1- In the washroom

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Near the end of a tiring practice of their upcoming comeback, Jungkook enters the men's bathroom. Often, when his hyungs or he felt exhausted, they'd head to the bathrooms for a quick nap. Jungkook entered a stall, locking it. He pushed the toilet cover down, crouching on the top. He stared at his toes, covered by his black shoes. The tips of his black shoes were wearing out, and the front was flapping a little. He knew one day they would come apart in two pieces, and he doubted he could afford another pair. Jungkook sighed, his slight noises echoing all around the vast bathroom. Every breath he took could be heard, loud and clear. It was as if there was a microphone in front of him, echoing every sound he made. A few seconds later, the bathroom door creaked, signaling another's entrance. Jungkook tilted his head up fast in the direction of the noise. A silent moment passed before the bypassed spoke up.
Jungkook let out a deep sigh. It was just Yoongi.
"Hyung? Is that you?"
Jungkook could hear Yoongi shuffling towards the stall beside him.
"Yeah, it's me."
The two sat in the stalls silently, in peace. The silence wasn't awkward, but It's comforting. They felt like they were there for each other, the silence supporting both of them. They sat like that for a bit, until Yoongi spoke up.
"Let's trade shoes."
Jungkook was a little shocked at Yoongi's offer. After all, Yoongi's shoes were worth more than Jungkook's.
"No hyung, It's fine."
"I insist," Yoongi said. Before Jungkook could refuse again, a pair of shoes were shoved into his stall.
"Pass me yours."
Yoongi said. Jungkook sighed once more. He slipped off his shoes and slid it over to Yoongi. As they laced their new pair of shoes up, they heard the door open.
"Hey guys, we have to go for dinner."
It was Namjoon.
"Okay," Yoongi yelled back. They could hear Namjoon shuffling back out the door. The two boys stayed in their place for a few minutes longer before getting up and washing their hands, doing so like away before dinner. Once both of their hands were watched they walked out and went down the hallway to the kitchen of the dorm.
In the kitchen was a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was dusty and very classy. On the floor was a table barely the size to fit all seven at once. The table was close to the floor. All of them had to sit on the ground on mats, crisscrossing their legs. With the table being small it usually leads a few members to eat in the living room to give more space.
Jin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin were already seated at the main table, already eating. They casually ate, not bothering to wait for the rest. Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi grabbed a plate full of food and sat on the couch. No one bothered to start a conversation as everyone was quite tired from the hours of practice they had that day, going to have to repeat the same thing the next day again. It was an exhausting repetitive schedule, with barely any breaks or new things to do. This was the idol life they lived for now. The agency had promised then once they started becoming more popular, it'll be easier for them. However, many among them doubted that. Jungkook looked down at his feet out of habit, remembering he wore Yoongi's shoes. Surprisingly, the shoes fit him well and weren't tight. He didn't think they'd have the same shoe size. It's something he never really had to think about as it really never came up. On another note, he slightly felt bad for Yoongi, wearing the old worn-out shoes. Jungkook stared at Yoongi wearily. The soles looked like they'd rip off any moment. But Yoongi had insisted on trading so he didn't think too much about it, Jungkook pushed away that thought, thinking about the food that they were given. Usually, the cooking was shared between Jin, Yoongi, and some days just getting delivery as they were often too tired to even bother cooking. Often one of them would cook the rice if needed. Today Jin cooked a simple ramen meal. There were frozen meat chunks here and there. Usually, when Jin made ramen, he'd add green onions, along with finely cut carrots, and a fried egg. It seemed like Yoongi noticed too, because he spoke up, breaking the awkward silence.
"You didn't add any veggies today hyung."
Jin looked at Yoongi calmly, yet a little irritated.
"Look, I do the cooking for you all. Be a little grateful, please. You guys barely step foot into the kitchen."
He placed the bowl harshly in the sink, walking away to his room.
"If you guys are unsatisfied with my meals, cook the meals yourself."
He stormed to his room, closing the door. The rest of the members slowly left, until Yoongi and Jungkook were left alone in the room. They awkwardly looked at each other as they were left to do the dishes. The duo got up and headed over to the sink and got soap and sponges each, cleaning each bowl left behind by each member. They also cleaned the materials Jin used to cook.
"You know, hyung."
Yoongi softly hummed in response to Jungkook.
"It's not any of your guy's fault."
"I know."
Yoongi said softly. He scrubbed the dish repeatedly in the same manner for every other dish. Soon they were all done and put the now clean bowls into the cabinets.
"Good night Jungkook."
Yoongi said. Jungkook turned back around and nodded quickly. Their rooms were beside each other, and the walls were thin, so that Jungkook could eavesdrop on their conversations. He heard Yoongi's voice first.
"I'm sorr-"
Before Yoongi could finish, something hit him. Jungkook could only guess that Seokjin hugged Yoongi.
"No, I'm sorry."
Seokjin said, out-loud and clear. Yoongi found it a little shocking, Jungkook guessed by the silence.
"Ok, let's go sleep now."
Yoongi said, his footsteps shuffling to his bed. Jin did the same. Blanket covers were heard. Covers were being kicked and shifted around. Moonlight shone down on them, signaling the night beginning.

Posted 2-1-2021
1057 words

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