22 - my dear prince

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"Hmm? Why aren't you answering, oh dear prince?"

The way Yoongi was writing his words made Jungkook feel a whole new feeling he had never felt before. His hot breath froze Jungkook, though, in theory, it should be the opposite. He knew he was supposed to answer Yoongi, but he was too flustered to speak or even utter a sound.

"I...I" Jungkook stuttered. He could feel Yoongi's endearing yet intimidating stare towards him.

"You?" Yoongi asked, waiting patiently for Jungkook to finish what he started to say.

"Goodness, why do you make me feel this way," He blurted, unable to hold it in. Yoongi drew back, surprised.

"Feel what?" He asked all innocent-like as if he weren't acting like all dominate a few seconds before

"Feel all, flustered, and make my heart beat fast, and make butterflies fly rapidly around my stomach, and make me blush hard," He said, letting out a sigh at the end. Yoongi just laughed, poking Jungkook's nose.

"It's a bit of a charm I have," He grinned, winking.

"It isn't a little!" Jungkook exclaimed, pouting. Yoongi just laughed more.

"Aww you're so cute," he said, pecking Jungkook's nose softly.

"Nuh-uh, I'm not cute. I'm almost 18," he said rolling his eyes. Yoongi shook his head.

"Nope, still cute." He grinned as he added, "You're always cute to me."

"That's so cheesy," Jungkook said, attempting to hold in his giggles.

"But it's the truth," Yoongi shot back teasingly. "Would you rather me be intimidating or cheesy? It's your choice, lovely prince of mine."

Jungkook gulped, trying to maintain a stoic expression at Yoongi's words. Yoongi smirked as Jungkook turned away. He loved seeing Jungkook like this, he felt exhilarated. Yoongi turned Jungkook back around to face him. Without any warning, Yoongi slammed his lips onto Jungkook's, making Jungkook jerk back a little due to the amount of force. Yoongi slid both of his legs around the younger, his thighs literally choking Jungkook's small waist. Jungkook froze. He could feel himself slowly melting as Yoongi made sure to cover every corner of Jungkook's mouth with his tongue as if he were examining its structure. His hands floated around Yoongi's back, as he was hesitating whether to pull Yoongi closer to him or not. Somehow Yoongi felt his hand's presence since he reached his free hand to Jungkook's and placed them on his back. Jungkook took that as a sign and kissed back. Their bodies were rubbing against each other, each other's body heat accessible through the two pieces of clothing that acted as barriers. Jungkook could feel Yoongi quenching himself as he swiped around his mouth. A few seconds later, Yoongi drew back away from Jungkook's mouth, looking straight into his eyes. Jungkook looked back, slightly quivering over Yoongi's glare. Yoongi smiled softly, patting Jungkook's head. Jungkook smiled back, clutching onto Yoongi's shirt at the back. The elder leaned in, nuzzling his nose against the younger. Jungkook closed his eyes and rubbed his nose back, satisfying Yoongi. He watched as Yoongi eyed the plates, getting up to drop them at the sink. Jungkook let go of Yoongi's shirt, allowing him the freedom to move.

"I guess I'll go rinse the dishes," He said, smiling at him sweetly before turning around to face the door and exit. Jungkook got up as well, stretching. Yoongi left the room just as Jungkook decided to walk over to Yoongi's closet. He wanted to try on one of Yoongi's shirts because he liked wearing Yoongi's clothes. everything comfortable and was oversized to Jungkook's small body. As he rummaged around the closet, he came across what seemed like a medium-sized brown box. Jungkook figured it was clothes that Yoongi was getting rid of or didn't fit anymore. He fetched the box taking it out of the closet. He could hear Yoongi still rinsing the plates, so he decided to take a peak. As he did, he found a pair of fishnet stockings, along with a few pairs of skirts and knee-length socks. Jungkook was surprised. The clothing was mostly black but some were also a light baby pink some with a couple of chains and small designs here and there. At that moment, Yoongi returned into the room. He spotted Jungkook on his knees, peeking through his secret he didn't wish for anyone to figure out. At first, he felt anger towards Jungkook's actions, then realized Jungkook wasn't going to be rude at all. Jungkook would never judge him. Yes, he was now a little upset at him going through his things without permission but knowing Jungkook, he wasn't the type to make fun of others' dislikes or likes. He saw a soft, kind expression on Jungkook's face. Yoongi felt a bit shy as he approached Jungkook, kneeling beside him. Jungkook noticed, turning to look at his boyfriend.

"You like this type of clothing?" Jungkook asked him politely as if he wanted to know more. Yoongi nodded silently, biting his lip softly as he awaited Jungkook's next expression. Jungkook's face curved into a grin as his mouth worded out the sentence,

"I think they're pretty cute."

Yoongi felt his heart flutter at those words. As well as he had never expected those words from Jungkook, he was grateful for the younger to have told him that. It gave him an unknown form of confidence he had never felt before.

"They'd suit you well," Jungkook added, holding the skirt up.

"You think?" Yoongi asked, scratching his head and looking down. Jungkook smiled, as he leaned forward and gave his cute boyfriend a peck on the lips.

"Yes, I do." He had not worn any of them ever since he had moved into as he didn't have the time or a real reason. When he was younger and first bought them he'd wear them when his parents were not home and he was out of school. It had given him the confidence he didn't know he ever had. Now, when Jungkook spoke those words, it unlocked his love for skirts in his heart.

"I love you so much, I bet you'd never know how much."

1025 words
Posted 3-21-2021

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