27 - sea

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The couple danced together for a while longer till they ended up in Yoongi's bedroom, making out again. Their lips were raw and throbbing at this point but neither of them cared. They just couldn't get enough of each other. They wanted to savor each other to the most possible, even if it meant their lips getting redder. Spit coated each of their lips. Their lips had become lollipops to the other, sucking and softly biting on them for a long time. Whenever they parted from each other, they'd dive right back in again, after glancing at each other's face. They'd catch the lust held in each other's eyes, to kiss longer, to embrace each other longer in their own separate space. They knew there were only 2 or 3 more days until the others would be back and that they could be like this, so they had to spend their days alone wisely. Yoongi pulled away for another moment, looking at Jungkook's deep red, wet, and slobbery lips. He laid his head against the pillows and pulled Jungkooks body up on top of him. Jungkook smiled as he did that, placing his head against Yoongi's left shoulder. Their heated moment seemed to fade away into a sweet one. Yoongi could feel Jungkook's soft breathing on his neck. He could feel Jungkook's lips come in contact with his neck, as he can feel Jungkook leave an imprint of saliva in the form of his lips. Jungkook continued kissing Yoongi's neck softly and decorating it with soft, wet kisses. Yoongi liked the feeling of this. He felt loved and not ignored. His hands played with Jungkook's hair, as Jungkook touched every exposed part of Yoongi's body with his soaked lips. Eventually, Jungkook's lips made their way back up to Yoongi's, giving it a soft kiss. It wasn't anything too deep, just a soft peck, as Jungkook returned to his resting spot, Yoongi's collarbone, where he placed his head and started to doze off. Moonlight shone on them, while Yoongi toyed with Jungkook's hair until he fell asleep as well.

Yoongi woke up, in his dream, under the water. He wasn't drowning at all; instead, he was floating. He tried to move his feet, but it felt like they were both glued together. Yoongi looked down, a bit surprised to see a fishtail. Yoongi looked around him. There were other people swimming around as well, half-fish and half-human. Was he a merman? Yoongi moved his fin, seeing if he could move forward. Indeed, he did. He swam forward in the water, bubbles flowing from the end of his fin. He swam to the surface by instinct. It just felt right, to swim up there and see what he would set his eyes on. Right at that moment, he saw Jungkook sitting by the shore, alone and staring out into the sea as if he were waiting for someone. He sported a loose white shirt, the first buttons were not put together, revealing a bit of his chest. He wore pants that were black, the length of it reaching half of his shin. Yoongi started swimming to him, without any further thinking. He tried to speak, yell 'Jungkook!', but no matter how hard he tried, no sound came out. He noticed his fin turn into feet, and he had lost his voice. He gulped, remembering the tail of the little mermaid. If his dream was going to transform into that story, he was definitely going to be scarred for life. Jungkook, who had, fortunately, spotted him, grabbed his hand, pulling Yoongi towards him.

"Yoongi!" He said with delight. Yoongi smiled a gummy smile back at him, making Jungkook giggle at his boyfriend's cuteness. It was a good thing Jungkook knew him in this dream. If he didn't, it may have resulted in a disaster. For some strange reason, this dream felt oddly real, as Jungkook had run over and wrapped Yoongi's lower body with a cloth.

"Lemme carries you," Jungkook said, winking at Yoongi. Yoongi grinned, nodding eagerly. Jungkook lifted him up with ease, and Yoongi felt comfortable in Jungkook's arm. It was as if Jungkook was made for Yoongi since everything fit perfectly like a puzzle. Jungkook carried Yoongi into the palace, collecting stares from the servants as they went to Jungkook's room. Jungkook placed Yoongi softly on the bed, turning to his closet to find garments for his loved one. Yoongi sat up on the bed, feeling a little awkward in his exposed bare state. Jungkook noticed as he glanced in the mirror.

"It's ok, it's just the two of us here," Jungkook said, continuing to rummage around for something that would look good on Yoongi. Yoongi's body relaxed a little after Jungkook said that. Jungkook turned around, holding a long, silky robe along with underclothes.

"Go change, so you're more comfortable," Jungkook said, motioning to the bathroom. Yoongi nodded, getting up a bit wobbly as he hadn't used his legs in a good while, or well, really ever before in this dream. But he managed to get across to the bathroom with a little bit of assistance from Jungkook. Jungkook looped his arm around the back of Yoongi's neck. Yoongi's arm traveled to Jungkook's waist so he could support himself. He held a tight grip on Jungkook, scared to fall and break a limb. Jungkook sighed, and instead pinned Yoongi to the wall. Yoongi gulped, surprised by the force. Jungkook's handsome face was close to his now. Yoongi had to stop himself from reaching to kiss Jungkook's lovely, pink, shiny lips.

"Let me change you so it's easier for you."

Jungkook picked Yoongi away from the wall so that Yoongi was now resting on Jungkook's body.

"Hold on tight so you don't fall, okay baby?" Yoongi nodded and held on tightly, making sure he wouldn't fall as Jungkook had said. He rested his arms around Jungkook's shoulder, as he felt cool air breeze through his legs. Jungkook started covering Yoongi up, dressing him with caution as if he were a life-sized doll. Once he had fully clothed Yoongi, he picked Yoongi up once more, taking him to the bed and placing him down gently. Yoongi looked up and kissed Jungkook's lips, as a way of thanking him for the help. Jungkook grinned, before getting closer and kissing Yoongi with care. Yoongi gasped softly, as it was unexpected. The way Jungkook kissed him felt so beautiful and so magical. Yoongi kissed back, lurching forward to get all of Jungkook. Jungkook crawled on top of him onto the bed, making the kisses long, slow and passionate. Yoongi could feel his heartbeat quickening in pace, as Jungkook looked so beautiful slowly kissing him as he hovered above Yoongi's body. His face was so angelic, and his movements were soft and gentle, like a cloud. Yoongi could hear himself unconsciously moan softly, enjoying the overall feeling. Just as he did, Jungkook pulled back, a little shocked.

"Yoongi?" Yoongi blinked once, then twice, then felt himself return to reality, with Jungkook's face over his.


1170 words

posted 4-9-2021

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