Chapter 30

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Mia's P.O.V.

"You know it!" Harry winked in my direction because of something I had inquired about his personality. I giggled at his cheeky half grin, causing him to show and spread his adorable dimples.

I shifted uncomfortably in Niall's lap.

After the kiss in the rain we had all come back to the hotel to get dry. Paul and I worked our differences out; I forgave him because I know how he felt, the feeling of being empty within, alone in a crowded room. But things work out in the end, and if they don't, it's not the end. That's one thing I learned along this destructive journey I had made for myself.

"Mia." Niall waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me back into reality. "We all think its official to say that you're now a part of the-"

"DIRECTION FAMILY!" Louis spontaneously shouted, jumping up and down on the couch.


Time seemed to past by, because next thing I knew, I was getting ready for my first date with Niall. My stomach was tied in knots, my hands clenched at my sides as I stared at my reflection in the mirror before me.

"You look absolutely beautiful." A voice complimented me from the door to the dressing room. I quickly spun on my heels, only to come face to face with none other than Harry Styles.

"Thanks." I blushed.

"You should get that, honestly."

"Really?" I asked. "I'm not too sure. You sure it isn't too....out there?"

He chuckled. "No, of course not. He'll love you, even if you were wearing a trash bag."

I laughed at this one. "Thanks."

"Well I best be going." He turned to leave, but before he could I gripped his upper arm rather tight.

"Don't, please?" I pleaded; I didn't want to be alone. "Sorry." I let go of his arm, so he could fully face me. "Uh....have you ever been so nervous, you thought that you just might explode?"

"No." He stated simply.


"But that's only because I haven't been with the right girl." He said. "I'm still waiting. But she never seems to come, you know?" He chuckled. "I feel stupid asking you this. This isn't about me."

"No! It's totally fine. You can tell me."

He sighed. " the world I'm this 'player' but I'm honestly not. It's just....I don't know what this thing is that people talk about finding, 'the one' my 'soul mate', 'love' I see everyone around me, they say they're in love, but honestly? What is love? What is it really? Because I've been searching, but it never comes around. I never ever had a good example of what love was....mum and dad fought almost every day, day in and day out. Mum divorced him, and so far she's had two other husbands after him...divorcing this one too. She can't find therefore means I can't find love."

"That's not true. You will find love, eventually! One thing I also know is that, you can't search for love, love has to find you. And sometimes, you should check the friend zone for people that you truly care for, and love. Because who knows? That one friend could turn out to be the love of your life."

"Thanks." He smiled, he hadn't let any tears flee from his green eyes. "Honestly, that's why I got this tattoo, well because of that, and because of all the hate, it just made me-"

"Snap?" I suggested.

"Exactly. Here this is the tattoo." I stared down at the tattoo before me, it was on the things I can't arm, and it read 'can I cry?'

"Honestly Harry. You're incredible, you might not know it or see it, but you are. You're genuine, sweet, caring, and any girl would be lucky enough to have you."

"Thanks, that means a lot coming from you." He smiled. "Now come on! We have to fix you up for your first date with Niall!" He rushed over to a rack of clothes, grabbing all of them and throwing them on me. "Try all those on!"

"Harry!" I squealed, laughing at how childish he was.

"Yes...? You rang?" He popped up from behind a rack.

"You're crazy, I hope you know that." I chuckled.

"Oh, I do." He grinned.


As I watched the beautiful colors that danced across the sky-purple and red. They mixed together perfectly, making me smile in his awe. A gentle breeze flows through my hair as I face the river that lies beneath my feet, under the bridge I happened to be sitting upon.

I could help but let my mind wonder, but it never seemed to wonder to the bad things, it all just seemed to wonder to the boys. They were my life now, I had to accept that. I HAD accepted that.

Everything was going smoothly, I was about to head off to my first date with Niall. I just had to come out here, to clear my head. To just be alone, sometimes being alone isn't all that bad. Blake had been locked up, for life for physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, also for smuggling illegal drugs. Susan, got twenty-five to life, for letting it happen and also doing the drugs with him. I quickly shook my head of all the bad things, nothing could ruin this moment, It was absolutely perfect.

"Who knew a single phone call would lead up to this and completely change my life." I exclaimed to myself, feeling a burst of pride and adrenaline course through my veins.

"And for the better." I heard a deep voice chuckle. I twisted in my spot on the edge of the bridge, to see who had said that.

"Hey Paul." I smiled; I also now had a big brother.

"It's ready, Niall's waiting." He gave me his hand to help me up, I gladly took it, gripping it tight within mine. I don't know if I'll ever get used to this feeling, of love, or most of all....a family. That's all I asked I have one. One I might not have guessed, but you know what? I'm finally happy.

The End


The book is officially over! Hope you liked it :D

Did this book help anyone? Cause that's what i was going yeah....

Should i end it like that, or add the epilogue? Tell me in the comments below!


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