18 - are you awake?

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Soft snores were heard from Jungkook. It wasn't loud at all, quiet snoring that was still soothing. Yoongi had woken up randomly, not knowing why. He shifted a bit, getting more comfortable than he was before. Once Yoongi was comfortable again, he noticed Jungkook's snores. He smiled a little, finding the way the younger one snored quite cute. Yoongi watched his chest slowly rise and fall as he breathed, finding slight entertainment in watching that. He slowly moved his eyes back up and pushed a strand of hair behind the younger ear as it had been in his face. Jungkook wrinkled his nose like a bunny, then went back to snoring. Yoongi tried his best not to giggle, finding his tiny imitations of a bunny wholesome. Yoongi laid there quietly for an hour watching Jungkook sleep, himself not being able to sleep. It put him at peace, watching Jungkook sleep. It might've sounded creepy but to him it was just calming and made him feel better. A while later, Yoongi’s eyelids started to feel droopy and he dozed off once again.
Both of them woke up in each other’s arms. Yoongi giggled, as he felt Jungkook’s arms around his waist. It tickled him. Jungkook slowly opened one eye, hearing Yoongi’s soft laughter. It sounded like wind chimes, a pleasing sound.
"Did you sleep well?" Yoongi asked looking at jungkooks face 
"Pretty good, what about you Hyung?"
"Mm I slept well too, " he said, not mentioning the part of him waking up and staring at Jungkook for like an hour.
“Well, let’s go have breakfast,” Jungkook said, yanking on Yoongi’s sleeve as he got out of bed. Yoongi got up, Jungkook still holding onto his sleeve. They walked into the bathroom, to brush their teeth. After brushing their teeth and washing their faces, they headed to the kitchen.
“So what do you wanna eat?” Yoongi asked, opening the fridge.
“What do we have?” Jungkook questioned as he sat at the table patiently.
“Well, there’s leftover take out food, like sushi, and then some vegetables, and a salad,” Yoongi started listing out many options. As he was focused on what was inside the fridge, he didn’t notice Jungkook getting up from where he was. Jungkook sneakily stood behind Yoongi, wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s torso. Yoongi jumped a little, frightened at first, then realizing it was Jungkook, he calmed down. Jungkook placed his chin on Yoongi’s shoulder, looking into the fridge with him.
“How about we have some fruits for now? I’m not too hungry,” Jungkook concluded, his hands still wrapped around Yoongi.
“Sure,” Yoongi said, trying to act normal. Jungkook’s presence in a 1-foot radius could already make him flustered. He was surprised at how Jungkook wasn’t blushing at all. Yoongi picked out a couple of tangerines, along with grapes and apples.
“ Don’t forget the pears,” Jungkook said, reaching for them. Yoongi could feel Jungkook’s front pressed against his back, making him even more flustered than before. Jungkook grabbed two pairs with one hand and placed them in Yoongi’s hand.
“So do I have to walk around the kitchen with you clinging onto me like this?” Yoongi whined playfully. Of course, he liked it, but he wanted to tease Jungkook.
“Well, I could do this,” Jungkook suggested, as he lifted up Yoongi. Yoongi could feel his feet leave the ground. He gasped softly, surprised.
“Or this,” Jungkook added, putting Yoongi back on the ground. He held Yoongi’s back and lifted him up, bridal style. Yoongi felt his cheeks grow rosier with each second. At this point, Yoongi might become a cherry by how pink he was turning.
“Awh, am I making you embarrassed?” Jungkook asked, giggling at his hyung’s reaction. Yoongi nodded, staring at Jungkook.
“Just take me to the sink and let me wash the fruits,” Yoongi said, pouting. Jungkook laughed, nodding and carrying his hyung. He let Yoongi down at the sink, immediately back-hugging him right after. It seemed like today Jungkook was attached to Yoongi like a magnet. Yoongi didn’t mind his clinginess though, he quite enjoyed it. As Yoongi washed the fruits, Jungkook slipped his hands under Yoongi’s, washing the fruits with him as well. Both of them washed the fruits and cut them, Jungkook’s hand right over Yoongi’s the whole time. Once the fruits had been prepared for consumption, Jungkook took a grape and fed Yoongi.
“Please don’t bite my finger,” Jungkook said, as he held the grapes in front of Yoongi’s lips. Instead of biting his finger, Yoongi gave them a small soft kiss while chewing the grape. Jungkook smiled, finding what Yoongi did adorable. He kissed Yoongi on the cheek, making Yoongi freeze for a few minutes. He was the one who usually kissed Jungkook, but Jungkook had never kissed him before. Various emotions flowed through his body, as Jungkook and him carried the fruits to the table.
“Jungkook?” Yoongi asked Jungkook, as they sat down.
“Mhm?” Jungkook hummed, after biting an apple.
“What would you consider our relationship?” Yoongi asked shyly, his voice dying softly afterwards. Jungkook stopped eating, placing the apple down on the plate. He finished chewing before expressing his true feelings.
“Well,” Jungkook started. He wiped his hands on his hoodie, before grabbing Yoongi’s hands and holding them tightly.
“I love you. I really do. I want to be more than...what we already have. I want to  be by your side, you know? And maybe, not only as a friend, but something...more than that.”
Yoongi stared at Jungkook, deep into his eyes. He noticed how the expressions Jungkook had just conveyed were true, and heart-felt feelings.
“Well, I do too, to be honest,” Yoongi said, speaking up. “I realized while you were gone I felt... empty..like it wasn't fun anymore. I mean at first it didn't bother me but over the days I missed you more I want to be, spending all of my nights and days with you. I want you to be the first person’s face I see everytime i wake up in the morning, also the last face I see when I go to sleep. I want to hold your hand...for eternity. Until time ends completely.” Yoongi completed, without breaking eye contact with Jungkook. Jungkook looked back at him, understanding how he felt. They knew they both felt the same about each other. What was left now?
“Did we just propose to each other?”

Words 1075
Posted 3-7-2021

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