29 - Thank you, really

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Jungkook dried his hands, before lifting Yoongi swiftly onto the counter and then stood in front of him.

"Now talk, so that half of you doesn't need to focus on your legs and the weight it was bearing."

Yoongi found it easier to talk since he was in a comfortable position.

"Well, half of me is ok with Hoseok knowing, and half of me is not. Like, I didn't want anyone to know before I'm ready. I kinda expected this to happen, although I didn't want to. And I don't like lying to anyone I'm close to or will interact with every day since it'll be a pain in the ass when I get caught and I have to explain myself. And well, I feel scared to explain to the members. Even though I've known them long enough and all, it just..feels..yeah. I guess... I'm not ready."

Jungkook understood how he felt. He, himself did have trouble coming to terms with who he was and who he liked. He understood how Yoongi felt, with every word the elder spoke.

"Do you have more to say?" Jungkook asked as Yoongi paused.

"Uh... I guess? I mean, if I have more, I'll say it once you're done 'cause it seems like you want to say something," Yoongi responded, looking at Jungkook now.

"I felt the same too. I had a conflict with myself and the world around me when it came to my sexuality and all. I feel the exact way you do. Just know you're not alone Yoongi," Jungkook said, as he took both of Yoongi's hands into his and started to caress them. Yoongi looked at Jungkook, his full concentration given to him.

"Hopefully the rest of the members will support us. We must hope for the best. And well, things happen suddenly, or unplanned and it's a part of life. The best we could do is to learn from it, you know?"

At that moment, Yoongi just felt a burst of emotion inside of him. An indescribable, euphoric emotion. Maybe it was the feeling of being given comfort or being understood. Probably a mixture of both. He could feel himself automatically run his arms to Jungkook's neck, pulling him into a hug and resting his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Thank you," Yoongi simply spoke, without another word.

"For what?" Jungkook questioned.

"Everything. Really," Yoongi said, making them stay like this for a while.

Jungkook smiled and leaned up to kiss Yoongi's lips for a moment before pulling away and patting his head. Yoongi smiled back at Jungkook, three simple and short words leaving his mouth.

"I love you."

Those 8 letters made Jungkook feel all types of ways. He felt happy, excited, loved, and important, The words felt different from the way his family had said it, and the way really anyone else would have said it. The way Yoongi made it feel so special was amazing to him.

"I love you too, Yoongi."

Yoongi smiled back, simply kissing Jungkook on the lips softly again, lingering there for a while. It felt nice, kissing each other softly on each other's lips, taking turns. It was a pleasant feeling. Jungkook moved his hands up resting them both on each of Yoongi's thighs, taking his turn to kiss Yoongi's lips. Yoongi was slightly surprised at the younger one placing his hands there but didn't stop him from doing so. Jungkook moved his thumb in circles, touching Yoongi's legs with the pads of his thumb. The movements were light, and he didn't put much pressure while rotating his thumbs. It was a slightly ticklish gesture, as Yoongi did bite his cheek in an attempt to not giggle. Yoongi took that moment to also kiss back Jungkook's lips and pulled his hands off his thighs taking them in his hands to hold.


2 days have passed, and their week-long break has finished. The rest had returned to the dorm, the place filled with joy and people once more. It felt quite nice to have everyone back. Though they all missed the privacy and time with family. Then again, they were like family for each other so it really wasn't all that bad. They were back to their daily, busy lives, training hard and taking necessary breaks. It felt easier to complete things with each other around.

They did have another day before they started working on new songs and preparing for the next comeback. They just had a day to relax with each other. Yoongi felt more ready now to tell the rest of the members. It just felt like the right day by his instinct. Yoongi headed over to Jungkook's room, to see what he'd think about telling the rest of them today. Jungkooked was curled up in bed reading a manga he had been wanting to read for a while. Yoongi walked in and laid behind the younger, sliding his arm around Jungkook's pretty waist. That startled him a bit at first, but then he put the book down as he turned around to greet Yoongi with a kiss on the lips.

"Mm hey," Jungkook said softly, as he broke the kiss by gently drifting away. Yoongi replied with a soft 'hey' that was barely audible.

"Where did all your energy go my dear? Hm?" Jungkook asked jokingly, poking his cheek.

"Ah well...I feel confident and ready enough to go tell the members today about us," Yoongi responded as he twirled his fingers around each other slowly. Jungkook smiled at Yoongi, proud of him for bringing this up. It was a big step for both of them, more so for Yoongi. "Ah really? Would you want to bring it up at dinner?" Jungkook questioned, feeling like it would be a good time as they would be altogether at the same time. Yoongi nodded, as he agreed with that idea as well. Jungkook smiled at Yoongi, ruffling his hair. Yoongi giggled as Jungkook continued to play with the elder's hair.


That evening, Yoongi made sure everyone was done eating before he spoke.

"Uh, guys? I have... An announcement, "Yoongi said everyone looked at him, hearing his voice. Yoongi got Nervous so he quickly grabbed Jimin's hand and held it under the table to comfort him. "Ah so...this has something that is a big part of my life..and it's taken a lot to accept myself." The boys were confused about what he was talking about but just listened without saying anything yet. "I am gay...and have been in a relationship with Uhm... Jungkook for a while now. I hope you all will accept us...and that's all..'' He was letting out a breath, happy he got it all out, and was also nervous about what everyone would respond with. Namjoon smiled at him and nodded.

"Ahh thank you for telling us. I'm glad you can trust us with something like that and we support you fully."

Taehyung, Jin, and Jimin nodded, agreeing with Namjoons words. Jungkook turned to Yoongi and hugged his body tightly, kissing his cheek.

"Ah ah, though you don't have to be all lovey-dovey around us. Some of us are still single here." Yoongi raised his eyebrows

"Some...?" He questioned why Jin had said it like that. Taehyung rolled his eyes with a laugh "Ahh it's not like that. Just to put it simply Namjoon and I are just fuck buddies. We aren't dating or anything, we have talked that all out." Namjoon nodded in agreement.

"Mhm yeah, it's been that way for a while now. But anyways yeah thank you for trusting us to come out to us, That definitely a big step for you." Yoongi smiled and nodded. Dinner continued with a bright mood, the night ending off with everyone telling about their break and what they did.

1305 words

posted 4-15-2021

A/N Sadly BTC will be ending in the next chapter though don't worry, K-12 will be finished and more works will be posted soon! I'll be putting up announcements of what's happening and what will be posted.

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