20. No-!

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Sean pov:
So three months have passed by and the potion was finally ready.
Evie used the potion on Mal and Fairy godmother and Mal looked at me.
"Sean? What happend?"
"You were turned to stone for three months..."
"Three months?! What took you so long to help out?!"
"A lot of things, now shut it purple pixie." Uma said and she used her magic to give Maleficent these bracelets which made her magic useless.
Then Evie used the potion on Maleficent too.
Maleficent looked at Mal.
"You could've been Queen. But you just had to go back to a Hook boy. You were going to marry the king but instead of that, you just chose for this worthless piece of shit." Maleficent said as she grabbed me by my throat.
"Let him go Maleficent." Fairy godmother said and I started to choke.
"Why should I?" she said and I felt that I was about to pass out...
"Enough!" Mal yelled and she used her powers against her mom...
"You turned her your mom into a lizard... again?" Uma said and Mal kneeled next to me.
"Are you okay?"
"I guess we're even now." I said and Mal kissed me.
I heared that Evie chuckled and I saw that Uma captured the lizard Maleficent in a jar.
"Can I throw this in the ocean now?" she asked.
"What no! She is still my mother!"
"I'll make sure she'll be in a room where no magic is possible. Then she'll stay there forever." Fairy godmother said and Mal agreed with that.
I looked at my phone for a brief moment and sighed.
"What is it?" Mal asked.
"Skye hasn't woke up yet."
"Still? But it has been three months."
"She's ain't gonna wake up I think." Uma said and Mal glared at her.
"Really helpfull."
"Oh I'm sorry, next time I will throw your lizard mom in the ocean."
"Enough." Evie said and the girls stopped bickering.

Harry pov:
It has been three months...
She wasn't awake yet... Her dad lost hope and I did too, but I couldn't lose her.
There was like this one little dot of hope left.
It has been so long but she didn't wake up yet.
I needed her, she was everything I had (in this world). There had to be something so I could help her...
"You must leave." A nurse said and I looked at the time.
"I thought visitors were allowed to stay here until six 'o clock?"
"Her condition hasn't changed for the past three months. The protocol tells us to talk to her family about it and her dad decided to stop."
"Stop what...?" I asked a bit confused.
"Stop trying."
"You mean you're letting Skye die?!"
"It's not our decision." The nurse said and I stood up.
"No but it's oh so easy to pull the damn plug!"
"Her dad made his choice."
A few nurses stepped towards Skye and this male nurse held me back, making sure that I wouldn't stop them.
"Please don't... I'm nothing without her." I said.
One of those nurses looked at me and sighed.
"I'm sorry..."
"No... Please... Skye!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

Skye pov:
I was still running arounf in the tunnel.
It was weird... And I stil haven't found a way out...
I sighed and almost gave us as I heared someone yelling my name... Harry.
I turned and followed where the sound came from as I found an exit.

I gasped as I opened my eyes.
"Skye!" Harry's voice said and I looked at him.
His eyes were wett and red and he grabbed my hand.
"Thank god you're awake..."
There were many nurses and they left except one.
"We'll check later..." she said as she left as well.
I looked at Harry.
"Why are your eyes so red... Did you cry?"
"Irrelevant. The important thing is that you're okay."
He smiled a bit as he kissed my forehead.
"I'm really glad that you woke up..."
"How long was I passed out...?"
"Quite long..."
"How long?"
"I'll fill you in later..."
"You were really worried weren't you?"
"Yea, you could say that..."
I squeezed his hand softly.
"It's been a while hasn't it?"
"Three months..."
I opened my mouth so say something but I didn't know what to say...
"I was after that I'd lose you..." Harry said.
"I love you..." I said softly and Harry kissed me.

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