5. Oh my-

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Skye pov: 
Sean ran off and I followed him.
"Sean, please listen." I said and I took his arm.
He looked at me and I saw the pain and a little regret in his eyes.
"Do you love him?" was all he asked and I looked at him.
"I only love you."
"Well according to fairy godmother, that's a lie."
"Well then she's wrong."
"It wouldn't be the first time you're in love with two guys."
"Excuse me? You and Ben were literally fighting over me. And yes, I might've been in love with both of you but I only love you Sean. No one else. Why on earth would I?"
"Yea, why would you?"
"Sean, you have to believe me..."
"Just be honest with me."
"i am being honest!"
"Do you love him or not?"
"Mabye!" I yelled and Sean looked at me.
"I don't know. Ever since I kissed him and realised it wasn't you... It did something... I don't know..."
I sighed and Sean rushed a hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry..." I muttered and Sean looked at me.
"Maybe you should make up your mind first."
"No. I don't want to be second choice again because you can't be with the other guy. Because we both know that Ben was your first choice."
"Sean... What are you talking about?"
"I'm breaking up with you... Untill you know what you really want..."
"Please... Sean I-"
"No, it's enough. You never knew with which guy you wanted to be and now it's the same story all over again."
"Well I guess it would add up. You're whole life was a lie. So maybe the two of us never meant to happen!" I yelled and I saw the pain in Sean's eyes and tears welled up in my eyes.
"Maybe you're right." he said and he brushed right past me, towards the Hook house.
I didn't want to go there so I just walked away, on the isle...

So after a while I bumped into Uma.
She looked at me.
"Well well well, just who I was looking for."
She used magic on me and I didn't remember what happend next.

Sean pov:
I stood in front of the Hook house, yet I hesitated to go inside...
I felt terrible after yelling at Skye like that but...
I sighed and turned to walk away.
"Sean! Where the hell were you and Skye?! Uma has gone evil again for some reason and-" I turned and saw Harry looking at me.
"Hold up, where is Skye?" he asked.
"As far away from me as possible I think."
"What? Unbelievable..."
"Looking for this?" a teasing voice said and we saw Uma, who held an unconscious Skye by her wrist, yea she was flying by her magic.
My eyes widen and I looked at her.
"Really, now you care again?" Harry muttered but I ignored him.
"The AK has to come to my ship if he wants her to stay alive." Uma said and she flew away.
"I have to go!" I said but Harry grabbed my wrist.
"No way, that's too dangerous. You don't know her like I do." he said.
"So what's the plan?"
"Something I already regret..." he muttered and I gave him a questionable look.

So Harry was going to pretend to be me and we switched clothes for that plan.
He sighed.
"Unbelievable I'm doing this..."
"Now it's really confusing who's who..." Cj said and Harriette grinned.
"The AK being a VK and the VK being an AK. Just hilarious." she said.
"Yea yea, I know..." Harry said and I looked at him.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Helping Skye... and saving my life a few hours ago."
Harry looked at me.
"Well, I suppose that's what brothers do for each other... and apparently even when they only know each other for a few hours..."
He looked at the time.
"Got to go mate." he said and he left.
Harriette and Cj looked at me.
"Welcome to the VK squad." Cj said with a way too big smile.

Harry pov:
Ughh... AK clothes... AK meaning... AK stuff...
This was so not like me, at all... Well kind of. Since the barrier got down I did change though...

So Uma looked at me.
"Well look at that. Look guys, the AK Hook had the guts to show up!" she said with a sly smile.
I saw that Skye was tied up and Uma grinned softly as she walked to me.
"Terrible disguise, Harry. Sean's hair was shorter than yours. Amateur."
I grittet my teeth.
"You didn't think I'd let them go here. You'd kill him."
"I would never."
"Yea right."
"Okay, you know me too well. But I actually wouldn't kill him, because since you split your heart for both of you, it would kill you too."
"And since when have you cared about me? Ever since the barrier got down, you threatened me as trash."
"Because you are."
Skye startee to wake and I looked at Uma.
"Let her go."
"Neh. Because you brought her and your precious brother in danger.
"Let go of me!" A voice said and I saw that a few guys dragged Sean along and I looked at Uma.
"Harriette and Cj are asleep thanks to sleeping dust. Not that hard."
I looked at Uma.
"This was just a plan to get me here. You knew that by taking Skye, Sean would've came and that I would've gone in his place. You never cared about getting them, did you?"
"Again, you know me too well." Uma said teasingly.

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