10. Oh crap...

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Sean pov:
Skye called and I picked up.
"Sean?" she said on the exact moment as I picked up.
"Hey, does Harry want to switch back already?" I asked.
"No. We just need to know something. What is that bet about with yiu and the guys?"
"Crap... The biking race, loser has to shave his head... Total forgot about that... Oh f*ck..."
"Biking? Really that's all? Although losing of Ben is going to be a challenge."
"It was between all four of us."
"Okay I take it back, it's going to be easy."
"No not really..." someone muttered, I thought it was Harry.
"Sean, I'll call you back on Saturday."
She hung up and I looked at Harriette and Cj.
"What was that about?" Cj asked.
"Let's say I might've screwed uo a bit for Harry."
"What did you do?" Harriette asked.
"Depends on..."

Anyways Harriette and Cj basically didn't care and they took me along for a little sword fight training which could've come in handy when Maleficent would've come after me again...
So yea, apparently I knew how to use one. The girls kept saying because it was in my blood but yea, maybe I was just a quick learner...

As the day went by I kept thinking about the bet and how Skye reacted at the end...
Like she seemed worried.
I looked at the girls.
"Weird and random question, how's Harry with bike's?"
"Bike's? That guy doesn't even know how to ride one." Harriette said with a sly smile.
Okay, then I got why Skye reacted like that...
"Why?" Cj asked and I looked at them.
"Let's say I used to be a biking fanatic..."
"That guy is so gonna screw that uo for you!" Harriette said and she burst out in laughter.
"Oh I told you this was going to be fun." Cj said.
"Hey Hook! We gotta talk." an awful familiar voice said and I turned.
"Look, I kinda owe you an apology after throwing your brother for the bus. I heared what happened to Sean and it was meant for you so I kinda feel bad for him."
I scoffed.
"Yea, right."
"Excuse me?"
I saw that Uma was offended but Impressed, thank god...
"The fish and chips shop, 8pm tonight. Sharp, understood?"
I looked at Harriette and Cj for a sec and then I nodded.
"I'll be there."
"Rotten!" Una said with a smile and she left.
I looked at my sisters.
"I'm screwed aren't I?"
"Doesn't have to be. You can actually fight with that thing. You could use it if things escalate." Harriette said.
"Beside if you get injured you might get a cool scar!" Cj said and I shrugged.
"Let's hope that doesn't happen..."

Harry pov:
So Skye and I were sitting in her room later that evening.
"So, Harriette told me you stole a car when you were ten..." Skye said.
"Yea, Cruella's car. That was really fun."
"Okay, but then again. You stole a car when you were ten. But you don't know how to ride a bike?!"
I shrugged.
"Well... No."
Skye and I walked on the hallway and once we got by the stairs she looked at me.
"Do you trust me?"
"Why are you asking it like that?"
"Let's say I'll be sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
And she pushed me down the f*cking stairs!
My right arm hut the ground oretty hard and I even heared it crack.
"Aarghh!" I muttered.
Skye ran down and some of the others appeared too.
"What happend?" Noah asked.
"He slipped and fel from the stairs!" Skye said, damn she's a good liar.
She helped me up and looked at me.
"Are you alright?"
Then I felt a huge pain in my arm.
"Not completely..."
Ben looked at me.
"Guess the bet is off for Saturday."
"Ben! Your friend is injured and all you think about is that stupid bet?!" Skye yelled and she looked at me.
"Come on, my dad could give us a ride, because you're gonna need a doctor for that..." she said and she pulled me along, by my good arm.

Once we got away from the others she looked at me.
"I'm so so so sorry..." she said and I looked at her.
"You pushed me down the f*cking stairs!"
"Well better this then that you have to ride a bike, which you can't and that you'd need to shave your head. And still, I'm so so sorry..."
I gritted my teeth for a moment and Skye looked at me.
"Does is hurt a lot?"
"A little..."
"Someone needed a taxi?" Skye's dad said and the two of us got into the backseat of the car.
Skye took my left hand and looked at me.
"Are you okay?"
"I'll be fine."
But I had no Idea what was gonna happen next... I mean sure I know what a doctor was... I just never had to go to one... Especially since I never broke a bone before... Which was actually really surprising since well... You'd know if you'd knew me.

So yea, we arrived at this hospital thing and my arm was hurting a lot...
Skye actually seemed really worried and this nurse looked at me.
"Sean Matthews?"
Right, other name...
"Y- yea..."
"You can follow me, your girlfriend can come too."
Skye wasn't my girlfriend (yet) but yea she did came with me.
The nurse looked at me.
"We're going to make an X-ray to see if your arm is broken. If it is, we'll need to put the bone back on it'splace and then a cast around it."
I swallowed and Skye looked at me as she took my left hand.

So yea, made the X-ray thing and yea... broken in two places...
The nurse told me that it could've been painfull when they'd put the bone back on it's place but I didn't even flinch.
Skye and the nurse seemed a bit impressed and the nurse put a cast around my arm.
I had to keep my arm in this sling thing and damn that sucked.
I couldn't do anything and the worst part was that Skye felt so guilty about it, even though she kinda saved me by pushing me off the stairs...

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