Chapter 24

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Niall's P.O.V.

I woke up to a rude awakening, only to figure out it was her phone vibrating next to where we lay.

"Just ignore it." She whispered still half asleep, hugging me close to her shivering body.

I didn't want to move, or for time to pass me by. Just looking at her, her face seemed so relaxed, serene and tranquil. Like nothing could hurt her, I wouldn't let it. That was until her phone once again started blaring up. Once it stopped, it'd start again, it was beginning to aggravate my nerves.

I snatched up her phone, without waking her up. Scanning through her contacts, I saw the name 'Collin and the other four boys' as her saved contact name. I gave a confused look, who the hell is Collin and the other four boys?

I checked what the texts he had sent read: Hi! It's Collin from the bush...if that makes any sense. Text me back!

Who-what the hell? Is she seeing someone?

My anger and frustration got the best of me, as I shot up from my place in the sand, slamming her phone down on the pure white sand. Next thing I knew I was yelling.

"Who the hell is this Collin boy?!" I screamed. "Why do you have his number? Why is he texting you?! Are you seeing him? Is this all just a game?" I shot out a billion questions.

"W-what are you talking about?" She looked confused.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I said in between clenched teeth.

"Obviously I don't!" She stayed calm.

"Seriously?" I asked. "I can't believe this!" I laughed. "How stupid I was!"

"You're not." She stated sternly.

"Then why didn't I see this coming..." I trailed off, chuckling a little at the end.

Tears were streaming down my face by now. I attempted to hide them from her seeing, but to no avail.

"Niall." She whispered. "Please?" She carefully bent down to pick up her phone, wiping off the sand. "Just tell me what's wrong?" Her eyes gave off a light, telling me she was being genuine.

"I just can't." My voice quavered, making me curse under my breath.

I couldn't-didn't dare give her my expression, mixed emotions coursed through my body.

"I feel completely foolish!" I cried.

"Niall, I seriously have no clue what you're talking about." By now she also had tears streaming down her bruised-but healing cheeks.

"I can't stand to be here anymore." I stated.

"And you think I do?!" She screamed. "To be abused by the ones you're supposed to love and trust, hated by everyone around you, and then you find a person who actually likes you for you and they accuse you of something you don't even know of! And you have the nerve to tell ME that YOU can't stand to be here!!" She announced.

"Mia, I-" I tried before she cut me off.

"No! I lost my mother, father, and my brother. Do you think I wanted to be here when that happened? I wanted to die, I even tried too. Failed each and every time, I've cut, you see these." She lifted up her sleeve. "This is what Louis was trying to tell you, but I wouldn't let him, because I was afraid that if you found out you wouldn't like me. Ugh! Do you even know how selfish you sound? I would give ANYTHING to have the life you do! You do what you love for a living, you're famous; you have people who love you! You have a FAMILY!" She finished.

I gulped. "Mia, ple-" I could never get a word out.

"You know what? No! I'm done with all this! I've had to put up with so much bullshit in my life, I'm done! I'm leaving." She mumbled the last part.

She turned to leave, I didn't move, or even try and stop her. This is what she wanted, and I had to respect that. I watched her re-treating figure as she left the beach and carried on back to the hotel. I thought about leaving, following her back to the hotel, but I decided against it. I needed to cool off, and so did she.

But one thing that bugged me out of my mind was that I couldn't break or get rid of what she said to me, it rang through my ears and swirled in my brain. She deserved more, better, I shouldn't have even bothered trying to get to know her, and she knows what she's doing, where she's going.

But she was right, about everything. I probably sounded like an arse! I had most things in life, and here I was complaining about mine, when in reality there are a lot of people who have it worse, but I couldn't see past all my own problems to realize it. I let my problems get in the way of helping her. Now she's gone.

I hurried up the gravel road, kicking rocks as I trailed along. I looked up, only to see a pub. I carefully opened the door, dragging my feet as I sat down at the counter.

"What'll you have?" The bartender asked.

"Uh, I, um..." I trailed off, not wanting to see anyone or be spoken too.

"How about some vodka?" He suggested. I slowly nodded. "Here you go." He came back a second later, handing me a glass.

I quickly chugged it down, it burned the back of my throat slightly. Slamming down the glass, I motioned towards the bartender, signaling I wanted more.

Chugging down more and more, without stopping, I started to feel myself become dizzier by the second.

"I-I d-d-don't know whybut s-she w-was the one." I felt myself slurring my own words.

"Dude, you're drunk." The bartender stated simply. "You should be getting home."

"Noooooo w-w-why y-you l-listen t-to meh." I blinked my eyes a couple times; I started visioning two of everything.

The bartender sighed loudly. "I'm going to tell you something; first off, I'm Jim. Second, it seems to me that you're having girl problems." I nodded. "Tell me about it." He replied.

"W-well." I coughed to try and stop me from slurring my words. "There's this g-girl and we kinda g-got into a fight today, her storming off and now I'm here." I shrugged.

"Okay, well that explains a lot." He mentioned sarcastically. I laughed.

"Well she has a bit of a past, and I knew some of it, but not everything. And when we were fighting I was yelling at her about her texting some boy, and then she got really upset and started arguing back and telling me even more about than I ever knew." I explained.

"So it's pretty much your fault." He gave a cheeky smile, as I gave him a glare but nodding in agreement. "Well that's tough, but I think you should let her cool off for a couple hours' maybe even days. "Also, keep the promise you made her."

"How do you know I made a promise?" I asked.

"I've been where you're at." He told me. "I also know that if you remember little things about or even for her, she'll appreciate you more. Don't let her down, and also forgive her, but also forgive yourself." He explained before getting up, and going back to bartending, leaving me alone to my thoughts.


Wise words from a Bartender....and also never let something/someone who probably means the world to you.

If ANYONE wants to rant, tell me their story, love story, anything at all or you just wanna talk! I'm here

Tell me what you think will happen next. Tell me if it's any good or not.

Criticsim is appreicated :) Don't just say "it sucks" tell me what SUCKS about it!


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