19 - purpose

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"Did we just propose to each other?" Jungkook asked.

"Ahah, yeah, seems like it. Like we proposed how we felt, yeah. Haha," Yoongi said, in an awkward manner. His voice cracked in between the sentences. He looked away, clearly flushing.

"Hey, you don't need to be awkward around me," Jungkook said, turning Yoongi's face in his direction. Yoongi looked at Jungkook, admiring how bold he was when they were alone. It made him glad that Jungkook was comfortable with him. They both looked into each other's eyes, sensing each other's comfort.

"I admire you, Jungkook. And by admire, I mean by a lot," Yoongi stated, without breaking eye contact.

"Woah, really? I admire you a lot too, hyung," Jungkook said, shocked at Yoongi's sentence. Yoongi smiled, happy. Jungkook ruffled Yoongi's hair, making him giggle and blush.

"But you go first hyung," Jungkook said while placing his elbow on the table and hoisting his face using his arm. "So what exactly do you admire about me?"

Yoongi took a deep breath, inhaling softly. "Well, first of all, how you throw effort into everything you do, you're always looking out for all of us, you keep trying even though you may be tired or feel like giving up, and how talented you are. It's admirable."

Jungkook smiles at Yoongi, not thinking he had a list like that. Though he was happy that he could make Yoongi feel that way about him. He pats Jungkook's head while moving the bowl of fruits to the kitchen table and sitting down, Jungkook sitting on his lap. Yoongi was surprised that he sat on his lap all of a sudden. He started rubbing Jungkook's back softly in a repetitive pattern. Jungkook threw his right arm around Yoongi's neck, while Yoongi held Jungkook's waist.

"So what's admirable about me?" Yoongi asked, popping a grape in his mouth after asking his question.

"Well, well, look how curious you still are," Jungkook teased, looking at Yoongi. Yoongi just wrinkled his nose, looking back at him.

"Just say it," Yoongi pouted, playing with the tangerine in front of him.

"Fine, fine, " Jungkook said, rolling his eyes jokingly. He took the tangerine from Yoongi and started to peel it for him. He fed Yoongi as he spoke. Yoongi listened attentively.

"Well, your style attracted me most. And the way you create music is so cool. You're just so cool hyung. You could just stand there, doing nothing, and everyone would think you're so cool. You emit swag vibes and I love that."

Yoongi looked down, turning pink.

"But I'm a softie," he said quietly. "And everyone thinks I'm scary."

He looked up, his eyes sparkling.

"I'm not scary at all! I'm just a softie," He said, looking up at Jungkook. Jungkook looked back down at him endearingly, wanting to squish his hyung's cheeks.

"And that's another I like about you! How soft you are," Jungkook ended, smiling at Yoongi. Yoongi looked back up at Jungkook, their eyes staring right at each other. He looked back, smiling at how adorable his hyung looked. Jungkook started leaning in, getting closer to Yoongi's face. Yoongi could feel the tension in between them. He started following Jungkook's lead, getting in closer as well. That's when Jungkook put a tangerine piece in his mouth. Yoongi stopped, confused. Jungkook pointed at the tangerine, and then at Yoongi's lips. Yoongi noticed what Jungkook was doing. He was feeding Yoongi, but with his mouth. Yoongi went in, ready to take the tangerine from Jungkook's lips, but Jungkook moved his head away, smirking. Yoongi pouted, trying again, and missed one more time. Jungkook still had the tangerine in his mouth. All Yoongi wanted now was the tangerine piece and nothing else. He was getting frustrated by each second, while Jungkook looked at him teasingly. Yoongi wanted to wipe the smug look off of his face so badly. He grabbed Jungkook's chin, a bit roughly, and brought him closer to his mouth. Yoongi bit the tangerine, slightly touching Jungkook's lips. Taking the tangerine away from Jungkook's mouth with success, he looked at Jungkook, smiling in a sly manner. Jungkook was still looking at Yoongi with shock. Yoongi chewed the piece then smiled, laughing slightly at Jungkook's shocked face.

"Your face looks really cute right now, you know?" Yoongi said as he fed Jungkook a grape. Jungkook giggled as he chewed on the grape. The two fed each other, giggling and smiling like a newlywed couple. Once they were done, the two rinsed the plate and left it to dry. Yoongi looked at Jungkook, realizing something.

"Oh! Jungkook!" Yoongi exclaimed, turning towards him. Jungkook looked up, nodding.

"You need to shower you know. You haven't showered yet since you came here," Yoongi sniffed himself before continuing. "I do too."

"Ok, let's go then," Jungkook said, grinning as he held his hyung's hand and led them to the shower, hand in hand. They both undressed and got in, turning on the showerhead. As they stood there for a while, looking into each other's eyes, Yoongi realized something.

"We forgot our new pair of clothes," He said, ready to get out and get them. Jungkook held his wrist, pulling him back in.

"Nah, not needed," He said, reassuring Yoongi. Yoongi felt his back collide with Jungkook's chest before he turned the elder around. He simply nodded and let the water run down his body, liking how it felt against his skin. It was relaxing and made them feel like they were in the rain together. The younger slid his arm around the elder, holding him tightly. Jungkook pulled Yoongi closer to him, startling Yoongi. Yoongi gulped, as Jungkook got closer to his body, leaving very little space between the two. Yoongi ended up sliding his arms around Jungkook's neck. As he got closer, Jungkook looked into Yoongi's eyes then down to his lips. The tension between them grew larger, as the two paused. Jungkook smirked, parting his mouth to ask Yoongi a question.

"So, shall we kiss?"


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