17 - he's back

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Jungkook was back at the dorm after spending one week with his parents. He was glad his parents respected his decision to leave. Being the nice, caring parents they are, they bought Yoongi a new hoodie for Jungkook to give him, since Jungkook wanted to buy something for Yoongi so badly. It was similar to another hoodie Jungkook had in his closet. Jungkook always wanted to wear matching clothes with someone, as he thought it was cool and a fun thing to do. Yoongi and him had similar styles, so it was easy for them to match clothes. Sometimes, coincidentally, they’d wear matching fits, which made Jungkook conclude that they were soulmates of some form. Jungkook knocked on the dorm door, waiting shyly for Yoongi to answer it. He can hear Yoongi rapidly running towards the door in the hall, his footsteps loud and clear from behind the door. The door lock was unlocked, and the door was open wide, displaying Yoongi’s welcoming face. Jungkook smiled big as he saw Yoongi's face. Yoongi smiled back, clearly overjoyed on his face. It had only been seven days but it really had felt like forever. Yoongi stepped aside, Jungkook walking in dragging his suitcase behind him. He looked around the dorm, noticing it was spotless and there was no speck of dust in sight.
“Did you do all of this?” Jungkook asked, shocked at the effort Yoongi had put into it.
“Mhm!” Yoongi nodded enthusiastically. He looked so cute when he did that, since his hair bounced up and down, looking very fluffy.
"I'm going to put my stuff up then we can find something to do?" He said in a half statement half question manner. Yoongi nodded letting him go do that while he got them snacks figuring Jungkook was probably hungry. He sat in the living room with one bottle of banana milk and one can of americano in front of him along with snacks on the table. Jungkook emerged from the room a while later. Yoongi patted the spot beside him for Jungkook to sit on. Jungkook sat down, grabbing the bottle of banana milk as well. He took a sip, smiling. Yoongi found himself happy whenever Jungkook smiled.
"So what else did you do here?"
“Well, I’m almost done with my mixtape, just need to add some final touches and record the music videos.”
Jungkook’s eyes lit up when the elder mentioned music videos.
“You’re gonna record a music video?”
Yoongi nodded, smiling at Jungkook’s precious reaction.
“Can I come and watch you?” Jungkook asked, leaning forward.
“And what would you do on the set?” Yoongi asked.
“I’d encourage you, help out with tiny things, and see how things go!” Jungkook exclaimed. He looked so happy about Yoongi filming a music video. Yoongi grinned back at Jungkook.
“Of course you can come and watch. You’d help out a lot just by standing there,” Yoongi said, glad about Jungkook’s enthusiasm.
“You’d look so cool hyung,” Jungkook added, his mouth forming an ‘O’ shape.
“You think so?” Yoongi asked, sipping his americano.
“Yep! I wanna be just like you!” Jungkook added.
Yoongi smiled and hummed, finding his response cute.
"Well, what do you wanna do now? Go out? Or stay here and just chill?"
Jungkook hummed, pondering for a moment
"How about we stay here for the day and tomorrow we can go out?" Jungkook suggested.
“Makes sense because you just came back,” Yoongi agreed, nodding.
“So now that we planned on where we’ll be for today, what do you wanna do?”
The first thing that popped into Jungkook's head was cuddling. "How about we cuddle?"
Yoongi felt his cheeks grow pink. He didn’t expect the younger to suddenly ask to cuddle. According to him, Jungkook’s suggestion was sudden, but adorable.
“Of course, we don’t have to, but-”
“No, I’d love to,” Yoongi blurted out, before Jungkook could complete his sentence. Jungkook looked up at Yoongi, his eyes sparkling with joy.
"Well my room then? I've got a bit of a bigger bed so that gives us more room." Jungkook hopped off the couch, throwing away the now empty bottle of banana milk. Yoongi followed behind, throwing the cup of his Americano out into this trash like Jungkook. Jungkook flopped onto the bed, patting to the spot beside him for Yoongi to come and be beside him. Yoongi laid down right next to Jungkook. It felt much comfy on Jungkook’s bed, somehow. The bed felt like a million feathers stuffed into a fabric, according to Yoongi. He felt Jungkook’s warm hand slide around his waist, as Jungkook pulled him closer. Yoongi felt himself heat up because of Jungkook’s bold actions. He hadn't expected Jungkook to be so close, though he didn't mind it. He actually quite liked the closeness. It made him feel safe and loved. It felt like a warm piece of home. This feeling was a simple feeling Yoongi craved for. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jungkook’s neck, pulling each other’s faces closer to each other. He rubbed his nose against Jungkook’s. Jungkook giggled, as it was tickling him. Yoongi smiled too. Yoongi's hand lingered up the younger's back, him not sure what else to do with it. He threw one leg on top of the other’s body, pulling each other closer and closer. They became so close that suddenly there was only a few centimeter gap between them. Jungkook smiled at Yoongi, before closing his eyes and dozing off. Yoongi stared at Jungkook, admiring his lovely features. The tiny chocolate chip under his lips, his soft, pink delicate lips, his smooth, clean hair, his big, lovely doe eyes, and his tiny, boopable nose. Yoongi adored Jungkook very much, as the younger one was such a lovely one in this world. Yoongi grinned to himself as he snuggled his head into Jungkook’s chest. It was warm and cozy, as well as safe. The two stayed like that for quite awhile, dozing off. Time seemed to go by so quickly but also so slowly at the same time. In other words, it felt like a mini version of heaven. The best parts were yet to come.

1029 words
Posted 3-6-2021

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