Chapter 27

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"Ma'am I need you to tell me exactly what happened." The detective explained. It was just me, the boys, Paul, and the detective in the room now.

"Where do I start?" I laughed dryly.

"The beginning would be nice." The detective said.

"Well that's not something I like to think about." I began. "The past is somewhere I rather not like to re-live. But I guess I'll have to face it sometime, right?" I laughed dryly once again, feeling kind of awkward. "It all began on July 23rd 1993 my parents Nancy and Frank, were killed in car accident, I never really got to know them, but I remember it like It was yesterday. I never really knew what happened everyone who was close with my parents just gave me pity stares, and they would all say to me 'It's going to be okay.' It wasn't until I grew older, and was able to fully understand what they meant, and you know what? It's not okay; it never was and never will be." By now I was bawling my eyes out. "After that happened almost immediately I was shipped out to my uncle in Texas, but it never got better, only worse. No one knew what he had, every day he would suffer inside and alone. He never let anyone know what was wrong with him; he knew it was all happening for a reason and that it was his time. I never even got to spend a year with him before he left. He suffered with the cruelest of things; cancer has destroyed so many lives." I looked up to try and stop the tars, shutting my eyes closed tight, but to no avail the tears came streaming. "I also had a brother, I never knew him either. I don't even remember his name; I was only three, then he left after our parents died. He never stuck around, never even wrote to me. I can't even say that much about him, because I know nothing more. Once I got to the orphanage, I thought of it as one big sleepover, that happened every single day, or something like Annie, singing and dancing have some girls as friends and maybe for once just once, I'd fit in and be happy. You know? But it just never goes the way you plan, I mean I was an orphan without any family; of course nothing goes the way you plan. The kids, they would always find some way to make fun of me. They would always make fun of my last name, Higgins." Out of the corner of my eye I saw all the boys turn to stare at Paul as he left the room. "I never knew what was so funny about all of it, but apparently they thought it to be hilarious. I never ever made a friend within that time I spent at the orphanage; I was the one they picked on, never really having anyone to turn too. That was until one day, Miss. Beaver our orphanage director told me I had a place offering-I was going to be adopted. That's something every orphan wants to hear, those words that lingered between her lips, and you feel fear, excitement and loneliness all at the same time. It was great; I thought I had finally found a home, a family. Until September 1st just two months after all of this. Susan my adoptive mom's husband died, they were so in love, I hoped one day I'd find love like that, after that day I stopped believing in love and life. It tore everyone apart, I pained me to even come out of my room, get out of bed. Susan started going bad, something I'd never seen before, it was like something beyond our imagination, seeing someone you loved just go to waste, it all disappears when life gets real. You start to wonder, could it be worse? Or is it already at his peak?"

"What exactly do you mean by "going bad?" He asked, getting his notebook and writing all of this down.

I sighed. "Going bad, you end up losing yourself, wanting but knowing you'll never be saved. You do everything in your power to feel numb, stay busy so you don't have time to think about all the bad things in life. It's not easy, and inside you die day by day and there's no way out."

The nodded in agreement, not knowing what it was truly like, but wanting me to keep going.

"Then she had Blake. I thought that maybe just maybe she had gotten over and past all of this, but turns out he only made it worse. The first time I met him, I could sense something was wrong-like an instinct telling me he was trouble, wish I had listened to that instinct. I could have gotten out, and maybe I could have s-saved her." My voice trembled. "Blake, he-he's horrid. I've never met such a person before-he's a monster."

"How so..?" He asked, giving me an appointed look.

"See these scars, and bruises?" I asked, pulling up my shirt to show him just what I meant. "The bruises are from him, the scars are from me."

"Why would you self-harm?"

"Because I felt like there was no way out, no reason-I was an emotional, mental and physical wreck. And when you've held out for so long, letting people just stomp all over you for years on end, then one day you just-snap." I answered. "And that is my story." I finished.

I slowly scanned the room, each and every boys eyes were wide open-or at least what was left of the boys. Harry and Paul had left the room a while back. Niall sat beside me the whole time, holding my hand underneath the table.

As the detective scribbled down some more notes, he finally looked up, about to give us the news.

"Well I don't think you're in any harm, but for your sake I'll go check out this Blake." He replied simply, shooting down what was left of my self-esteem, knowing these people wouldn't help unless they saw it happen.

"What?! She showed you bruises for God's sake!" Niall spontaneously yelled out.


Harry's P.O.V.

"Paul, where are you going?!" I yelled to him down the hall. We had just left the room while Mia was still telling her story, but for some reason Paul stormed out of there and I wanted to know why. "What's wrong with you?" I watched as he went up and then back down the hallway, he looked deep in thought.

"Mia....I think....maybe....I'm not sure...." He rambled on.

"What?" I asked, completely confused.

"Mia...she said her parents' names were Frank and Nancy, right?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"those were my parents' names." I went wide eyed for a second before I really thought about it.

"Coincidence." I stated simply.

"Coincidence? I think not! Her last name is also MY last name! We also look very similar!" He freaked out, biting his nails by now and scanning the room.

I thought about this for a while.

"Wait, none of this adds up!" I admitted.

"One thing you lads don't know about me is that, my parents were named Frank and Nancy also and they were also killed in a car accident. I also remember leaving my little sister, she was just three. I didn't know what else to do; I was in so much pain to even bear." He explained, scooting down the wall, knocking his head into the palms of his hands.

"It's okay. You just need to tell her-she deserves to know."

He nodded in agreement, slowly standing back up. We both walked back into the room where they sat, only to here Niall shouting.

"What?! She showed you bruises for God's sake!"


Do you think the police was right to do that? Did you cry during this chapter? Cause i did when i wrote it.

Tell me what you think


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