2. Two of him?

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Skye pov:
So Harry and I arrived by this weird looking house with holes in the walls and broken windows.
"I represent, the Hook house. The home of me and my sisters, Cj and Harriette." Harry said.
"It's certainly unique."
"Are you trying to say that it's terrible on a polite way?"
"No... Mabey..."
Harry grinned and he opend the door.
This other girl looked at us a bit confused.
"Harry? I thought you and Cj were upstairs?" she said.
"Harriette, are you okay? You knew I was ij Auradon."
So this Harriette shoke her head and she looked at me.
"And who the heck is she?"
"Skye Hart." I said and she looked at Harry.
"Already found yourself a new girlfriend?"
"No. She has a boyfriend. But could you borrow her some dry clothes so we can find that guy?" Harry said and Harriette motioned me to follow her upstairs.

"This might sting a little." another girl said.
"What's that?" a familiar voice said and jnstead of following Harriette into the room on theeft, I went to the room on the right.
"Sean!" I said and he looked up relieved.
"Skye! Thank god you're okay."
"Hold up, you're really not Harry?" this younger girl said and Sean shrugged.
"I told you my name was Sean Matthews..."
"Harriette!" that girl yelled and Harriette walked into the room.
"What? But he-"
"What's going on uo here?" Harry asked and then Harry and Sean stood right in front of each other.
It was pretty weird and confusing.
"Since when are there two of you?!" Harriette said.
"This is really weird..." Sean muttered.
"Yea, that's an understatement."
"Cj, you're seeing this too right?" Harriette asked and that other girl, Cj nodded.
"This is kinda freaking me out."
"So you're that guy the blue braid girl was looking for?" Sean asked and Harry loomed at him.
"You mean Uma? What did she want?"
"Let's say that other guy beat the crao out of me since she wanted to get me back to my senses since I didn't admitt that I was Harry, which I'm definitely not..."
"That explains why you have that wound on your face..." I said with a little worry.
Sean took my hand.
"I'm fine really."
"Hey, where did you get that?" Harriette said and she yanked the necklace I got from Sean off my neck.
"Hey, I gave that to her this morning!" Sean said.
"This was our mothers. A red ruby from the Hook's bay." Cj said.
"That's impossible. My dad gave it to my mom once." Sean said.
Harry looked at the necklace and then he grabbed Sean by his collar.
"No games, where the hell did you get this?!"
"Stop!" I said and Harry released Sean even though he clearly didn't want to.
"I'm telling the truth."
"Hold up, what did you say your name was again?" Cj asked and Sean looked at her.
"Sean Matthews."
Cj ran off to another room and came back.
"I knew that name sounded familiar. I read it in mum's diary. Here look." and she gave the book to her brother.
Harry frowned as he read the page.
"No way. That's insane..."
Harriette sighed.
"So it's true huh?"
"What's going on?" Sean and I asked at the same time.
Harry looked at Sean and he shoke his head.
"No, this is just insane!" and he walked away.
"Hey wait up-" Cj said and she followed him.
Sean looked at Harriette.
"Dare I even ask what is it?"
"You and Harry are twin brothers." Harriette said.
"No, we're not. That's impossible. My parents are at home, nearby the Northstar lodge." Sean said.
"Well you two look like eachother and mom's diary said that Harry had a twin brother called Sean who strangely enough disappeared." Harriette looked at Sean.
"So welcome home."
I looked at Sean.
"Are you okay?"
"None of this makes sense!" and Sean left too.
I sighed and wanted to follow Sean but Harriette stopped me.
"Don't. They need some time."
"But he's my boyfriend. I'm supposed to be there for him."
"Harriette! Harry and Sean both left." Cj yelled and Harriette sighed.
"So, are you and Sean serious?"
"What? Yes, why?"
"Then mabey you want to bind with your possibke future sisters in law." she said with a sly smile and I shoke my head.
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves but bonding can't hurt."

Sean pov:
I sighed.
"How is all of this possible? I mean my parents are still at home... This is just a big joke..."
"Trust me, it's not."
I looked up and saw Harry walking to me.
"How do you know for sure?"
"Come on mate, look at us. Besides for as far as I know, mom never lied."
"Yea right..."
"Look, this isn't just insane for you y'know."
"Sorry I didn't meant to-"
"It's fine. But may I ask you something?"
"What kind of people were ehh... 'your parents' actually?"
I sighed.
It was just weird...
"My 'dad' is a rich jerk and my 'mom' is the most kind woman ever."
"What a combination."
"Tell me about it." 
Harry grinned a little and I looked at him.
"So what are your- ehh... our(?) parents like?"
I saw he didn't enjoyed talking about it and I looked at him.
"If you don't want to-"
"No, it's fine. You should know."
"Our father died. A few years ago..."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. He was captain Hook, a giant asshole."
"Isn't that guy like a fairytale character?"
"Welcome to Auradon mate. In your realm all of us must be fairytale characters in that case."
"Realm, world, dimension. Whatever suits you."
I looked at Harry.
"So if he's dead... What about...?"
"Mom? She's been missing ever since Cj was born, rumors go that our father made her leave otherwise he'd kill the three- four of us. Although I'm not sure when you disapeared..."
"I don't remember any of this place so my guess is a long time ago."
"That you don't remember Auradon is logic. The barrier has only been down for less then a year, I don't know everything about Aradon yet too. The isle of the lost, that's where we were born. You know, the dark island where the Hook House is?"
"There was a barrier?"
"Yea, the heroes tried to keep the villains as far away from them as possible. To protect themselves and their kids. But that guyw who's the king now, Ben the son of Belle and Beast, decided that the VK's should be given a chance. So the core four went to Auradon at first, then a whole fight between the core four and the sea three, then all of us fought against Audrey, the daughter of Aurora and prince Philip-"
"Hold up, you're going a bit too fast. Who are the core four and the sea three?"
"Right, you don't know that. The core four are Mal, daughter of Malificent, Carlos, son of Cruella de Vil, Evie, daughter of Evil Queen and Jay, son of Jafar. They lived on the Northside of the isle. And the sea three are Uma, daughter of Ursula, Gil, son of Gaston and me. We're a bunch of southsiders. Northsiders used to hate Southsiders and Southsiders used to hate Northsiders..."
Harry smiled a little and I looked at him.
"You got a crush on a Northsider, didn't you?"
"What? How-?"
I grinned and Harry looked at me.
"Mabey. But that was a long time ago... Now that girl is engaged to king Ben..."
"Neh, it's fine. Like I said, a long time ago..."
"But it still hurts seeing her with him, doesn't it?"
"Sound like you speak from experience?"
"Skye used to date my best friend, also a Ben... I mean I wasn't supposed to complain, I had a girlfriend at that time, Danielle."
"but you knew you liked Skye more and you had the feeling you two could never be together?"
"Now you're speaking from experience."
"True... I used to date Uma, when I still liked... The Northside girl."
"Not saying her name huh?"
"You'll notice soon enough."
"It's too painfull to say her name, isn't it?"
"Mabey it's time you learn where you really come from. What do you say, tour on the isle of the lost?"
Changing the subject, unbelievable.
"Sure." I said and i tried to ignore that he wasn't fully honest. Because i couldn't blame him. I ddin't want to be fully honest with him as well.
We barely knew each other and then we appeared to be twin brothers.

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