14 - on a drive pt 2

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"Now where are we off to?"

Jungkook asked. A crumb sat on the corner of his mouth.

"Wait Jungkook, you have a crumb on your lip," Yoongi said, mirroring his action to where the crumb would be. Jungkook tried finding the morsel resting on his lip but failed. Yoongi, who was exhausted from watching Jungkook, cupped Jungkook's face. With a swift flick of his thumb, he swiped the crumb off of Jungkook's face. Jungkook stared at his hyung with admiration. He was amazed at how smooth his hyung was when flirting with him. It was perfect. Jungkook smiled at Yoongi, clothing Yoongi's hands with his. He delicately held Yoongi's hands, grinning wildly at the elder. The elder stared back, a little shocked at Jungkook's reaction, but pleased. He enjoyed making the younger happy with small gentle movements. Never did he want to see that lovely sweet smile fade away. Yoongi slid one of his hands away from underneath Jungkook's smooth hand, patting Jungkook's head and ruffling his hair. Jungkook's hair reminded Yoongi of teddy bear fur, very soft

"Now to answer your question, we should probably head back to the dorms. We shouldn't be out too late. Jin will be upset, well is say more upset than he already is. " Jungkook frowned, really meaning that he was having so much fun hanging out with Yoongi. He didn't want to go back.

"Can we be out here for a little longer? Please?" Jungkook requested, looking at Yoongi with puppy eyes. Yoongi tried to avoid looking at Jungkook as he took the car into drive, ready to head back home.

"And can we get some iced coffee for me and you?" He asked again, his doe eyes glistening. Yoongi bit his lip, trying to not listen to Jungkook. He wanted to say 'Another day', but he couldn't. He sighed, unable to resist the little one pleasing.

"Ok, fine," Yoongi said, smiling softly as he changed his path. Jungkook lifted his hands in tiny fists, shaking them in excitement. Yoongi chuckled gently, in love with Jungkook's soft little gestures. On their way to the spot Yoongi wanted to go, they picked up the drinks Jungkook wanted from a cafe. The ice clinked as Jungkook whirled the straw inside the plastic cup vigorously. Yoongi set his drink in the cup holder of the car. They drove off to a playground as the sunset. It was reaching the brink of the horizon. Yoongi parked the car on the edge of the road, getting out. Being a gentleman, he opened Jungkook's door for him as if he were a chauffeur.

"Thank you!" Jungkook said, smiling and giggling cutely as he jumped out of the car. Yoongi watched as Jungkook hopped out to the hill, looking like a tiny fluffy bunny, with his boba in his other hand. Yoongi grinned as he followed Jungkook, sipping from his drink. Jungkook had sat on the ground at the top of the hill, staring at the sun. Yoongi sat beside him.

"Soon it'll be night hyung, And then we'll see the stars and the moon," He said with glee. Jungkook looked overjoyed and energetic.



Jungkook replied, looking at Yoongi with his straw poking his lips.

"You seem so happy today. Why is that?"

Jungkook smiled, laughing softly.

"It's because I'm with you, hyung," Jungkook answered, looking back at the sun. Yoongi didn't know what went on after that. All he could think of and concentrate on was Jungkook's words. His words touched him deeply, as no one has told him those very words before. He felt very motivated that night. Yoongi felt like he could do anything, as long as Jungkook was by his side. Yoongi stretched his hand out to Jungkook's, grazing over his hand as a signal to hold it. Jungkook understood as he held his hyung's hand tightly, not wanting to let go. Yoongi smiled with content, hoping this moment could last forever. They watched the sunset and the moonrise, along with the stars. It was a moment with silence, but it was perfect for both. They enjoyed the peace that helped them escape from their busy lives. The stars shone on them endlessly as time passed by. Jungkook looked over to Yoongi, him looking back with a soft hum. Their eyes connected, as all, they were able to see was each other's beauty. Jungkook fluttered his eyes slowly as he leaned in. Yoongi noticed him and decided to also lean in closer. It was as if their faces were magnets, drawn to each other naturally. Their faces were inches away from each other. They could feel each other's warm breath against their lips, as they drew closer and closer. Their lips were millimeters just before Yoongi got a ring from his phone.

"Oh shit," Yoongi cursed under his breath. They both drew back rapidly, flustered as Yoongi answered the call. It was Jin, probably calling to interrogate them.


"Where are you two? It's past 1 a.m, come home now," Jin said, half sleepy.

"Right, we'll head back right now," Yoongi said, getting up. He tugged Jungkook's sleeve to heave him up as he ended the call. Jungkook stumbled up, still carrying his plastic coffee cup. Yoongi held Jungkook's hand in one hand and held his coffee cup in the other. They both dropped their plastic cups in the recycling bin, making sure to throw the straws in the garbage, not saying anything about how they almost just kissed.

Yoongi pulled Jungkook into the car, knowing they had to be back quickly not wanting to make Jin wait any longer. As Yoongi put the keys in the ignition, Jungkook stayed quiet, not sure what to say. On the way back it was also quiet, the only sounds being the car and the AC. They still held hands not wanting to let go. Jungkook knew they couldn't be like this in front of the others so he wanted it to last while they could make it.

The drive home went by quickly, both sad that their magical night had to come to an end. Jungkook pulled his hand away, knowing he'd think about it all night and probably for months on end. Yoongi got in front of Jungkook as they went into the form trying not to be loud, figuring most members were asleep, not wanting to wake them up. They saw Jin wasn't around so they figured it was just best to go to their rooms and get some sleep, going to have to deal with Jin's fuss in the morning. 

1091 words


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