25. Holy-

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Harry pov:

So we walked back towards the palace and Jane kept typing on her ipad.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Finding Emma." was all Jane said.
"Who's Emma?" Harriette asked.
"Our real Queen. Ben's older sister." Jane said.
"Ben had a sister?" Sean said.
"Yes, but she left because... Because of a conflict with Belle and Adam." Jane explained.
Sean looked at me.
"Beast in human form."
"What kind of conflict?" Harriette asked.
Jane sighed.
"Belle made me promise not to tell anyone." she said.
"You can trust us Jane." Sean said.
"Maybe Emma will tell you, well... You'll know if we can find her."
"Eh, guys... I think someone else has other plans..." I said as I pointed towards the castle.
Ursula and Evil Queen stood there.
"Relax, we're helping. Uma and Evie asked us to help out." Ursula said.
"How do we know that you're not lying?" Harriette asked.
"Because we know where Emma is." Evil Queen said.
"Where then?" Jane asked.
"In his world." Ursula said as she pointed towards Sean.
"What?" Sean asked confused.
"She is in another land though but is in his realm." Evil Queen said.
"Do you know where exactly?" I asked and Evil Queen nodded.
"Use this magic bean, it's enchanted so it will bring you straighgt to Emma." Ursula said.
"How do we know it's not a trick." Harriette said.
"I wouldn't want to disapoint my daughter again..." Evil Queen said and I wanted to believe her but I just didn't.
"Harriette you stay here just in case. We'll take another magic bean with us to get us home." I said and she nodded.

So a few moments later, we appeared in this house in the middle of nowhere.
"Where are we?" Jane asked.
"The better question is, who are you?!" this angry lady said as she looked at us.
"Are you Emma?" Sean asked and the lady's expression changed.
"Who wants to know?"
"We're from Auradon. We need you at home." Harriette said and Emma shoke her head.
"Yea, I'm not going back there." Emma said as she turned away.
"Wait, just hear us out." Jane said.
"Why? My parents caused enough pain already."
"Well they're pretty dead." Sean said and I looked at him.
"Really smooth."
"They're dead...?" Emma asked and I looked at her.
"Yes, Belle, Adam and Ben are dead. They got killed. Belle and Ben were killed by Maleficent." I explained and Harriette sighed.
"Our sister killed Adam while he was in beast form because he tried to kill me. I'm sorry..." Sean muttered.
Emma looked at us.
"Good riddance. That my family is dead, not that one of you almost got killed."
"That's cold." Jane said.
"Really? They ditched me because-"
"Mom, why are you yelling? Hope can't sleep..." A guy said who walked in.
Emma turned and looked at him.
"Henry, eh... Try to get Hope to sleep okay, I promise that I'll explain." Emma said and that Henry nodded.
"You've got a son and a daughter?" I asked and Emma nodded.
"Yes and because I was 16 when I was renant of Henry, my parents wanted me to get rid of him but I didn't want to. That's why I left."
"Wait, How old are you then...?" Sean asked,
"Excuse me?" Emma asked and I looked at Sean.
"Maybe you should shut up." I said.
"Emma, listen. We need you to be the Queen Auradon needs. The people need you, the kingdom is falling apart." Jane said and Emma looked at us.
"I can't leave my kids behind."
"Just take them along." I said.
"Fine, but if you want me to come along... There is one thing I hope you'd help me with." Emma said and Jane looked at her.
"What is it?"
"My love has been gone when Hope was a few weeks old, he was captured and he needs to be rescued..."
"Where can we find him?" Sean asked.
"It's a place where only guys can come in. I tried to get in once and I must say I was lucky to be still alive." 
"Where is it exactly?" I asked.
"Give me your phone and I'll put the location in it." Emma said and I handed her my phone. 
"Then when you two are going to help Emma's lover then I'll stay here. Use these, say my name to comunnicate, ten seconds of silence breaks the connection then you need to say my name again." Jane said as she handed me and Sean an earpiece.
"Keep us updated." Jane said and I nodded.
Emma looked at us.
"Here, I took a few before I left. Magic beans..."
She gave us three and I looked at her.
"One to go, one to return and one on reserve. Goodluck."

So Sean and I fell in this desert place.
"You alright?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Yea, I'm fine. You?"
"Let's just find that guy- Dammit what was his name."
"I have no idea..." Sean muttered.
Great... Just perfectly great...

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