24 - skirts and tea parties

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"Oh!" Jungkook exclaims, making an O shape with his mouth. Yoongi giggled, looking at Jungkook keenly, waiting for a response.

"Ah well, you see," Jungkook stammered, trying to look at Yoongi. Yoongi's beauty kept distracting him, his soft features shining. The sun had gone down, slightly peeking out from the ground. Some of its light shone on Yoongi's face. Jungkook took one large breath, continuing what he was going to say.

"Well, you look so gorgeous. I feel like capturing you as much as possible, at this moment."

Yoongi froze, Jungkook's words numbing him. Time around them seemed to slow down, as Yoongi could hear Jungkook's words echoing through his ears.

"I...I," It was now Yoongi's turn to stammer, as he glanced away. Jungkook smirked.

"Did I make you flustered?" He asked, watching Yoongi flinch a little at his voice. Jungkook giggled as he received no response.

"S-shut up," Yoongi mumbled, his voice cracking. Jungkook's giggling quieted down.

"It's ok. Sit in my lap," Jungkook said, patting his thighs. Yoongi turned around, looking at Jungkook straight in the eye. Jungkook's eyes held a different type of confidence. He held a smirk on his face, making Yoongi give in.

"F-fine," Yoongi agreed, getting on all fours. He crawled towards Jungkook, staring at the ground. Jungkook watched his boyfriend approach him, his method of approaching him reminding him of a cat. He could feel the heat rise to his cheeks as Yoongi was getting closer. Yoongi's cheeks were a slight pink too, as he looked up. Jungkook had the sudden thought of how cute Yoongi would look with cat ears. He did look very similar to a cat, anyways. Yoongi shifted his bottom in between Jungkook's legs as if it were a seat. Since Jungkook was sitting crisscrossed, it formed a comfortable place where Yoongi could simply sit with ease as if it were a chair. Yoongi's legs wrapped around Jungkook's waist, pulling them both close like before. He threw each of his arms over one of Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist, holding him tight. Yoongi looked straight into Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook could see the lonely moon resting in Yoongi's eyes had met its cluster of stars. He smiled. Yoongi did too, as he saw Jungkook's collection of stars hanging out with the moon as well. The two stared deeply into each other's eyes, time-freezing once more. Everything they locked eyes, it was like time stopped. That moment was like heaven, a beautiful place. Jungkook leaned in, and so did Yoongi, as their lips magnetically drew together. They felt each other's plushy meat collide with one another, drinking each other out as if they were drinking water in a desert. Yoongi yearned for more, and Jungkook was going to give him more. The younger placed a hand onto Yoongi's chest, moving it up to his shoulder. Once it was up on his shoulder he used the tab of his thumb to rub against his exposed collar bone. Yoongi liked the feeling of Jungkook's hand on his bare skin. He wanted Jungkook's hand to explore over him. Not in a sexual way, really, but in a way that'll make him feel protected. It's how Jungkook's touch felt to him -- warm and at home. He moved his lips away for a bit, to whisper to Jungkook.

"Touch me softly. Make me feel warm."

Jungkook nodded, smirking in a way that made Yoongi feel he'd get the job done. Jungkook kept that one hand in his shoulder but used the other snaking it to the back of Yoongi's hair, pushing it into the head full of hair, pushing his head closer to his own. Yoongi gripped Jungkook's shirt tightly, surprised at his strength. He held onto his boyfriend's shirt as he could feel one of Jungkook's hands slither down, pass his chest, and down to his waist, holding it tightly. The cold feeling of Jungkook's hand against Yoongi's warm skin made Yoongi pull himself closer to Jungkook. Jungkook slid his other hand down as well, not breaking the kiss. He grabbed a blanket, tossing it over the both of them. He made sure it covered them both well before looking back up into Yoongi's eyes. His breath got heavier, whispering something into the elder's ear, causing him to blush heavily.

"Let me treat you right, dear princess."

He slipped Yoongi's shirt off him as if it were an easy task, leaving Yoongi topless. He pushed Yoongi closer to him, his cold hands pressing against Yoongi's warm back. Yoongi pulled away from the kiss, to say a few words.

"It's not fair if you don't get half-naked either."

Yoongi pulled Jungkook's hoodie off of him, throwing it down to the floor next to them. The air felt thicker for a few seconds before Yoongi let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. Jungkook lifted Yoongi, the blanket still above the two. He peeked and led them back to Yoongi's room to cuddle more comfortably. Yoongi got off of Jungkook, crawling to the edge of the bed, thoughts spiraling around his head. Yoongi looked over his shoulder, seeing Jungkook looking a little puzzled. He smirked with confidence, sitting on one end and patting the opposite end, motioning for Jungkook to sit there. Jungkook did as he said, getting closer curious of what Yoongi had planned in his mind. Yoongi pushed Jungkook onto the bed, making Jungkook lay flat on the bed. Jungkook's legs flew open unconsciously, while Yoongi placed his legs in between Jungkook's, forcing the younger's legs apart. Jungkook gasped, feeling aroused as Yoongi stared down at him.

"You know, I would fuck you right now but I won't; I'll treat you right on your birthday for the first time properly instead."

Jungkook did not expect that at all, he knew Yoongi was not innocent but so straightforward -- like that was unexpected. He could see the lust and desire in Yoongi's eyes, as he just stared at him, barely blinking. Jungkook could already feel his imagination going wild. He tried to control it, but there was no way of doing that with Yoongi on top of him. As he saw Yoongi smirk with satisfaction, Jungkook could imagine that the reason behind that emotion was his own face. He was probably a flustered mess right now; cheeks all red and wide eyes shining with innocence.

"Goodness you are so cute," Yoongi breathed, his face softening and leaning down to softly peck Jungkook's forehead. He brushed Jungkook's bands aside, giving him access to Jungkook's forehead. Jungkook was still amazed by how quickly Yoongi could change emotions. It really is like one second he's asserting dominance the next second he's the cutest thing ever. Yoongi leaned back, smiling down at him. Jungkook could feel the butterflies rise in his stomach again, fluttering all over the place. Yoongi looked so angelic, the moonlight shining onto him, his lovely collarbone revealed. His milky skin sparkled under the white light. Jungkook couldn't hold himself back as he reached out to brush Yoongi's hair from his face, and whispered loud enough for the two of them to hear.

"How are you so beautiful, princess."

1204 words

posted 3-24-2021

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