Chapter 28

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Niall's P.O.V.

"What's going on in here?" Paul came bursting through the doors, Harry behind him.

I didn't say anything, all I felt like doing was punching this bloke in the face! To say I was pisses off would be an understatement! Thinking he can do that to poor Mia!

"SHE SHOWED YOU BRUISES AND SCARS BUT YET YOU STILL DON'T BELIEVE HER?!" I felt myself becoming more and more louder than before, repeating the same thing over and over again.

"Don't believe her?" Paul piped up. "What the hell?!"

"I'm sorry sir but I don't I've seen many of these cases before, and this one just doesn't seem real." The detective shrugged.

"Seem real? You want me to show you what she's been through?" Paul got all up in his face-his entire face flushed of its color.

"PAUL STOP!" I heard Mia shout at the top of her lungs, it not only surprised me but made me wonder. "Please guys, just stop. It's fine, it doesn't even matter. It's obvious he can't help us."

"Mia." I pleaded. "We're trying to help you, ple-"

"I know Niall, but yelling and getting into a fight, isn't helping anyone!"

I sighed, she was right. "Let's go then." We all turned to leave, Paul still fumbling to find his words.

"But what I can do, is maybe check it out if you have an address...?" The detective called over to us.

"Yeah, here." Mia scribbled the address down on a piece of paper, and then handed it over to him. "Let's go now, please?" She left the room with her head hanging from her shoulders. It pained me to see her like this, I didn't know what it was about her, but she had a way of moving me, like I could feel every emotion that coursed through her body. When she was sad I was sad, I don't know what I was, but she did something to me-something I couldn't explain.


As we finally got back to the hotel, we all crashed down on either a bed or a couch. No one dared to speak-one thing could upset someone, and none of us wanted to start a riot. We wouldn't even look at each other in the eyes, all of us stared aimlessly at the floor-or anything to keep from eye contact. I got up and raced towards my bedroom, just wanting to be alone for now. But to no avail, Mia followed me.

"Hey." She greeted.


"So. What's up?" She asked, not really knowing what to say.

"Can we just not talk, please?" She nodded to my response.

I plopped down on the bed, tangling myself in the sheets and finding comfort in the warm sensation of the blankets.

Mia sat in a corner, I couldn't help but stare. She still wasn't comfortable with us-any of us.

"Come here." I motioned her over to me. She hesitated before finally coming to stand in front of the bed.

Mia's P.O.V.

"Today's been a long day." Niall sighed, but what surprised me was when he pulled me down to him, to where I was straddling him.

"Let's just stay like this." He yawned, pulling me closer to him. I decided to lay my head on his chest, relaxing my entire body. The sound of his breathing pattern against the side of my face, it rang throughout my ears, calming every bone in my body. I carefully closed my eyes to let the sense of relief wash over me.

We laid there for the longest of time, just enjoying each other's company. Until Paul came barging in the door.

"Mia?" He searched the room.

I didn't want to get up, or even move.

"Paul, can you just let us rest. We're tired and rather not be disturbed." Niall swatted him away. He left with a feeling of uncertainty.

Paul's P.O.V.

I left the room, leaving them to a peaceful sleep.

"How'd it go?" Harry asked.

"It didn't."


"Because they're tired, and I just can't, it's already been a horrible day for all of us. We might as well just leave them alone for today-I can at least give them that." I explained, hoping he would understand.

He nodded in agreement. "I think we all deserve a nice rest up, before fully taking on this reasonability."

I nodded. "Let's get some rest now." We all left to go to our own hotel rooms.


Mia's P.O.V.

I woke to a faraway noise, I lifted my head from Niall's chest, and apparently we had fallen asleep. His arms were secured tightly around my waist. The sounded like the phone ringing. I carefully got up without waking Niall up, removing his grip from me and sliding out of bed. Heading into the other room, I carefully closed the bedroom doors after me. I picked up the phone in record speed.

"Hello?" I asked. "What do you mean? Really? Are you serious?!" I yelled, the joy came flooding into me from all sides. "Yes! Thank you so much!" I squealed. I quickly hung up the phone. "NIALL!" I screamed so loud I thought my lungs would burst. He quickly stumbled into the room holding a spoon in one hand and a pillow in the other.

"What?! What happened?! What's wrong?!" He sputtered.

"Nothing! I just got the best phone call!" I squealed once again.

"Who was it? What'd they say?"

"It was the detective, and he said that he visited Blake and that he was wrong to judge me and say that what I said wasn't real, and that he's going to lock him up for good!"

"THAT'S AMAZING!" He raced over to me, picking me up and twirling me around, causing me to laugh at how excited he was. "We have to tell the other lads!"

He rushed out the door, but I stayed put. What he said, or was it maybe the way he said it? WE as in him and me? WE as in us two? US, WE. I quickly shook the thought out of my head, hurrying to catch up with Niall. WE had to tell the boys the great news.


Well this is a shit chapter. lol but i guess you would call this a filler? Maybe? I don't know. But hope you guys like it all the same.

Tell me what you think, and if you have ANY IDEAS! I'D LOVE TO HEAR THEM!


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