18. Could it get any worse?

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Sean pov:
So Skye probably wasn't awake yet since Harry didn't text yet.
Mal and I were on our way to Maleficent's castle together with fairy godmother.
I checked my texts one more time and Mal took my hand.
"He'll text. Right now we need to stop my mom."
I nodded and I put my phone away.

"Ugh you again..." Maleficent said.
I tightend the grip on Harry's sword and gritted my teeth.
"Why the hell did you stab my friend?!"
"If you'd care about that girl then why are you here and dating my daughter."
"Skye is one of my best friends." I said.
Mal looked at her mom.
"What is wrong with you?"
"I had to make sure that this land would have one Hook less."
"What is it with you and the Hooks?!" Mal asked and her eyes started to glow.
"Enough!" fairy godmother yelled and she took her wand.
"Bibbedi, bobbedi-"
"Boo!" Maleficent said and she turned fairy godmother into stone.
"Oh crap..." I said.
"I guess we'll have to go all over this again." Mal said and she looked at her mom.
They both used a spell on each other at the same time.
Mal turned into stone and Maleficent just got paralysed.
I swallowed.
"Great... Now what...?"
So my (literal) magical girlfriend got turned into storm, just like fairy godmother and Maleficent got paralysed...
What the hell was I supposed to do!?
Evie! She's a genius, she had to know something and I ran to her lab.

Harry pov:
So I was back next to Skye after I told Ed about the whole stab situation.
Weirdly enough he didn't even bother showing up too.
I looked at Skye.
"Hopefully you'll wake up soon..."
I sighed.
Maybe I should text Sean that Skye is probably not gonna wake up any day soon...
Especially since the nurse said it could take weeks... or never...
I sighed and took out my phone.
"Maybe I should just call instead of texting..."
I sighed as I started the call.
"Hey, is Skye awake?" Sean asked and I looked at Skye for a moment.
"No... Not yet..."
"Is something else wrong because I am kinda busy right now..."
"Too busy for your friend and twin?"
"Funny... Let's say three magical people are turned to stone and paralysed..."
"What did you do?!"
"I didn't do anything! Let's say Mal, fairy godmother and I tried to stop Maleficent..."
"And then what happend...?"
"Long story short, Mal and fairy godmother are turned to stone and Maleficent is paralysed. Right now Evie and I are trying to figure things out..."
"And how are you gonna do that?"
"Not a clue..."
"That's not true, woth this potions we should be able to get Mal and fairy godmother back." I heared Evie saying.
"That sounds way to easy, are you sure?" I asked.
"One problem..." Evie muttered.
"Call you back later." Sean said.
"No Sean hold up-"
But he already hung up.
"What an asshole... huh, he really is just like me..." I muttered.
I turned back to Skye and sighed.
"I really hope you'll wake up soon... I really need you... You always seemed to jnow what to say..."
It almost looked like she smiled for a moment but I actually thought that I imagined that...

Skye pov:
I was like in this endless tunnel... The last thing I remembered was getting stabbed the next thing I knew, being stuck in a weird tunnel.
It was really dark, I couldn't see a thing... Especially not an exit...
I think I ran soo many circles by now... I stopped counting how many paths I followed...

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