15 - a rude awakening

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As Yoongi entered his room, he spotted a red-eyed Seokjin sitting on his bed.
“You guys said you’ll be back soon,” Seokjin grumbled.
“Sorry, we were late."
Jin sighed.
"Don't do that again. You both had me worried sick. I know you guys are adults and all, but still."
Yoongi nodded as he put on pajamas and got in bed. He knew Seokjin’s reason was reasonable, and he didn’t like worrying Jin. "It won't happen again.."
He knew Seokjin couldn’t stay mad at them for long.
Morning came back again, and Yoongi woke up just as Jin woke up. Jin didn’t glance at Yoongi as he walked to the kitchen. Yoongi noticed, feeling a little guilty.
“Jin?” Yoongi called. Jin turned around, looking back at him.
“I meant Jin Hyung,” Yoongi said groggily. Jin smiled softly.
“Yes, Yoongi?”
“You aren’t mad, aren’t you?”
“Not at all,” Jin said, walking to Yoongi. He patted Yoongi softly on the head.
“I could never get mad at any of you guys.”
Yoongi chuckled. “Same.”
“‘Kay, I’ll get going now,” Jin said, as he shuffled to the door. Yoongi sat in his bed, buffering. Once he felt ready to start his day, he got up on his own two feet, walking out the door. Jin spotted him, calling out to him.
“Go help Jungkook out, I’m sure he would love your help,” he suggested as he boiled water.
“Okay,” Yoongi agreed, walking to Jungkook’s room. Jungkook had collapsed on his bed last night. He was still in the same clothes. Yoongi shook his head, smiling softly at him. He shook Jungkook softly to wake him up. Jungkook didn’t budge. Yoongi sighed. He kissed Jungkook on the cheek softly. Jungkook shifted a little in the bed.
“Don’t make me lick your ear,” Yoongi said, getting closer to Jungkook’s ear. When Jungkook gave no answer, Yoongi snickered. He licked Jungkook’s ear slowly, to wake up Jungkook.
“WOAH-” Jungkook yelled, sitting up in bed shocked but at least awake.
“Good morning Jk,” Yoongi said with a soft smile then helped Jungkook out his bed
“Jin wanted me to help you pack.” Jungkook realized that today everyone was going home for a couple of weeks break to see their parents. He was very excited to finally see them after so long but he also felt weird leaving the boys even for a short time. They were practically like his second family. Jungkook sniffed himself, realizing he had to take a shower.
“I have to shower,” He said, looking up at Yoongi. Yoongi nodded.
“But I feel lazy,” Jungkook whined.
“Will you shower if I showered with you?” Yoongi asked, knowing that would be the only way Jungkook would shower. Jungkook nodded eagerly, getting out of bed happily. He grabbed his towel and another pair of clothing. Before they left the room, Yoongi woke up Taehyung. They both approached the washroom. Jungkook enthusiastically hopped into the shower, followed by Yoongi. Yoongi grabbed the showerhead, turning it on. He positioned the showerhead on Jungkook’s hair. With his free hand, he ruffled Jungkook’s hair to get rid of any dust stuck on the tips. After Yoongi was done with Jungkook’s hair, he passed it to Jungkook to hold it for his hair.
“Close your eyes, Jungkook,” he said, as he started to apply shampoo for the younger’s hair. He made sure to cover every end of Jungkook’s hair, cleansing it. He started applying shampoo for his hair after finishing applying shampoo for Jungkook’s hair. Jungkook started rinsing his hair, closing his eyes to avoid any shampoo sneaking into his eyes. Once he was done, He turned off the showerhead, watching his hyung apply shampoo for his hair. He helped Yoongi reach spots he missed, by resting his hand on top of the elders. Jungkook rinsed out Yoongi’s hair, making sure no shampoo heads to Yoongi’s eyes. They showered peacefully, finishing up a little while later. Jungkook got out first, Yoongi followed. Each got their own towel and dried up and went to their bedroom to get dressed in jeans and a shirt. Yoongi came back to Jungkook’s room after he was dressed and got out one of the suitcases, letting Jungkook pick what clothes he wanted to take. Yoongi folded them all neatly and placed them in the bottom of the suitcase. For everything else, Jungkook got himself and put it in the bag then zipped it up
“Thank you, Hyung! Want me to help you pack next?”
Yoongi shook his head “I’m not going home Kook, I’ll be staying here.” He said, his smile dropping.
Yoongi sat on Jungkook’s bed and sighed “My parents aren’t very supportive still so I don’t want to go back.”
Jungkook looked at his hyung, surprised he was still making it through without much support from home. He admired him very much.
“Hopefully one day they’ll support me,” Yoongi said, smiling sadly.
Jungkook pouted and sat next to Yoongi, giving him a small, brief, comforting hug.
“Oh...that really sucks I’m so sorry.”
Yoongi shrugged and hugged back.
“Just..have fun with your parents okay?  Jungkook just nodded and laid down, patting the spot next to him. Yoongi laid down where he had patted.
“I’m gonna miss you..” Jungkook said in a quiet tone. Yoongi, who had closed his eyelids, opened one eye, looking at Jungkook. Jungkook noticed and panicked a little.
“Not only you, but the others too…” He added. Yoongi nodded.
“It’s going to be quiet around here once you all are gone,” He sighed. Yoongi sat up, smiling a small grin. He pulled his knees to his chest, tucking his chin in between his kneecaps.
“I’ll have the dorm to myself at least.”
Jungkook smiled too. He got up too, looking at Yoongi. He cupped Yoongi’s face in his hands, admiring Yoongi’s soft, smooth skin. His lips made contact with Yoongi’s forehead, kissing him softly. Yoongi felt himself blush. He did it all the time to Jungkook, but it felt special when Jungkook did it. Yoongi held Jungkook’s hands, touching them gently as he pulled them away from his face. He held the younger’s hands in his, in front of the both of them.
“I love you.”

1083 words
Posted 3-5-2021

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