it's just like everyone else; they find out, pack up and leave. To never been seen again.

The boy finally came piling in after Paul left.

"Your mum went home." Liam told me.

I looked down, as I suddenly found the bed-spread very interesting.

"But look on the Brightside!" Zayn did a fake smile.

I looked up to see what they had to say.

"Where going to Florida!" They all screamed with excitement.

"Guys!" Niall had a bit of warning in his voice.

"What?" Harry asked.

Niall got up from the bed and rushed over to them, as they all huddled in a circle whispering.

Every little while I felt Harry staring at me, but when I turned to look at him, he'd look back down at Niall. They were probably talking about me.

"Can we do that?" I heard Louis ask Niall.

After that, all I heard were bits and pieces of what they were saying, but they tried to keep me from hearing.

"So, I'll just be going now!" I hoped up from the bed, and made my way to the door, only to be stopped by four boys of One Direction.

I spun on my heel to face Niall.

It got quiet for a second, no one daring to say anything. The boys looking from Niall to me, as I stood there wanting, anticipating what he was going to say. But my mind got the better of me.

What if they don't like you? They kick you to the curb? Give you back to

I cringed.

Blake. I felt my heart speed up a hundred miles an hour as I thought of the possibility. Would they do that? Would they make me go back to that place I once called "home" Or "family," I didn't want to even think of that. As I was snapped back into reality by Niall's Irish accent, saying the words that made me feel alive again, the feeling that I once knew, that feeling is the feeling that made me trust. And to say the least, I trusted him.

"You're coming with us!" He said, as the biggest smile lite up on my entire face.

This was going to be a new start.


This is my Christmas Present to all of you! I didn't leave it on a cliffhanger, or at least i don't think i did. many of you think somethigns going great and then your mind starts wondering and it wonders to things you really don't want to think about? I know i have!

Tell me what you think, whats going to happen next?


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